Full of soaring lyricism and advanced harmony, more Mozart than Monk. The obvious comparison is with Keith Jarrett and Simcock pays direct homage in the darting runs and gospel climax of Northern Smiles... This record will only advance his cause. The Times
Adventurous yet as sophisticated and technically brilliant as ever, Gwilym Simcock's latest album marks a new stage in his career. Having joined the ACT label, Manchester's world-class pianist has chosen to record solo at the Bavarian castle of its boss, Siggi Loch. A sensible idea, the castle's acoustics being of studio standard and its concert grand magnificent. Simcock plays it with rare verve, explaining in the sleeve notes that he is now less concerned with any (presumably imaginary) deficiencies in his playing than with the spirit in which the music is made. The benefits are dramatic. Evening Standard
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