5 сент. 2011 г.

Хождения во Флоренцию. Флоренция и флорентийцы в русской культуре. Из века ХIХ в век ХХI

Под общ. ред. Е.Ю.Гениевой.
В антологии Флоренция представлена сквозь призму восприятия знаменитых русских: художников, поэтов, музыкантов, историков, философов, общественных деятелей XX века. Все они так или иначе выражали "тоску по Флоренции", тягу и любовь к Средиземноморью, к истокам европейской культуры. Открывают книгу письма художника В. А. Серова, написанные в конце XIX века, и завершает очерк современного историка-медиевиста М. Л. Абрамсон. Читатель познакомится со страницами воспоминаний, писем, стихотворений, очерков М. Нестерова, Б. Зайцева, Н. Бердяева, Вяч. Иванова, А. Ахматовой, О. Мандельштама, В. Вейдле, И. Бродского, А. Сахарова, А. Лосева, Л. Баткина, М. Розовского, П. Вайля и многих других. В расположении материала соблюдается авторский и хронологический принцип. В книге использованы старинные гравюры, фотографии первой трети XX века и цветные фотографии Сергея Ширяна. Издание подготовлено при участии Флорентийского общества в Москве и является логическим продолжением антологии "Хождения во Флоренцию. Флоренция и флорентийцы в русской культуре. Век XIX".
М.: Центр книги ВГБИЛ им. М.И.Рудомино, 2009.
Шорт-лист премии "Книга года", 2011 в номинации «Страна высоких вдохновений…»

Не надейтесь избавиться от книг! Жан-Клод Карьер, Умберто Эко

Вы привыкли читать с экрана компьютера, мобильного телефона, электронного "ридера"? Вы не ходите в книжные магазины и уж подавно в библиотеки? Вы надеетесь избавиться от книг?
"Не надейтесь!" - говорят два европейских интеллектуала, участники предлагаемой Вам дружеской беседы: "Книга - это как ложка, молоток, колесо или ножницы. После того, как они были изобретены, ничего лучшего уже не придумаешь".
Умберто Эко - знаменитый итальянский писатель, ученый-медиевист и семиотик. Жан-Клод Карьер - известный французский романист, историк, сценарист, актер, патриарх французского кинематографа, сотрудничавший с такими режиссерами, как Бунюэль, Годар, Вайда и Милош Форман.
Страсть обоих - книги: старые и новые, популярные и редкие, умные и глупые. И предмет своей страсти они отстаивают, пуская в ход всю свою эрудицию и остроумие.
Авторы легко переходят от серьезных тем - способов передачи знаний в культуре, роли папируса и мнемотехник, Интернета и электронных книг - к историческим анекдотам и бытовым курьезам. Между делом читатель узнает, почему "своими знаниями о прошлом мы обязаны кретинам, имбецилам или врагам", а "курицам понадобилось сто лет, чтобы научиться не переходить через улицу". И почему Умберто Эко прочел "Войну и мир" только в сорок лет.
Эта книга о судьбе книг - ностальгическое признание в любви и веская защитительная речь в пользу самой себя
Издательство: Симпозиум, 2010 г.
ISBN 978-5-89091-423-1

4 сент. 2011 г.

The Great Brain Race: How Global Universities Are Reshaping the World. by Ben Wildavsky

