Pulitzer Prize finalist
This original, deeply researched history shows the transcontinentals to be pivotal actors in the making of modern America. But the triumphal myths of the golden spike, robber barons larger than life, and an innovative capitalism all die here. Instead we have a new vision of the Gilded Age, often darkly funny, that shows history to be rooted in failure as well as success
A powerful book, crowded with telling details and shrewd observations - New York Times Book Review
An exciting story and well told - Wall Street Journal
30 апр. 2012 г.
Маленький тюремный роман. Юз Алешковский
Действие романа происходит в Москве, во время сталинских репрессий. Главный герой - Александр Владимирович Доброво, выдающийся биолог-генетик, - пребывает в застенках НКВД, где из него пытаются выбить ложные показания. Он стойко переносит избиения и пытки, но угрозы в адрес семьи оказываются выше его сил. Боль за невинных родных разрывает герою сердцу и душу. Чтобы их спасти, он затевает слишком рискованную игру.
Русская премия 2012
Русская премия 2012
Золотой век Grand Tour: Путешествие как феномен культуры. Коллективная монография
Название обманывает: коллекция хороших по большей части статей посвящена истории феномена Grand Tour лишь отчасти; больше половины книги занимают истории о совсем других, русских, путешествиях или теоретические рассуждения о путешествиях вообще. Свежий взгляд на Путешествие Радищева. Версия о том, что совершенное в 1867 году путешествие в Россию Чарлза Доджсона, более известного как Льюис Кэрролл, отра-зилось в Алисе в Зазеркалье что Россия и есть это самое Зазеркалье. Замечательно остроумные эссе А. П. Люсого Путе-шествие Екатерины II в Крым как спектакль и проект и Лаоко-оноград, или Стамбул с невидимыми змеями о Бродском среди прочего. Дельный текст К. Разлогова Road Movie как мифо-творческий жанр американского кино. - Афиша
Мин-во культуры РФ; Рос. ин-т культурологии; 978-5-91419-589-9
Мин-во культуры РФ; Рос. ин-т культурологии; 978-5-91419-589-9
critic picks
Immortality: The Quest to Live Forever and How It Drives Civilization. Stephen Cave
A fascinating work of popular philosophy and history that both enlightens and entertains, Stephen Cave’s Immortality investigates whether it just might be possible to live forever and whether we should want to. But it also makes a powerful argument, which is that it’s our very preoccupation with defying mortality that drives civilization.
Central to this book is the metaphor of a mountaintop where one can find the Immortals. Since the dawn of humanity, everyone – whether they know it or not – has been trying to climb that mountain. But there are only four paths up its treacherous slope, and there have only ever been four paths. Throughout history, people have wagered everything on their choice of the correct path, and fought wars against those who’ve chosen differently.
In his survey of the subject, Stephen Cave, a British philosopher, argues that man’s various tales of immortality can be boiled down into four basic “narratives”… For the aspiring undying, Mr Cave unfor-tunately concludes that immortality is a mirage. But his demolition project is fascinating in its own right…If anything, readers might want more of Mr. Cave’s crisp conversational prose - The Economist
A must-read exploration of what spurs human ingenuity. Every once in a while a book comes along that catches me by surprise and provides me with an entirely new lens through which to view the world… Cave presents an extremely compelling case – one that has changed my view of the driving force of civilization as much as J.Diamond did years ago with his brilliant Guns, Germs and Steel - New Scientist magazine
Crown, ISBN-10: 0307884910
Central to this book is the metaphor of a mountaintop where one can find the Immortals. Since the dawn of humanity, everyone – whether they know it or not – has been trying to climb that mountain. But there are only four paths up its treacherous slope, and there have only ever been four paths. Throughout history, people have wagered everything on their choice of the correct path, and fought wars against those who’ve chosen differently.
