Книга известного япониста представляет собой самое полное в отечественной историографии описание правления императора Мэйдзи (1852-1912), которого часто сравнивают с великим преобразователем России - Петром I. И недаром при Мэйдзи страна, которая стояла в шаге от превращения в колонию, преобразилась при Мэйдзи в мощное государство, в "полноправного игрока" на карте мира. За это время сформировались японская нация и японская культура, которую ценят во всем мире. А.Н.Мещеряков составил летопись событий, позволивших Японии стать такой, как она есть. За драматической судьбой Мэйдзи стоит увлекательнейшая история его страны.
"Период, про который я писал, – период Мэйдзи – очень важен для японской истории, потому что именно в это время происходит переход от средневекового к современному обществу. Причем это происходит по историческим меркам мгновенно. Япония была первой неевропейской страной, которая сумела осуществить этот переход: только что она жила Средневековье, но сумела выиграть о войну у огромного Китая в 1894-95 гг., а потом и у России.
Меня интересовало, каким образом это могло быть достигнуто и какие чувства испытывали люди, которые жили в это сложное для японца время. Переход от Средневековья к Новому времени в крайне короткий период – это ломка натур и характеров, переход от одних установок к другим. Этот период вызвал много изменений, которые были оценены в мире: и почти 100%-е начальное образование, введенное в Японии чуть ли не впервые в мире, и начало промышленного развития, и повышение продуктивности сельского хозяйства, и быстрый рост населения. Но в то же самое время возникли такие проблемы, которых Япония до этого не знала: проблема отцов и детей, увеличение разрыва между богатыми и бедными, психические заболевания, милитаризация страны." А.Н.Мещеряков
Наталис, ISBN 978-5-8062-0306-0; 2009 г.
Короткий список премии «Просветитель»
29 сент. 2012 г.
Страна вина. Мо Янь
"Страна вина", произведение выдающегося китайского романиста наших дней Мо Яня (род. 1955), дает читателю прекрасную возможность познакомиться с самой яркой и колкой сатирой в современной китайской литературе. Великолепная, оригинальная образность, безграничная сила воображения, сплетенная с мифологичностью, мастерское владение различными формами повествования - все это присуще уникальному стилю Мо Яня.
«Страна вина» — это моралите, притча, историческая аллегория и шедевр литературы абсурда, вместе взятые. В то же время это самая яркая и колкая сатира в современной китайской литературе. Но в глубоко философском и политическом контексте это роман не только о Китае, и принадлежит он уже не только китайскому искусству, а всему человечеству. Что же касается русскоязычного читателя, то автор уверен: «Раз русским читателям пришелся по душе роман «Мастер и Маргарита» Булгакова, то они примут и мою «Страну вина».
Нобелевская премия 2012 года по литературе присуждена китайскому писателю Мо Яню, за его работы, в которых "галлюциногенный реализм сочетается с народными сказками, историей и современностью".
Амфора, ISBN 978-5-367-02229-2; 2012 г.
«Страна вина» — это моралите, притча, историческая аллегория и шедевр литературы абсурда, вместе взятые. В то же время это самая яркая и колкая сатира в современной китайской литературе. Но в глубоко философском и политическом контексте это роман не только о Китае, и принадлежит он уже не только китайскому искусству, а всему человечеству. Что же касается русскоязычного читателя, то автор уверен: «Раз русским читателям пришелся по душе роман «Мастер и Маргарита» Булгакова, то они примут и мою «Страну вина».
Нобелевская премия 2012 года по литературе присуждена китайскому писателю Мо Яню, за его работы, в которых "галлюциногенный реализм сочетается с народными сказками, историей и современностью".
Амфора, ISBN 978-5-367-02229-2; 2012 г.
The Darwin Economy: Liberty, Competition, and the Common Good. Robert H. Frank
Who was the greater economist--Adam Smith or Charles Darwin? The question seems absurd. Darwin, after all, was a naturalist, not an economist. But Robert Frank, New York Times economics columnist and best-selling author of The Economic Naturalist, predicts that within the next century Darwin will unseat Smith as the intellectual founder of economics. The reason, Frank argues, is that Darwin's understanding of competition describes economic reality far more accurately than Smith's. And the consequences of this fact are profound. Indeed, the failure to recognize that we live in Darwin's world rather than Smith's is putting us all at risk by preventing us from seeing that competition alone will not solve our problems.