In The Great Brain Race, former U.S. News & World Report education editor Ben Wildavsky presents the first popular account of how international competition for the brightest minds is transforming the world of higher education--and why this revolution should be welcomed, not feared. Every year, nearly three million international students study outside of their home countries, a 40 percent increase since 1999. Newly created or expanded universities in China, India, and Saudi Arabia are competing with the likes of Harvard and Oxford for faculty, students, and research preeminence. Satellite campuses of Western universities are springing up from Abu Dhabi and Singapore to South Africa. Wildavsky shows that as international universities strive to become world-class, the new global education marketplace is providing more opportunities to more people than ever before.
'Ben Wildavsky has given us the most thorough and penetrating account to date of how globalization is transforming higher education around the world. The details are rich and compelling, and Wildavsky's judgments are, in my opinion, unerring.'--Richard C. Levin, president, Yale University
Comprehensive and fascinating. . . . [Wildavsky] reports on American universities, notably NYU, branching out internationally; on foreign governments, like China's, spending vast sums to improve their own institutions, partly to attract scholars and students from abroad; on for-profit businesses, like Laureate and the Washington Post Co.'s Kaplan Inc., planting campuses in remote global locations. . . . This is Mr. Wildavsky's major argument. The globalization of education is producing what he calls a 'free trade in minds'--beneficial not only to countries sending their students abroad and countries accepting them but also, through positive externalities, to the broader world. -- James K. Glassman, Wall Street Journal
Academic globalisation has gone into overdrive in the modern university. Some of this is along familiar lines--academics collaborating with ever more foreign colleagues and sabbatical-seekers contriving to spend ever more time abroad. But Mr. Wildavsky demonstrates that globalisation is now much more complicated than just cross-border collaboration spiced up with junkets. . . . This is a fascinating story. -- Economist
Winner of the 2010 Philip E. Frandson Award
Honorable Mention for the 2010 PROSE Award for Excellence in Education
Princeton University Press
ISBN-13: 978-0691146898

Коллекция Оскара Уайльда

Застольные беседы
Впервые на русском языке
«Застольные беседы» Оскара Уайльда вышли на его родине через сто лет после его смерти. По свидетельствам современников писателя, его устные рассказы были едва ли не ярче его опубликованных произведений. Благодаря усилиям литературоведа Томаса Райта сорок два таких рассказа собраны теперь под одной обложкой и каждый из них сопровождает подробный комментарий составителя.

Портрет Дориана Грея
Полный вариант романа. перевод с английского Марии Абкиной
Художник — тот, кто создает прекрасное. Раскрыть людям себя и скрыть художника — вот к чему стремится искусство. Критик — это тот, кто способен в новой форме или новыми средствами передать свое впечатление от прекрасного. Высшая, как и низшая, форма критики — один из видов автобиографии. Те, кто в прекрасном находит дурное, — люди испорченные, и при том испорченность не делает их привлекательными. Это большой грех. Те, кто способен узреть в прекрасном его высокий смысл,—люди культурные. Они не безнадежны. Но избранник—тот, кто в прекрасном видит лишь одно: Красоту.

Портрет г-на У. Г. Рассказы. Эссе. Заметки. Дневники.
Впервые на русском языке
Третья книга "Коллекции Оскара Уайльда" включает значительную часть «малой прозы» Оскара Уайльда и фрагменты его «Оксфордского дневника», впервые переведенные на русский язык. Автор блестящих рассказов, Уайльд отдал немало лет журналистике, а также трудам, посвященным теории искусств. Дневниковые записи, сделанные им в студенческие годы, удивляют не только широтой интересов, но и поразительной для столь молодого человека глубиной осмысления философии и истории.

3 сент. 2011 г.

American Colossus: The Triumph of Capitalism, 1865-1900. By H.W. Brands

In this timely study, University of Texas historian Brands (Traitor to His Class) describes the rise of the great corporate capitalists after the Civil War. J. Pierpont Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and Andrew Carnegie constituted an trinity of power-obsessed individuals who instinctively understood that wealth was the ultimate political weapon. They defined the cold-blooded authority of big business. Fascinating detours away from the tale of corporate empires examine the Reconstruction process in the South, the Indian Wars of the West, the opening of the Great Plains, immigration in the East, and the rise of organized labor and the agrarian reformers. Effectively, excerpts from the first-person accounts of Booker T. Washington, Black Elk, Jacob Riis, and others convey the drama of the time. Perhaps the only significant omission in this fast-paced, engrossing narrative is a tendency to dwell on political doctrines that sought to repudiate or restrain capitalism while only briefly discussing the dogma of Herbert Spencer's social Darwinism, which favored the monopolists. - Publishers Weekly
“A superb new history... A big, brash narrative.” —Bloomberg News
“A first-rate overview of one of the most important periods in American history... Brands is a terrific writer who commands his material, handles this sprawling, complicated story with authority and panache.” —The New York Times

1 сент. 2011 г.