In his survey of the subject, Stephen Cave, a British philosopher, argues that man’s various tales of immortality can be boiled down into four basic “narratives”… For the aspiring undying, Mr Cave unfor-tunately concludes that immortality is a mirage. But his demolition project is fascinating in its own right…If anything, readers might want more of Mr. Cave’s crisp conversational prose - The Economist
A must-read exploration of what spurs human ingenuity. Every once in a while a book comes along that catches me by surprise and provides me with an entirely new lens through which to view the world… Cave presents an extremely compelling case – one that has changed my view of the driving force of civilization as much as J.Diamond did years ago with his brilliant Guns, Germs and Steel - New Scientist magazine
Crown, ISBN-10: 0307884910
critic picks
Krupp: A History of the Legendary German Firm. Harold James
The history of Krupp is the history of modern Germany. No company symbolized the best and worst of that history more than the famous steel and arms maker. In this book, Harold James tells the story of the Krupp family and its industrial empire between the early nineteenth century and the present, and analyzes its transition from a family business to one owned by a nonprofit foundation.
"Krupp is a meticulous company history, enhanced by the author's immersion in the company's archives. The book is also, inevitably, the biography of a family. . . . Krupp rewards a reader's effort. The book shows us not only a family and a company, but also the state in its various forms with which Krupp has been associated for two centuries. The Krupp story remains troubling, but Mr. James has done much to give us a richer understanding of a company saddled with one ignoble chapter in a long history." - Wall Street Journal
Princeton University Press, ISBN: 9781400841868
"Krupp is a meticulous company history, enhanced by the author's immersion in the company's archives. The book is also, inevitably, the biography of a family. . . . Krupp rewards a reader's effort. The book shows us not only a family and a company, but also the state in its various forms with which Krupp has been associated for two centuries. The Krupp story remains troubling, but Mr. James has done much to give us a richer understanding of a company saddled with one ignoble chapter in a long history." - Wall Street Journal
Princeton University Press, ISBN: 9781400841868
critic picks
The Waters of Rome. Aqueducts, Fountains, and the Birth of the Baroque City. Katherine Wentworth Rinne
In this pioneering study of the water infrastructure of Renaissance Rome, urban historian Katherine Rinne offers a new understanding of how technological and scientific developments in aqueduct and fountain architecture helped turn a medieval backwater into the preeminent city of early modern Europe. Supported by the author’s extensive topographical research, this book presents a unified vision of the city that links improvements to public and private water systems with political, religious, and social change. Between 1560 and 1630, in a spectacular burst of urban renewal, Rome’s religious and civil authorities sponsored the construction of aqueducts, private and public fountains for drinking, washing, and industry, and the magnificent ceremonial fountains that are Rome’s glory. Tying together the technological, socio-political, and artistic questions that faced the designers during an age of turmoil in which the Catholic Church found its authority threatened and the infrastructure of the city was in a state of decay, Rinne shows how these public works projects transformed Rome in a successful marriage of innovative engineering and strategic urban planning.
2011 John Brinckerhoff Jackson Prize
Yale, ISBN: 9780300155303
2011 John Brinckerhoff Jackson Prize
Yale, ISBN: 9780300155303
Alvar Aalto. Architecture, Modernity, and Geopolitics. Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen
Perhaps no other great modern architect has been linked to a native country as closely as Alvar Aalto (1898–1976). Critics have argued that the essence of Finland flows, as if naturally, into his quasi-organic forms, ranging from such buildings as the Baker House in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to iconic 20th-century designs, including his Savoy vase and bent-plywood stacking stools.
What did Aalto himself say about the importance of nationalism and geography in his work and in architecture generally? With an unprecedented focus on the architect’s own writings, library, and critical reception, Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen proposes a dramatically different interpretation of Aalto’s oeuvre, revealing it as a deeply thoughtful response to his intellectual and cultural milieu—especially to Finland’s dynamic political circumstances following independence from Russia in 1917.
Pelkonen also considers the geographic and geopolitical narratives found in his writings. These include ideas about national style and national cultural revival, and about how architecture can foster cosmopolitanism, internationalism, and regionalism. Expanding the canonical reading of Aalto, this work promises to influence future inquiries on Aalto for generations to come.
Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award
Yale, ISBN: 9780300114287
What did Aalto himself say about the importance of nationalism and geography in his work and in architecture generally? With an unprecedented focus on the architect’s own writings, library, and critical reception, Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen proposes a dramatically different interpretation of Aalto’s oeuvre, revealing it as a deeply thoughtful response to his intellectual and cultural milieu—especially to Finland’s dynamic political circumstances following independence from Russia in 1917.
Pelkonen also considers the geographic and geopolitical narratives found in his writings. These include ideas about national style and national cultural revival, and about how architecture can foster cosmopolitanism, internationalism, and regionalism. Expanding the canonical reading of Aalto, this work promises to influence future inquiries on Aalto for generations to come.
Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award
Yale, ISBN: 9780300114287
Идея культуры. Терри Иглтон
В этой книге выдающийся британский литературовед Терри Иглтон рассматривает понятие культуры в его историческом, философском и политическом контексте и вносит свой вклад в полемику, ведущуюся сегодня вокруг этого понятия.
It is a little disconcerting, after reading the elegant and precise first chapter of Eagleton's overview of political, social and cultural concepts of culture, to find him stating at the outset of the second one: "[I]t is hard to resist the conclusion that the word 'culture' is both too broad and too narrow to be greatly useful." But his evaluation proves accurate. Drawing upon a wide range of sources, theories and disciplines--from Raymond Williams's Marxist criticism to Ruskin's aesthetic theories, Richard Rorty's pragmatic political philosophy and Althusser's political commentary--Eagleton (Literary Theory; Myths of Power; etc.) surveys the far-ranging and often conflicting ways "culture" might be defined and used to interpret or interact with the material world. In the first two chapters, Eagleton delivers a clear but essentially academic prcis of a complicated concept. Yet in his later chapters--on the culture wars, the tension between nature and culture and the possibilities for creating a common culture--he breaks out of a purely descriptive mode and into a provocative, entertaining one, noting, for example, that Americans use the word "America" far more than Danes use the word "Denmark," commenting, "this is what happens when your view of other countries is for the most part through a camera lens or from a bomber." In this brief volume, Eagleton has produced both a thoughtful analysis of cultural theories as well as a shrewd, liberal dissection of current social and political trends. Publishers Weekly
ИД Высшей школы экономики, ISBN: 978-5-7598-0838-1
It is a little disconcerting, after reading the elegant and precise first chapter of Eagleton's overview of political, social and cultural concepts of culture, to find him stating at the outset of the second one: "[I]t is hard to resist the conclusion that the word 'culture' is both too broad and too narrow to be greatly useful." But his evaluation proves accurate. Drawing upon a wide range of sources, theories and disciplines--from Raymond Williams's Marxist criticism to Ruskin's aesthetic theories, Richard Rorty's pragmatic political philosophy and Althusser's political commentary--Eagleton (Literary Theory; Myths of Power; etc.) surveys the far-ranging and often conflicting ways "culture" might be defined and used to interpret or interact with the material world. In the first two chapters, Eagleton delivers a clear but essentially academic prcis of a complicated concept. Yet in his later chapters--on the culture wars, the tension between nature and culture and the possibilities for creating a common culture--he breaks out of a purely descriptive mode and into a provocative, entertaining one, noting, for example, that Americans use the word "America" far more than Danes use the word "Denmark," commenting, "this is what happens when your view of other countries is for the most part through a camera lens or from a bomber." In this brief volume, Eagleton has produced both a thoughtful analysis of cultural theories as well as a shrewd, liberal dissection of current social and political trends. Publishers Weekly
ИД Высшей школы экономики, ISBN: 978-5-7598-0838-1
Антропология воспитания. Кристоф Вульф
Данную книгу можно охарактеризовать как введение в многогранную и сложную проблему антропологии воспитания, включающее историческую и культурологическую перспективу антропологии в целом. Тот, кто размышляет о воспитании и образовании, неизбежно сталкивается с антропологическими предпосылками. При этом важными оказываются три аспекта проблемы: историчность и разнообразие, культурная обусловленность и мульткультурность, меж- и трансдисциплинарность. Во взаимодействии всех трех аспектов и формируется историко-педагогическая антропология.
Кристоф Вульф, профессор общей и сравнительной педагогики в Свободном университете Берлина, директор Междисциплинарного центра по Исторической антропологии, вице-президент немецкой комиссии ЮНЕСКО.
Праксис, ISBN 978-5-901574-95-9
Кристоф Вульф, профессор общей и сравнительной педагогики в Свободном университете Берлина, директор Междисциплинарного центра по Исторической антропологии, вице-президент немецкой комиссии ЮНЕСКО.