Smith's theory of the invisible hand, which says that competition channels self-interest for the common good, is probably the most widely cited argument today in favor of unbridled competition--and against regulation, taxation, and even government itself. But what if Smith's idea was almost an exception to the general rule of competition? That's what Frank argues, resting his case on Darwin's insight that individual and group interests often diverge sharply. Far from creating a perfect world, economic competition often leads to "arms races," encouraging behaviors that not only cause enormous harm to the group but also provide no lasting advantages for individuals, since any gains tend to be relative and mutually offsetting.
"Important." New York Times
Axiom Business Book Awards, ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year
Smith's theory of the invisible hand, which says that competition channels self-interest for the common good, is probably the most widely cited argument today in favor of unbridled competition--and against regulation, taxation, and even government itself. But what if Smith's idea was almost an exception to the general rule of competition? That's what Frank argues, resting his case on Darwin's insight that individual and group interests often diverge sharply. Far from creating a perfect world, economic competition often leads to "arms races," encouraging behaviors that not only cause enormous harm to the group but also provide no lasting advantages for individuals, since any gains tend to be relative and mutually offsetting.
"Important." New York Times
Axiom Business Book Awards, ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year
critic picks
Гумилев, сын Гумилева. Сергей Беляков
«Экзотическое происхождение; фантастическая судьба; долгая линия жизни (1912–1992); колоссальное научное наследие, чье значение по-прежнему точно не оценено в силу причудливости теорий, опередивших свою эпоху; эксцентричность в быту (в квартире висел плакат с телеведущим Невзоровым на коне) и в мышлении; словом, если вам понадобится идеальный герой для ЖЗЛ, то никого лучше, чем Лев Гумилев, вы все равно не придумаете.
Это биография исчерпывающая, «окончательная». Автор решил не концентрироваться на отдельных аспектах личности своего клиента — и изложить в одной книге все, имеющее отношение к феномену Льва Гумилева. Из-за этого книга получилась «чересчур толстой» — чересчур, потому что вряд ли найдутся читатели, которым одинаково интересны и отношения ЛГ с матерью (крайне сложные; не из латиноамериканского, пожалуй, сериала — но из романа Улицкой точно), и научное творчество, и описание лагерного опыта» - Афиша
Это биография исчерпывающая, «окончательная». Автор решил не концентрироваться на отдельных аспектах личности своего клиента — и изложить в одной книге все, имеющее отношение к феномену Льва Гумилева. Из-за этого книга получилась «чересчур толстой» — чересчур, потому что вряд ли найдутся читатели, которым одинаково интересны и отношения ЛГ с матерью (крайне сложные; не из латиноамериканского, пожалуй, сериала — но из романа Улицкой точно), и научное творчество, и описание лагерного опыта» - Афиша
critic picks
Oxford handbook of philosophy of economics, edited by Harold Kincaid and Don Ross
Это один из нескольких «супер-новых» исследовательских справочников по экономической методологии. Львиная доля книги – исследования совсем новые и весьма оригинальные, посвященные в основном отдельным областям экономической науки – экспериментальной экономике, теории аукционов, вычислительной экономике, теории роста, экономике развития, теории благосостояния, наконец, эконометрическим исследованиям. В принципе, знакомство с этой (иногда весьма непростой для чтения) книгой должно показать не только достижения, но и рубежи, недоделки, принципиальные трудности, участвовать в разрешении которых можем и мы.
Oxford University Press, 2009
Oxford University Press, 2009
Философия экономики. Антология. Под ред. Дэниела Хаусмана
Стандартная антология, которая несколько раз переиздавалась и дополнялась. В ней можно найти немало оригинальных текстов, которые обсуждаются в учебниках. Есть и современные авторы, представляющие собственные подходы, и, что особенно важно, в книгу включены статьи, посвященные философскому осмыслению отдельных областей экономической науки – осмыслению, выходящему, конечно, за пределы собственно методологических задач и затрагивающему фундаментальные этические и социально-философские вопросы (такова, например, обзорная статья Нобелевского лауреата А. Сена). Это разнообразие делает книгу незаменимой в качестве современного справочного издания по философии экономической науки.