The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden Age by Simon Schama

Despite Calvinist sermons on thrift, the Dutch upper and middle classes flaunted their wealth in the consumer paradise that was 17th century Hollandbut they lived uneasily with material riches. How the Dutch reconciled piety with their commitment to profits is just one of the conundrums explored in this cultural history by a Harvard professor. Netherlandic seafarers built a world empire in just two generations; the Dutch nation's precocious rise to power as presented here helps to explain their defensive patriotism, the mania of housewives for cleanliness and the ideal of the family as a miniature commonwealth. The Dutch urge to classify was evident in everything from their tulip classification system to paintings of children's games. Delving into customs, beliefs, popular art and quirks of behavior, Schama has fashioned a tour de force, a profound, unconventional and rewarding portrait of a people. Photos not seen by PW. Reader's Subscription Book Club alternate.
"History on the grand scale...An ambitious portrait of one of the most remarkable episodes in modern history."--New York Times
"Wonderfully inclusive; with wit and intense curiosity he teases out meaning from every aspect of Dutch seventeenth-century life."--Robert Hughes

Venice Reconsidered: The History and Civilization of an Italian City-State, 1297-1797

John Jeffries Martin (Editor), Dennis Romano (Editor)
Venice Reconsidered offers a dynamic portrait of Venice from the establishment of the Republic at the end of the thirteenth century to its fall to Napoleon in 1797. In contrast to earlier efforts to categorize Venice's politics as strictly republican and its society as rigidly tripartite and hierarchical, the scholars in this volume present a more fluid and complex interpretation of Venetian culture. Drawing on a variety of disciplines—history, art history, and musicology—these essays present innovative variants of the myth of Venice—that nearly inexhaustible repertoire of stories Venetians told about themselves.
John Martin and Dennis Romano make a very persuasive and compelling argument for the radical shift in Venetian historiography, from the strands of myth and anti-myth in traditional scholarship to the contemporary image—more complex, more nuanced, and more flexible—developed by the other essays in this volume. Gene Brucker, University of California, Berkeley
An exemplary collection of essays which taken together demonstrate not only how much our view of Venice has changed in the past twenty-five years but also how much the Venetians' representation of themselves changed over the half millennium of the Republic's history. Nicholas Davidson, St. Edmund Hall, Oxford
The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002
ISBN-13: 978-0801873089

Enrico Dandolo and the Rise of Venice. Thomas F. Madden

Between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries, Venice transformed itself from a struggling merchant commune to a powerful maritime empire that would shape events in the Mediterranean for the next four hundred years. In this magisterial new book on medieval Venice, Thomas F. Madden traces the city-state's extraordinary rise through the life of Enrico Dandolo (c. 1107–1205), who ruled Venice as doge from 1192 until his death. The scion of a prosperous merchant family deeply involved in politics, religion, and diplomacy, Dandolo led Venice's forces during the disastrous Fourth Crusade (1201–1204), which set out to conquer Islamic Egypt but instead destroyed Christian Byzantium. Yet despite his influence on the course of Venetian history,we know little about Dandolo, and much of what is known has been distorted by myth.
The first full-length study devoted to Dandolo's life and times, Enrico Dandolo and the Rise of Venice corrects the many misconceptions about him that have accumulated over the centuries, offering an accurate and incisive assessment of Dandolo's motives, abilities, and achievements as doge, as well as his role—and Venice's—in the Fourth Crusade. Madden also examines the means and methods by which the Dandolo family rose to prominence during the preceding century, thus illuminating medieval Venice's singular political, social, and religious environment. Culminating with the crisis precipitated by the failure of the Fourth Crusade, Madden's groundbreaking work reveals the extent to which Dandolo and his successors became torn between the anxieties and apprehensions of Venice's citizens and its escalating obligations as a Mediterranean power.
In addition to a lively narrative, Madden offers a new interpretation of Venice's role in the Fourth Crusade. Choice
An elegantly constructed book that gives a new twist to the fourth crusade and a new perspective on the government and constitution of Venice at a critical moment in its development. International History Review
The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006
ISBN-13: 978-0801885396.

