Foreign Affairs Best Book of the Year, Yale H. Ferguson Book Award
31 мар. 2013 г.
Empire of Humanity. A History of Humanitarianism. Michael Barnett
Foreign Affairs Best Book of the Year, Yale H. Ferguson Book Award
Империя. Ниал Фергюсон
Фергюсон считает, что Британская империя была долгое время в большей степени экономическим явлением, нежели классической империей: англичане — авторы первой глобализации, «глобализации канонерок», как иронизирует автор.
critic picks
Erwin Schrodinger and the Quantum Revolution. John Gribbin
Few scientists are known as snappy dressers, but Schrödinger sometimes made Einstein look like a fashion icon. On one occasion he had trouble gaining admission to an important scientific meeting because of his bedraggled appearance. Far more problematic were his unorthodox domestic arrangements. He horrified the old-fashioned establishment at Oxford when he turned up in England with both his wife and his mistress, and he was later not considered for a job at Princeton, working alongside Einstein, for the same reason.
More than a century after the first skirmishes of the quantum revolution, it may be difficult to understand what a profound shock it was for brilliant scientists like Schrödinger and Einstein to be confronted by the specter of uncertainty at the atomic level. Gribbin creates an almost wistful picture of the solid, predictable universe understood by Newtonian physicists — a world in which immutable laws of nature governed every micron of movement in a clockwork system. How, then, could an electron be in two places at once, or move from one place to another without passing through the space between, or be in no definable place at all? John Gribbin explains the complexity of quantum mechanics, as well as the complex character of this quantum pioneer, in his signature, lucid approach that any curious mind can understand.
critic picks
Субстанция мышления: Язык как окно в человеческую природу. Пинкер С.
Дерзко и притягательно… наполнено юмором и иронией. Как прекрасно иметь такой ясный и живой ум, который может донести до широкой публики идеи когнитивной науки. Дуглас Хофштадтер
Фейерверк поразительно изощренного интеллекта; любой, кто неравнодушен к лингвистике, обязан прочитать эту книгу. Таймс
critic picks
Из третьего мира в первый. История Сингапура 1965-2000. Ли Куан Ю
Об этом чуде в своих мемуарах рассказывает бывший премьер-министр Сингапура Ли Куан Ю. Он оживляет перед читателями историю, анализирует основные стратегические решения современности, пишет о том, как из года в год направлял сложные отношения США, Китая и Тайваня, служа для руководителей этих государств и доверенным лицом, и вестником, и экспертом.
новое издание. Манн, Иванов и Фербер, ISBN 978-5-91657-624-5; 2013 г.
Дизайн вещей будущего. Дональд Норман
Средневековые университеты. Н. С. Суворов
Первое издание 1898 г.
Brokering Empire. Trans-Imperial Subjects between Venice and Istanbul. E. Natalie Rothman
Rothman argues that the period from 1570 to 1670 witnessed a gradual transformation in how Ottoman difference was conceived within Venetian institutions. Thanks in part to the activities of trans-imperial subjects, an early emphasis on juridical and commercial criteria gave way to conceptions of difference based on religion and language. Rothman begins her story in Venice's bustling marketplaces, where commercial brokers often defied the state's efforts both to tax foreign merchants and define Venetian citizenship. The story continues in a Venetian charitable institution where converts from Islam and Judaism and their Catholic Venetian patrons negotiated their mutual transformation. The story ends with Venice's diplomatic interpreters, the dragomans, who not only produced and disseminated knowledge about the Ottomans but also created dense networks of kinship and patronage across imperial boundaries. Rothman's new conceptual and empirical framework sheds light on institutional practices for managing juridical, religious, and ethnolinguistic difference in the Mediterranean and beyond.
Herbert Baxter Adams Prize, Helen and Howard R. Marraro Prize by the American Historical Association
Constructing Grievance. Ethnic Nationalism in Russia's Republics. Elise Giuliano
In Russia, Giuliano shows, ethnic grievances developed rapidly in certain republics in the late Soviet era when messages articulated by nationalist leaders about ethnic inequality in local labor markets resonated with people's experience of growing job insecurity in a contracting economy. In other republics, however, where nationalist leaders focused on articulating other issues, such as cultural and language problems facing the ethnic group, group grievances failed to develop, and popular support for nationalism stalled. People with ethnic identities, Giuliano concludes, do not form political interest groups primed to support ethnic politicians and movements for national secession.