Изд. Института Гайдара, 2012
Изд. Института Гайдара, 2012
critic picks
Алхимия. Вадим Рабинович
Судьба книги литературоведа и переводчика Вадима Львовича Рабиновича, вышедшей еще в 1979 году, сложилась в некотором смысле в духе средневековых книг-не-для-всех. Тогда книга так и не попала в книжные магазины, а разошлась по знатокам и ценителям на черном рынке. Сейчас то первое издание — библиофильская редкость. В переизданном только что варианте появились новые разделы, а некоторые из старых были переработаны. Общий же замысел по реконструкции «полнозвучного» Средневековья и одного из его ключевых явлений — алхимии, по Рабиновичу, являющую собой «свидетельство поразительно устойчивого сознания», сохранился. Получается настоящая алхимическая энциклопедия — от этимологии самого понятия до связи с исследованиями по химии XX века. - Афиша
A Catalogue of the Armenian Manuscripts in the British Library and Other Libraries in the United Kingdom. Vrej Nersessian
This catalog identifies and describes the Armenian manuscripts acquired since 1913 and held in the British Library’s extensive collection, as well as thirteen other significant and previously uncatalogued collections in libraries and museums in the United Kingdom, including the Bodleian Library and John Rylands University Library in Manchester.
Vrej Nersessian’s introduction provides a short history of each of the collections, followed by a chapter outlining the sources of Armenian iconography. There is an entry for each of the manuscripts described that gives full details—a description of the physical object and its present condition, including the binding, provenance, contents, and details of any illustrations contained. The catalog also contains twenty-four pages of color images of miniatures contained in the manuscripts.
Intended as a reference work for scholars, this comprehensive catalogue is the only listing of its kind and will stand as a major achievement in Armenian studies for many generations.
Vrej Nersessian is head of the Christian Middle East section at the British Library.
ISBN-13: 978-0712349055
Vrej Nersessian’s introduction provides a short history of each of the collections, followed by a chapter outlining the sources of Armenian iconography. There is an entry for each of the manuscripts described that gives full details—a description of the physical object and its present condition, including the binding, provenance, contents, and details of any illustrations contained. The catalog also contains twenty-four pages of color images of miniatures contained in the manuscripts.
Intended as a reference work for scholars, this comprehensive catalogue is the only listing of its kind and will stand as a major achievement in Armenian studies for many generations.
Vrej Nersessian is head of the Christian Middle East section at the British Library.
ISBN-13: 978-0712349055
Being in the World. Tao Ruspoli
Ten years after graduating with a degree in philosophy from UC Berkeley, filmmaker Tao Ruspoli returned to visit his one-time professor, world-renowned philosopher Hubert Dreyfus. That visit led to meetings with a whole generation of philosophers whom Dreyfus had taught, which subsequently sparked the inspiration for this film. Being in the World raises the question of whether we have forgotten what it means to be truly human in today's technological age, and proceeds to answer this question by taking a journey around the world to meet a whole host of remarkable individuals, including Manuel Molina, the legendary poet and flamenco master; Leah Chase, affectionately known as the Queen of Creole Cuisine; and Hiroshi Sakaguchi, a master carpenter from Japan. By showing how these modern day masters approach life from within their chosen fields, Ruspoli's film celebrates the ability of human beings to find meaning in the world through the mastery of physical, intellectual, and creative skills.