Venice, Cità Excelentissima: Selections from the Renaissance Diaries of Marin Sanudo

When Venice was both a center of Renaissance culture and a gathering place for news from around the world, Marin Sanudo tried to write everything down. He was the finest diarist of his time, with a keen eye for the everyday and the monumental alike. Venice, Cità Excelentissima offers a broad and engaging introduction to Sanudo's detailed observations of life in his beloved city and the world it knew.
This expertly translated volume glimpses into Renaissance life at a spectacular time when Venice was at the top of its game. Organized thematically, the selections offer a Venetian's viewpoint of the glories of high culture, the gritty reality and sparkling drama of daily life, the perils of diplomacy and war, and the high-risk ventures of voyages and commerce. Here, the work of the Renaissance's most assiduous historian is finally given the accessibility it warrants and the merit it is due.
Marin Sanudo's diaries are like having a New York Times for thirty years of the Venetian Renaissance. Pulsing with life, his fifty-six close-packed volumes illuminate government, crime, justice, intrigue, the economy, the arts, architecture, war on land and sea, and the fascinating personality of Sanudo himself. A book as scintillating and colorful as the jewel of cities that it chronicles, this crystalline translation and fascinating commentary make the most important source for Venetian history available in English for the first time. (Joseph Connors, Director, Villa I Tatti, Florence)

The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008
ISBN-13: 978-0801887659

Venice: Pure City. Peter Ackroyd

Even during the dominance of the Roman Empire, Venice and Venetians were regarded as distinct by their neighbors. They spoke Latin, and later Italian, in an unusual dialect. Their geographic position as an island in a lagoon contributed to their fierce spirit of independence, but it also positioned them to control trade routes to and from the East. Ackroyd, the novelist, biographer, and writer of tributes to great urban centers (London), has captured the rich tradition, beauty, and vibrancy of this magnificent city in a survey that combines political and artistic history with aspects of a travelogue. Ackroyd moves back and forth in time as he examines the growth of Venice, from prehistoric settlement to its place in both the Roman and Byzantine empires to the present time. As he describes the development of the art and architectural treasures, he includes informative and charming diversions on various traditions, events, and personalities. For those who have visited or hope to visit the “Pearl of the Adriatic,” this work will be a treasure.
“Ackroyd — the marvelously erudite and staggeringly industrious English writer — [has compiled] an encyclopedic amount of general and arcane factual information and then [arranged] it less chronologically than thematically — much as one might encounter it in the course of a long walk over fascinating terrain in the company of a knowledgeable but never pedantic companion. It's an experience rendered all the more agreeable by the independent turn of Ackroyd's critical imagination and lapidary quality of his prose.” —Los Angeles Times
"Venice tends to provoke extreme reactions. People love it or hate it. Ackroyd’s response, however, is pleasingly complex. He observes his subject with a forensic yet morally neutral eye. You can tell he is fascinated by the place; but he is not blind to its many flaws." —The Times
Nan A. Talese, 2010
ISBN-13: 978-0385531528
PETER ACKROYD is the author of Thames; London: The Biography; Albion: The Origins of the English Imagination; Shakespeare; acclaimed biographies of T. S. Eliot, Charles Dickens, William Blake, and Sir Thomas More; several successful novels; and the series Ackroyd’s Brief Lives. He has won the Whitbread Book Award for Biography, the Royal Society of Literature’s William Heinemann Award, the James Tait Black Memorial Prize, the Guardian Fiction Prize, the Somerset Maugham Award, and the South Bank Award for Literature.