Праксис, ISBN 978-5-901574-95-9
Записи и выписки. М.Л.Гаспаров
Академик М.Л.Гаспаров – крупнейший отечественный филолог, литературовед, переводчик, лауреат Государственной премии России (1995), Пушкинской премии Российской академии наук, премий имени Андрея Белого и Бориса Пастернака, автор многочисленных трудов по античной литературе, поэтике и стиховедению, широко известных и у нас в стране, и за рубежом. Большой читательский успех имела его книга «Занимательная Греция: рассказы о древнегреческой культуре», выдержавшая несколько переизданий.
Предлагаемая книга – это второе, дополненное и значительно пере-работанное, издание его уникального в жанровом отношении произведения «Записи и выписки». Она представляет собой причудливый сплав мемуаров, дневниковых записей, писем, публицистических статей, воспоминаний о своих учителях, друзьях и колле-гах: легендарном античнике С.И.Соболевском, об Ф.А.Петровском и М.Е.Грабарь-Пассек, писателях С.П.Боброве, К.Чуковском, академике С.С.Аверинцеве, поэте Иосифе Бродском и других замечательных людях – выдающихся представителях российской культуры.
Новое литературное обозрение, ISBN 978–5–86793–954-0
Предлагаемая книга – это второе, дополненное и значительно пере-работанное, издание его уникального в жанровом отношении произведения «Записи и выписки». Она представляет собой причудливый сплав мемуаров, дневниковых записей, писем, публицистических статей, воспоминаний о своих учителях, друзьях и колле-гах: легендарном античнике С.И.Соболевском, об Ф.А.Петровском и М.Е.Грабарь-Пассек, писателях С.П.Боброве, К.Чуковском, академике С.С.Аверинцеве, поэте Иосифе Бродском и других замечательных людях – выдающихся представителях российской культуры.
Новое литературное обозрение, ISBN 978–5–86793–954-0
Genius Within: The Inner Life of Glenn Gould
"Genius Within" pierces through the myths, revealing the man beneath the icon and reconstructs his thoughts on music, art, society, love and life. Containing an unprecedented array of very rare archive footage with interviews of Gould's closest friends, plus never-before heard home recordings and excerpts from his private diaries.
“Genius Within” is a tour de force of archival research and dogged interviewing, and the portrait it presents is remarkably complete...It presents strong evidence that he was not just a gifted instrumentalist but also a hands-on cultural thinker - New York Times
Gemini Awards Winner
BBC Music Magazine Award Finalist
Label: Drakes Avenue Pictures, DAP7793
“Genius Within” is a tour de force of archival research and dogged interviewing, and the portrait it presents is remarkably complete...It presents strong evidence that he was not just a gifted instrumentalist but also a hands-on cultural thinker - New York Times
Gemini Awards Winner
BBC Music Magazine Award Finalist
Label: Drakes Avenue Pictures, DAP7793
Urbanized by Gary Hustwit
Urbanized is a feature-length documentary about the design of cities, which looks at the issues and strategies behind urban design and features some of the world’s foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers. Over half the world’s population now lives in an urban area, and 75% will call a city home by 2050. But while some cities are experiencing explosive growth, others are shrinking. The challenges of balancing housing, mobility, public space, civic engagement, economic development, and environmental policy are fast becoming universal concerns. Yet much of the dialogue on these issues is disconnected from the public domain.
Who is allowed to shape our cities, and how do they do it? Unlike many other fields of design, cities aren’t created by any one specialist or expert. There are many contributors to urban change, including ordinary citizens who can have a great impact improving the cities in which they live. By exploring a diverse range of urban design projects around the world, Urbanized frames a global discussion on the future of cities.
A fascinating, idea-packed new documentary. Even viewers with deep knowledge of modern urban planning are likely to learn something from the carefully selected images and thoughtful interviews. It is worth venturing out of your room, climbing on your bike or boarding a low-emissions bus and fighting your way through a crowd to see. - The New York Times
Urbanized is a brave and timely movie that manages to strike almost exactly the right tone. The more people who see this movie the better. And the more politicians who see it – and are persuaded to look beyond the vested interests in front of them – the more powerful a tool Urbanized will be. The Guardian
Design Trilogy: Urbanized, Helvetica and Objectified
is a feature-length film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. It looks at the proliferation of one typeface (which celebrated its 50th birthday in 2007) as part of a larger conversation about the way type affects our lives. The film is an exploration of urban spaces in major cities and the type that inhabits them, and a fluid discussion with renowned designers about their work, the creative process, and the choices and aesthetics behind their use of type. Independent Spirit Awards, Chlotrudis Awards
is a feature-length documentary about our complex relationship with manufactured objects and, by extension, the people who design them. It’s a look at the creativity at work behind everything from toothbrushes to tech gadgets. It’s about the designers who re-examine, re-evaluate and re-invent our manufactured environment on a daily basis. It’s about personal expression, identity, consumerism, and sustainability.