Vail Film Festival Best Documentary
Vail Film Festival Best Documentary
Semper Fi: Always Faithful. Tony Hardmon, Rachel Libert
Marine Corps Master Sgt. Jerry Ensminger was a devoted Marine for nearly twenty-five years. As a drill instructor he lived and breathed the "Corps" and was responsible for indoctrinating thousands of new recruits with its motto Semper Fidelis or "Always Faithful". When Jerry's nine-year old daughter Janey died of a rare type of leukemia, his world collapsed. As a grief-stricken father, he struggled for years to make sense of what happened. His search for answers led to the shocking discovery of a Marine Corps cover-up of one of the largest water contamination incidents in U.S. history. Semper Fi: Always Faithful follows Jerry's mission to expose the Marine Corps and force them to live up to their motto to the thousands of soldiers and their families exposed to toxic chemicals. His fight reveals a grave injustice at North Carolina's Camp Lejeune and a looming environmental crisis at military sites across the country
Tribeca Film Festival Best Editing
Woodstock Film Festival Best Documentary
Tribeca Film Festival Best Editing
Woodstock Film Festival Best Documentary
Бобби Фишер против всего мира. Лиз Гарбус
Уникальная картина, проливающая свет на жизнь одного из самых таинственных вундеркиндов XX века - Бобби Фишера, странного и эксцентричного человека, которого называют самым гениальным шахматистом всех времен. Фишер выигрывал все состязания, в которых участвовал, став самым молодым чемпионом США и самым молодым международным гроссмейстером. В 1972 году, в разгар Холодной войны, Фишер стал настоящей иконой, выиграв у "непобедимого" советского шахматиста Бориса Спас-ского. Затем Фишер исчез, превратившись в отшельника. Все эти годы Фишер балансировал на тонкой грани, разделяющей гений и безумство. Каким он был? Какие демоны раздирали его изнутри? И почему, в итоге, он не смог одержать победу в самой главной партии жизни - с опасным и непредсказуемым против-ником - своим собственным разумом?
Brilliant, haunting, avid and beautifully inquiring -Entertainment Weekly
a haunting portrait of the chess genius as an incandescent prodigy and horrifying old crank --Village Voice
Garbus has put together a complex and fascinating portrait of genius wasted --The Hollywood Reporter
Nominated for Primetime Emmy. Another 1 win & 1 nomination
Brilliant, haunting, avid and beautifully inquiring -Entertainment Weekly
a haunting portrait of the chess genius as an incandescent prodigy and horrifying old crank --Village Voice
Garbus has put together a complex and fascinating portrait of genius wasted --The Hollywood Reporter
Nominated for Primetime Emmy. Another 1 win & 1 nomination
critic picks,
L'Insoumis: The Enigma. Bruno Monsaingeon
One of the most famous classic documentaries about pianist Sviatoslav Richter is available on DVD once again! Entirely "narrated" by Richter through his writings and speech, the film reveals the hardships of the great pianist's life that shaped his career and artistry. Archival footage, rare or unpublished musical material, and an interview with his wife, singer Nina Dorliac, make this film a particularly fine document of a life in art.
Ideale Audience Intl
Golden FIPA 1998 - PROCIREP Award 1998
Rocky Award for Best Arts Documentary - BANFF 1998
Best Video Award - Académie Charles Cros 1998 - Grand Prix Pratt and Whitney Canada, Festival International du Film sur l'Art , Montréal, 1999
Diapason d’Or 2000 (Best Classical Music DVD)
Cannes Classical Award 2001 (Best Classical Music DVD)
Ideale Audience Intl
Golden FIPA 1998 - PROCIREP Award 1998
Rocky Award for Best Arts Documentary - BANFF 1998
Best Video Award - Académie Charles Cros 1998 - Grand Prix Pratt and Whitney Canada, Festival International du Film sur l'Art , Montréal, 1999
Diapason d’Or 2000 (Best Classical Music DVD)
Cannes Classical Award 2001 (Best Classical Music DVD)
Into the Storm. Thaddeus O'Sullivan
Into the Storm follows British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (Brendan Gleeson) as he launches ferociously into World War II. The movie’s greatest strength comes from a shifting back and forth in time, portraying Churchill’s post-war life as well, when the very qualities that made him so effective as a military leader threaten both his career and his marriage. Anyone seeking a detailed analysis of the war will be disappointed; Into the Storm skips through history, less interested in the ebb and flow of combat than the weighing of decisions and the composition of speeches. Although this may sound uncinematic, Gleeson does a remarkable job articulating Churchill’s creative thoughts as he walks to and fro in his bedclothes, mulling over the right phrase to sustain his country’s morale, or facing FDR and Stalin across a table, working to shape an effective alliance. Janet McTeer (Tumbleweeds) is even better as Clementine Churchill, a woman who never sought the political life yet strove to support her belligerent, passionate husband as best she could. Written by Hugh Whitemore (author of Breaking the Code and The Gathering Storm, to which this is a sort of sequel), Into the Storm is a complex, well-rounded portrait, capturing how courage and indomitability can, in peacetime, turn brutish and bullying.