Men of Empire: Power and Negotiation in Venice's Maritime State. Monique O'Connell

The city-state of Venice, with a population of less than 100,000, dominated a fragmented and fragile empire at the boundary between East and West, between Latin Christian, Greek Orthodox, and Muslim worlds. In this institutional and administrative history, Monique O'Connell explains the structures, processes, practices, and laws by which Venice maintained its vast overseas holdings.
The legal, linguistic, religious, and cultural diversity within Venice's empire made it difficult to impose any centralization or unity among its disparate territories. O'Connell has mined the vast archival resources to explain how Venice's central government was able to administer and govern its extensive empire.
O'Connell finds that successful governance depended heavily on the experience of governors, an interlocking network of noble families, who were sent overseas to negotiate the often conflicting demands of Venice's governing council and the local populations. In this nexus of state power and personal influence, these imperial administrators played a crucial role in representing the state as a hegemonic power; creating patronage and family connections between Venetian patricians and their subjects; and using the judicial system to negotiate a balance between local and imperial interests.
In explaining the institutions and individuals that permitted this type of negotiation, O'Connell offers a historical example of an early modern empire at the height of imperial expansion.
O'Connell offers an excellent guide to how Venice ruled its empire. - Choice
The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009
ISBN-13: 978-0801891458

Средневековая Венеция. Жан-Клод Оке

Когда-то Венеция была столицей могущественной республики, имевшей большое влияние в Средиземноморье. Ныне это прекрасно сохранившийся древний город, история которого тесным образом связана с историей европейской культуры. Французский историк Ж.-К.Оке в своей книге "Средневековая Венеция" ограничивает "время действия" рамками 1500 года. По мнению автора, именно средневековый период Венецианской республики наиболее интересен, так как в это время здесь в полной мере определились черты уникальной цивилизации, оказав на Европу важное культурное и политическое влияние.

Издательство: Вече, 2006 г.
ISBN 5-9533-1622-4

Venice: Lion City: The Religion of Empire. Garry Wills

The tiny island city-state of Venice was, for a time, one of the greatest maritime powers the world has ever known, its influence extending far beyond the Mediterranean. Garry Wills, well known for his studies of American political history, travels far afield to explore Renaissance Venice at the height of its power.
Venice, Wills writes, was "not an ideal state." Its champions would claim otherwise; they held a view of Venetian "exceptionalism," an idea that the city-state, like its classical Athenian model, was somehow destined for great things. It achieved many of them, gathering phenomenal wealth through the monopolies of its many guilds, floating great navies that controlled the seas, and building a splendid, renowned city. Wills profiles the leaders, great families, corporations, and institutions (including what he calls a "gerontocracy" of elder statesmen) that allowed such growth, as well as women, ordinary workers, and other actors who do not often figure in histories of the period. He examines the religious beliefs and worldly wisdom that motivated and justified the Venetian impulse to achieve wealth and power, and he takes his readers on a learned tour of Venice's architectural and artistic glories--many of which survive today.
No, it was not ideal, Wills concludes, "just better than most of those around it--better able to sustain, over a long period, whatever ideals it had." His account of those ideals and the city they made will appeal to a wide audience of readers.

Образование Венецианской колониальной империи. Соколов Н.П.

В основу монографии легла докторская диссертация завкафедрой всеобщей истории Горьковского университета профессора Николая Петровича Соколова (1890-1979). В работе описывается ход превращения Венеции из городской аристократической республики св. Марка в империю Восточного Средиземноморья (конец X – первая половина XIII в.), анализируются его внутренние пред-посылки и внешнеполитические аспекты, включая отно-шения с Византией, роль Венеции в организации IV крестового похода.