ENMISA Distinguished Book Award (Ethnicity, Nationalism and Migration Section of the International Studies Association)
Сталин-диктатор. У власти. 1928–1941. Роберт Такер
Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia: Political Developments and Implications for U.S. Interests. Jim Nichol
Issues of concern in the 113th Congress regarding the South Caucasus may include Armenia’s independence and economic development; Azerbaijan’s energy development; and Georgia’s recovery from Russia’s August 2008 military incursion. At the same time, concerns have been raised about the status of human rights and democratization in the countries; the ongoing Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over the breakaway Nagorno Karabakh region; and ongoing threats posed to Georgia and the international order by Russia’s 2008 incursion and its diplomatic recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Congress has continued to oversee the region’s role as part of the Northern Distribution Network for the transit of U.S. and NATO military supplies to and from Afghanistan. Some Members of Congress and other policymakers believe that the United States should provide greater support for the region’s increasing role as an east-west trade and security corridor linking the Black Sea and Caspian Sea regions, and for Armenia’s inclusion in such links. They urge greater U.S. aid and conflict resolution efforts to contain warfare, crime, smuggling, and terrorism, and to bolster the independence of the states. Others urge caution in adopting policies that will increase U.S. involvement in a region beset by ethnic and civil conflicts.
All Congressional Research Service [CRS] Reports
A Legacy of Armenian Treasures: Testimony to a People - The Alex and Marie Manoogian Museum. Edmond Y. Azadian, Sylvie L. Merian, Lucy Ardash
"For centuries Armenia did not exist as an independent state, yet its clerics, poets, artists, and musicians maintained and cultivated a cultural heritage of extraordinary beauty. A people can survive, even thrive, under alien imperial powers, if its sense of identity is continued. Here we see how manuscript illuminators, church builders, and writers carried on the idea of Armenian civilization through a millennium. This exquisite volume brings to us a vivid portrait of a people whom no empire was able to extinguish. The Manoogian Museum and this beautiful book reveal a glorious, gorgeous past of a determined people." —Ronald Grigor Suny, University of Michigan
Artsakh: Garden of Armenian Arts and Traditions. Dickran Kouymjian, Claude Mutafian
Dickran Kouymjian is a professor emeritus at California State University – Fresno. Claude Mutafian is a mathematics teacher and a historian.
Unfinished Spaces. Directed by Benjamin Murray, Alysa Nahmias
In 1961, three young, visionary architects were commissioned by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara to create Cuba's National Art Schools on the grounds of a former golf course in Havana. Construction of their radical designs began immediately, and the school's first classes soon followed. Dancers, musicians, and artists from all over the country reveled in the beauty of the schools, but as the dream of the Revolution quickly became a reality, construction was abruptly halted and the architects and their designs were deemed irrelevant in the prevailing political climate. Forty years later, the schools are in use, but remain unfinished and in decay. Castro has invited the exiled architects back to finish their unrealized dream. Unfinished Spaces features intimate footage of Fidel Castro, showing his devotion to creating a worldwide showcase for art, and it also documents the struggle and passion of three revolutionary artists.
Miami Film Festival, Grand Jury Prize
Palm Springs International Film Festival, Nominated
Gerhard Richter Painting. Directed by Corinna Belz
BONUS FEATURES: Gerhard Richter and Art Historian Benjamin HD Buchloh in Conversation (23 min.), Fragments of a Conversation: Curator Hans-Ulrich Obrist Meets Gerhard Richter (10 min.), Gerhard Richter Prepares for the Munich Exhibition ''Abstract Paintings'' (9 min.), Booklet: An Interview with Director Corinna Belz, Trailers
German Film Awards Bester Dokumentarfilm, Newport Beach Film Festival Achievement Award
Amazon instant video
Over Your Cities Your Grass Will Grow. Directed by Sophie Fiennes
The film bears witness to German artist Anselm Kiefer's alchemical creative processes and renders in film, as a cinematic journey, the personal universe he has built at his hill-studio estate in the South of France.
A mesmerizing spectacle...a trip you'll never forget – Salon
A dreamlike visual statement... - THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
critic picks,
Joseph Campbell & Power of Myth With Bill Moyers (25th Anniversary Edition)
Episodes: The Hero's Adventure, The Message of the Myth, The First Storytellers, Sacrifice and Bliss, Love and the Goddess, Masks of Eternity
“Fascinating” —The New York Times
“Compelling” —The Wall Street Journal
Joseph Campbell: Mythos the Complete Series
DURING THE FINAL YEARS OF HIS LIFE, Joseph Campbell embarked on a speaking tour in which he drew together all that he had learned about what he called the "one great story" of humanity. These remarkable talks were filmed and are presented here in the order and manner in which Campbell himself intended, with enhanced images and in minimally edited form. As seen on PBS.
Collection includes:
Mythos I – The Shaping of Our Mythic Tradition: Myths, symbols, and the birth of human consciousness.
Mythos II – The Shaping of the Eastern Tradition: Universal mythic stories and images in the religions of Asia.
Mythos III – The Shaping of the Western Tradition: Mythic themes in the tales and philosophies of the modern West.