Who is allowed to shape our cities, and how do they do it? Unlike many other fields of design, cities aren’t created by any one specialist or expert. There are many contributors to urban change, including ordinary citizens who can have a great impact improving the cities in which they live. By exploring a diverse range of urban design projects around the world, Urbanized frames a global discussion on the future of cities.
A fascinating, idea-packed new documentary. Even viewers with deep knowledge of modern urban planning are likely to learn something from the carefully selected images and thoughtful interviews. It is worth venturing out of your room, climbing on your bike or boarding a low-emissions bus and fighting your way through a crowd to see. - The New York Times
Urbanized is a brave and timely movie that manages to strike almost exactly the right tone. The more people who see this movie the better. And the more politicians who see it – and are persuaded to look beyond the vested interests in front of them – the more powerful a tool Urbanized will be. The Guardian
Design Trilogy: Urbanized, Helvetica and Objectified
is a feature-length film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. It looks at the proliferation of one typeface (which celebrated its 50th birthday in 2007) as part of a larger conversation about the way type affects our lives. The film is an exploration of urban spaces in major cities and the type that inhabits them, and a fluid discussion with renowned designers about their work, the creative process, and the choices and aesthetics behind their use of type. Independent Spirit Awards, Chlotrudis Awards
is a feature-length documentary about our complex relationship with manufactured objects and, by extension, the people who design them. It’s a look at the creativity at work behind everything from toothbrushes to tech gadgets. It’s about the designers who re-examine, re-evaluate and re-invent our manufactured environment on a daily basis. It’s about personal expression, identity, consumerism, and sustainability.
critic picks,
Фауст. Александр Сокуров
Последняя часть кинотетралогии Александра Сокурова, снятая по мотивам одноименной трагедии Иоганна Вольфганга Гете
Победитель 68-го Венецианского кинофестиваля
Центральные персонажи первых трех картин - исторические лица: Адольф Гитлер ("Молох", 1999), Владимир Ленин ("Телец", 2000) и японский император Хирохито ("Солнце", 2005). Символический образ Фауста завершает ряд великих "игроков", проигравших свои главные жизненные "партии".
Победитель 68-го Венецианского кинофестиваля
Центральные персонажи первых трех картин - исторические лица: Адольф Гитлер ("Молох", 1999), Владимир Ленин ("Телец", 2000) и японский император Хирохито ("Солнце", 2005). Символический образ Фауста завершает ряд великих "игроков", проигравших свои главные жизненные "партии".
2 or 3 things I Know about him. Directed by Malte Ludin
Фильм-воспоминание одной немецкой семьи, многоголосые деба-ты на исторические и семейные истины. В центре внимания — Ханс Лудин — амбициозный нацистский чиновник, в то же время глава огромного семейства. В 1941-ом году направленный лично Гитлером в Словакию, он являлся там послом и дипломатом, представлявшим интересы Рейха. 9-го декабря 1947-го года Лудин был приговорен к смертной казни как военный преступник и казнен в Братиславе.