Издательство Саратовского университета, 1963.

полный текст книги

The Trouble with City Planning by Kristina Ford

After the vast destruction wrought by Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans faces a rare chance to rebuild, with an unprecedented opportunity to plan what gets built. As the city's director of planning from 1992 until 2000, Kristina Ford is uniquely placed to use these opportunities as a springboard for an eye-opening discussion of the intransigent problems and promising possibilities facing city planners across the nation and beyond. In "The Trouble with City Planning", Ford argues that almost no part of our usual understanding of the phrase 'city planning' is accurate: not our conception of the plan itself, nor our sense of what city planners do or who plans are made for or how planners determine what citizens want. Most important, our conventional understanding does not tell us how a plan affects what gets built in any city in America. Ford advances several planning innovations that, if adopted, could be crucial for restoring New Orleans, but also transformative wherever citizens are troubled by the results of their city's plan. This keenly intelligent book is destined to become a classic for planners and citizens alike.
"In what should be regarded as one of the best urban planning texts to come off the presses in the past decade, Ford traces the origins, evolution, and practices of city planning, outlines its troubles, and offers a cogent remedy for its plight."—Books and Culture
“A thoughtful, engaging, and cautionary account of the interaction of professional planners, politicians, developers, and citizens in contemporary American cities. The message that planning can and must do better with respect to daily decision making, as well as big and recalcitrant but now urgent problems, and that informed citizens are crucial to this, is timely and important.”—Alan Plattus, Yale University

Yale University Press , 2011
ISBN: 9780300177428

Symphonies Nos. 2 & 6 David Matthews

You can't stop David Matthews writing symphonies... and please don't try. Both symphonies here... reveal his lively Englishness and bright ear for colour. The glorious Sixth, grounded in a Vaughan Williams hymn tune, also shows a flair for large structures. Jac van Steen and the BBC National Orchestra of Wales give persuasive performances; the Second's journey from innocence to experience is especially thrilling. - The Times

2011 BBC Music Magazine Award

Dutton CDLX 7234


Death in Venice: Britten Benjamin

Performer: Conductor: Bruno Bartoletti
Direction & costumes: Pierluigi Pizzi
Chorus director: Alfonso Caiani
Choreography: Gheorghe Iancu
Gustav von Aschenbach - Marlin Miller
Voice of Apollo - R.-François Bitar
Traveller and other roles - Scott Hendricks
Tadzio - Alessandro Riga
Jaschiu - Danilo Palmieri
Orchestra e Coro del Teatro La Fenice
Teatro La Fenice, Venice 2008

No other production of this opera has so successfully transported the audience through a series of fully conceived sets...Marlin Miller sings with a refined lyrical sensibility...the beauty and grandeur of the production on DVD make it an exceptional treat. It is unlikely we will see a Death in Venice to rival this one visually for a long time. - Gramophone
Gramophone Awards 2011 finalist
Dynamic: 33608

The Fairy Queen


Jonathan Kent’s spectacular production of Purcell’s huge semi-opera is joyous, imaginative and witty. Glyndebourne, with its intimate auditorium, provides the perfect setting for a drama which is partly spoken and partly sung. Based on an adaptation of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the story is lavished with a brilliance that justifies this production’s acclaim. Paul Brown’s inventive designs, Kim Brandstrup’s exquisite choreography, an excellent cast of actors and singers and outstanding playing by the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment under William Christie combine to make a seamless theatrical experience, here recorded in High Definition and true surround sound.