Presented and Hosted by Academy Award®-Winner SUSAN SARANDON
Phillip Roth: Unmasked. Directed by William Karel
Yet he steadily earned his reputation as a man of letters, commanding ownership of the Jewish-American novel and making Newark, New Jersey, a literary destination. Practically inventing the genre of factual-fictional autobiography, Roth's thinly veiled Zuckerman books follow the protagonist's path from aspiring young writer to compromised celebrity, and, lately, older man facing death. Roth's career was considered declining by 1990 and then exploded with a dozen bestsellers in the past two decades, including- Sabbath's Theater- (1995),- American Pastoral- (1997) and- The Human Stain- (2000).
Philip Roth: Unmasked features candid interviews with Roth, who fulfills his promise to directors William Karel and Livia Manera to unmask himself, freely discussing- very intimate aspects of his life and art as he has never done before.
Meanwhile includes world-premiere recordings of three exciting and accessible works written for the adventurous young sextet: Stephen Hartke's sparkling, fanciful Meanwhile: Incidental Music to Imaginary Puppet Plays (2007) looks to classical Asian puppet theater for inspiration, with gamelan-style Flexatones and piano altered to sound like a Vietnamese hammered dulcimer; Missy Mazzoli's Still Life with Avalanche (2008) paints an idyllic landscape disturbed by unexpected news; and Two movements from Roshanne Etezady's Damaged Goods (2001) grapple with the psychic bruises of everyday modern life. The album also includes works by three well-established, marquee names in contemporary music from Europe and the United States.
Grammy Award Winner: Best Chamber Music, Best Contemporary Classical Composition
Cedille - CDR90000133
Massenet: Don Quichotte
'Don Quichotte', Massenet’s comédie-héroïque, is a tale of heroism, adventure and unrequited love. The plot relates only indirectly to the great novel by Miguel de Cervantes and more likely refers to the play Le chevalier de la longue figure, by the poet Jacques Le Lorrain. Massenet, nearing the end of his career, probably identified with the character of Don Quichotte, and fell in love with the mezzo-soprano Lucy Arbell, who played Dulcinée in the first performance of the work.
Grammy Award Nominated
Mariinsky - MAR0523
Quatuor Ebène play Felix and Fanny Mendelssohn
In a characteristically imaginative stroke of programming, the Quatuor Ebène presents a total of three quartets by two Mendelssohns – Felix and his older sister, Fanny.
Like Felix, Fanny was a highly gifted child, but, as a woman, her life took a different path from his. Felix remained close to her and solicited and respected her opinions on his music. She, meanwhile, produced a canon of well over 400 pieces – although only one string quartet; by contrast, Felix composed seven works in the genre, one of them a youthful work that carries no opus number. This disc features the A minor quartet he composed in 1827, very much under the influence of Beethoven, and the F minor quartet of 20 years later, a highly emotional piece, expressive of the grief he felt at Fanny’s death, aged 41, in May 1847. As it turned out, the quartet was to be the last major work he composed: he himself died in November of that year, at the age of just 38.
Gramophone Magazine Editor's Choice, BBC Music Magazine Chamber Choice, The Guardian, *****
Virgin - 4645462
critic picks,
Britten: The Rape of Lucretia
Benjamin Britten’s chamber opera The Rape of Lucretia was given its premiere at the Glyndebourne Festival in 1946, with Kathleen Ferrier in the leading role. The composer founded his own festival two years later in Aldeburgh on the Suffolk coast, where he and Peter Pears had a home. This recording is drawn from a concert given in June 2011 at Aldeburgh’s acoustically superb Snape Maltings.
“As this brilliantly vivid, impassioned concert performance reminded us,” wrote The Telegraph, “Lucretia is a problematic and disturbing piece. It's hard to think of another opera where the opposite poles of male violence and tender female intimacy are made so vividly real in purely musical terms, and brought into such horrifying proximity.”
Financial Times ****, The Guardian *****, The Times ****, Gramophone Magazine Editor's Choice, BBC Music Magazine Opera Choice
Virgin - 6026722
critic picks,
J.S. Bach: John Passion, Reconstruction of Bach's Passion Liturgy. Dunedin Consort
This recording marks the return of Dunedin Consort’s star studded cast including, Nicholas Mulroy, Matthew Brook, Robert Davies, Joanne Lunn and Clare Wilkinson.
Director John Butt has given listeners an interpretation that will provide a refreshing outlook on this masterpiece and will show the John Passion in a completely new light.
The Consort recreate the context of a passion performance during Bach’s time at Leipzig; the University of Glasgow Chapel Choir (directed by James Grossmith) and a congregational choir of amateur singers perform motets and chorales from an original Leipzig hymn book and John Butt takes centre stage to perform organ preludes on the Collins organ at Greyfriar’s Kirk in Edinburgh, where the recording took place.
BBC Music Magazine, 5 Stars, Recording of the Month
Sunday Times 'Linn offers a fascinating extra dimension.'
Gramophone Recording of the Month
CKD 419 (Linn Records)
critic picks,
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