The New York Times “An unusually matter-of-fact picture of the private and public effects of ordinary evil... Mr. Ludin’s anxious questioning, self-lacerating inquiry represents a powerful countertendency toward full acknowledgement of shared culpability and his quarrel with Barbel is part of what makes this ‘a typical German story”
Film Journal "A must-see for those always eager for more insight into the Nazi era, is also a cautionary tale about the power of denial and of evil that can be practiced by both the banal bureaucrat and the seemingly more refined bourgeois who should know better. Malte Lu-din has skillfully combed archives and maneuvered his stern sisters to deliver a complex and hugely personal portrait of an extreme legacy"
The New York Times “An unusually matter-of-fact picture of the private and public effects of ordinary evil... Mr. Ludin’s anxious questioning, self-lacerating inquiry represents a powerful countertendency toward full acknowledgement of shared culpability and his quarrel with Barbel is part of what makes this ‘a typical German story”
Film Journal "A must-see for those always eager for more insight into the Nazi era, is also a cautionary tale about the power of denial and of evil that can be practiced by both the banal bureaucrat and the seemingly more refined bourgeois who should know better. Malte Lu-din has skillfully combed archives and maneuvered his stern sisters to deliver a complex and hugely personal portrait of an extreme legacy"
critic picks,
Traveller. Anoushka Shankar
… she explores the links between Indian music and Spanish flamenco, the result of ancient Gypsy migration. It's an area that has fascinated Nitin Sawhney – who provides the sleeve notes – and allows her to demonstrate her inspired instrumental work in the company of Indian musicians and the flamenco elite, including the producer and guitarist Javier Limón. The best tracks are those where Shankar takes chances, matching uninhibited sitar improvisation against flamenco percussion and the furious, inspired piano work of Pedro Ricardo Miño on the thrilling Buleria Con Ricardo, or backing the passionate singing of Duquende or more thoughtful Concha Buika. There are occasional less exciting, easygoing passages, including the title track, but this is a brave and original set. The Guardian
Songlines Music Awards 2012
Songlines Music Awards 2012
The Gate. Kurt Elling
The New York Times is one of numerous publications to declare that Kurt Elling is the “standout male vocalist of our time,” and The Gate, Elling’s follow-up to his Grammy-winning Dedicated to You, is among his strongest albums—and perhaps the finest of his career.
The Gate points Elling into a new and satisfyingly emotional direction. He has somehow found a way to make a deeply personal statement out of the music of King Crimson, Joe Jackson, Stevie Wonder and the Beatles--in addition to providing a new and vibrant understanding of Miles Davis, Bill Evans and Herbie Hancock. That Elling is first and foremost a jazz singer makes the work searching and enthralling. His phrasing is cool and meditative as he ventures into areas usually reserved for instrumentalists. As a lyricist, Elling breathes new life into gems previously known only for their melodies. "His words are informed by a powerful poetic spirit," said poet and Bollingen Prize winner Robert Creeley. "Kurt Elling takes us into a world of sacred particulars."
ECHO Jazz Award - Vocalist of the year
Concord Records
The Gate points Elling into a new and satisfyingly emotional direction. He has somehow found a way to make a deeply personal statement out of the music of King Crimson, Joe Jackson, Stevie Wonder and the Beatles--in addition to providing a new and vibrant understanding of Miles Davis, Bill Evans and Herbie Hancock. That Elling is first and foremost a jazz singer makes the work searching and enthralling. His phrasing is cool and meditative as he ventures into areas usually reserved for instrumentalists. As a lyricist, Elling breathes new life into gems previously known only for their melodies. "His words are informed by a powerful poetic spirit," said poet and Bollingen Prize winner Robert Creeley. "Kurt Elling takes us into a world of sacred particulars."
ECHO Jazz Award - Vocalist of the year
Concord Records
Benjamin Grosvenor: Chopin Liszt Ravel
Eighteen-year-old Benjamin Grosvenor, a finalist in the BBC Young Musician of the Year aged just 11, set to become the youngest-ever soloist in the history of the Proms when he plays Liszt's Second Piano Concerto on the opening night, and who has just signed a deal with Decca as their youngest-ever artist, has just stunned me. "I'm not that talented, musically. I obviously have some kind of gift for interpreting music, but really otherwise, I'm not that talented." - Guardian
Have you ever heard a more aqueous evocation of Ravel’s water nymph? Grosvenor’s Steinway instrument seems permanently underwater, swimming through the softest of rippling textures... Grosvenor, you can tell, is a Romantic pianist, almost from another age. He doesn’t deconstruct, or stand at a distance. He jumps inside the music’s soul - The Times
Gramophone Magazine Editor's Choice
BBC Music Magazine Awards 2012 Instrumental Finalist
Decca: 4783206
Have you ever heard a more aqueous evocation of Ravel’s water nymph? Grosvenor’s Steinway instrument seems permanently underwater, swimming through the softest of rippling textures... Grosvenor, you can tell, is a Romantic pianist, almost from another age. He doesn’t deconstruct, or stand at a distance. He jumps inside the music’s soul - The Times
Gramophone Magazine Editor's Choice
BBC Music Magazine Awards 2012 Instrumental Finalist
Decca: 4783206
critic picks,
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