“There are too many highlights to mention in this varied and infinitely delightful entertainment. Glyndebourne has a triumph on its hands.” The Stage

2011 BBC Music Magazine Award

Opus Arte 1031 D

Dan Cruickshank's Adventures in Architecture

BBC: Шедевры мировой архитектуры (4 DVD)

Историк и ученый Дэн Крикшэнк предлагает зрителям совершить увлекательный и познавательный вояж по самым знаменитым памятникам архитектуры, которые оказали огромное влияние на историю человечества, восхитили нас и изменили наше восприятие мира. Сопоставляя между собой совершенно разные по стилю со-оружения, вы увидите, сколь искусно они были сделаны, как связаны между собой и поразитесь, насколько сильно в них отразились стремления и убеждения людей.

Дэн Крикшанк — остроумный и обаятельный дедушка с BBC — путешествует по самым необычным зданиям, которые когда-либо создали люди. Он строит юрты вместе с эскимосами на Северном полюсе и складывает хижины в тропиках из пальмовых листьев, залезает на вершину небоскрёба и оказывается на заброшенных развалинах храмов Центральной Америки. Архитектура для него способ прикоснуться к другим эпохам и понять совсем других людей: в фильме почти не рассказывается о зданиях, изменивших историю архитектуры, зато подробно объясняется, что обязательно должно стоять в кухне настоящего брахмана. - Lookatme

Page One-Inside the New York Times

Director: Andrew Rossi

In the tradition of great fly-on-the-wall documentaries, the film deftly gains unprecedented access to the New York Times newsroom and the inner workings of the Media Desk. With the Internet surpassing print as our main news source and newspapers all over the country going bankrupt, Page One chronicles the transformation of the media industry at its time of greatest turmoil. Writers like Brian Stelter, Tim Arango and the salty but brilliant David Carr track print journalism’s metamorphosis even as their own paper struggles to stay vital and solvent, while their editors and publishers grapple with up-to-the-minute issues like controversial new sources and the implications of an online pay-wall. Meanwhile, rigorous journalism is thriving—Page One gives us an up-close look at the vibrant cross-cubicle debates and collaborations, tenacious jockeying for on-record quotes, and skillful page-one pitching that brings the most venerable newspaper in America to fruition each and every day.
"Pick of the Week" -Time Out NY
"A VITAL, INDISPENSABLE HELL-RAISER. Potent and provocative." -Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
"Slick, fun, and surprisingly sexy." -John Lopez, Vanity Fair
"Essential viewing for news junkies" -Stephen Garrett, Esquire
"EXCELLENT. It's a movie with heroes, villains (sort of), humor, anxiety, anger, hope and conflict, that just happens to be true. It also happens to be a film anyone who cares about the future should see." -Mark Rabinowitz, CNN

BBC: Сила искусства. (8 DVD)

Часть 1. Караваджо. Рембрандт / BBC: Сила искусства. Часть 2. Пикассо. Бернини / BBC: Сила искусства. Часть 3. Давид. Тернер / BBC: Сила искусства. Часть 4. Ван Гог. Ротко

"Этот цикл фильмов совсем не похож на утомительную прогулку по музеям мира. Вместо этого предлагаем Вам нечто необычное и захватывающее, похожее на прыжок с парашютом в вулкан творческого воображения восьми гениев живописи: Караваджо, Рембрандта, Пикассо, Ван Гога, Тернера, Ротко, Давида, Бернини. Только так можно представить, почувствовать и оценить, как же создавались величайшие шедевры живописи на Земле". Симон Шама

Британский историк искусства Саймон Шама придумал «The Power of Art» как цикл из 8 документальных передач, посвящённых одному шедевру каждого из художников: Караваджо, Бернини, Рембрандту, Давиду, Тёрнеру, Ван Гогу, Пикассо и Ротко. Но за каждой историей шедевра в его фильмах стоит фигура автора, его современников, тогдашней моды и образа жизни. Таким образом история одной картины превращается в убедительный детальный слепок названной эпохи: от Позднего Ренессанса до середины 20 века. Один из самых дорогих документальных фильмов об искусстве содержит огромное количество исторических врезок, архивных материалов и монологи пристрастного и увлечённого Шамы. - Lookatme