Nominated for 3 Golden Globes. Another 5 wins & 18 nominations.
Nominated for 3 Golden Globes. Another 5 wins & 18 nominations.
Be My Love: A Tribute to Mario Lanza
Joseph Calleja (tenor), BBC Concert Orchestra, Steven Mercurio
Blessed with “a golden-age voice” (The Sunday Times) that routinely inspires comparisons with legendary singers from earlier eras, Joseph Calleja will follow the success of The Maltese Tenor with a tribute to one of the most popular tenors of all time; the unique “crossover” star of the Hollywood musical – Mario Lanza.
This is an album that Joseph Calleja has always wanted to record. As a youth in Malta he saw Lanza in the cult film The Great Caruso and was so captivated that he gave up his predilection for Metallica and Iron Maiden and decided to become an opera singer
Gramophone Award - Artist of the Year
Decca - 4783531
Blessed with “a golden-age voice” (The Sunday Times) that routinely inspires comparisons with legendary singers from earlier eras, Joseph Calleja will follow the success of The Maltese Tenor with a tribute to one of the most popular tenors of all time; the unique “crossover” star of the Hollywood musical – Mario Lanza.
This is an album that Joseph Calleja has always wanted to record. As a youth in Malta he saw Lanza in the cult film The Great Caruso and was so captivated that he gave up his predilection for Metallica and Iron Maiden and decided to become an opera singer
Gramophone Award - Artist of the Year
Decca - 4783531
Joyriding. Derek Nash Acoustic Quartet
One of the strengths of the current British jazz scene comes from its core of mainstream, straight-ahead musicians, who focus their creative abilities on drawing fresh nuances from established musical styles; saxophonist Derek Nash is one of them. Joyriding features what he refers to as his "regular quartet," although that phrase does scant justice to the quality of the musicianship. Nash displays engagingly eclectic taste. "Joyriding" — a tune that conjures images of groovy '60s TV shows like Rowan And Martin's Laugh-In—and the cool swing of Phil Phillips' "Be My Valentine," later reprised in a vocal version featuring singer Beverly Vaughan. "Love At First Sound" is a gentle, slightly melancholy, ballad, with Nash's rich, warm, saxophone lent understated support by Newton, Gascoyne and de Krom. "Voodoo Rex," which Nash dedicates to his alto saxophone, is a terrific ensemble number. The core quartet is joined by Winston Rollins' funky trombone, creating a really full-blooded sound. All About Jazz
British Jazz Awards Best Alto Saxophone and Best CD nominated
British Jazz Awards Best Alto Saxophone and Best CD nominated
Anna Vinnitskaya plays Ravel
Following a first solo recital (2008) and a successful Ravel-Prokofiev concerto recording (2010), this is the third recording of Russian pianist Anna Vinnitskaya for Naive.
The recording presents two of the heights of Ravel's piano repertoire, 'Gaspard de la Nuit' and 'Miroirs', performed many times in recital before this recording.
In both works, as well as in the mysterious 'Pavane pour une infant défunte', Anna Vinnitskaya displays the whole range of her skills: intense delicacy, amazing legato and control of dynamics, supple and a strong personal style.
Anna Vinnitskaya, aged 29, is developing an intense concert career in Germany, Belgium and the UK. She won First Prize at the Queen Elizabeth Competition in 2007 and an Echo Klassik award (Germany) in 2011 for her latest recording.
“It is with a delicate, beautifully voiced account of the Pavane...that Vinnitskaya gently eases herself into this Ravel recital, indicating an affinity with the style that is immediately underlined by the glistening qualities and chararcterisation of the set of Miroirs...Vinnitskaya's taste, strength and feel for the music are never in doubt.” Daily Telegraph
Gramophone Magazine Editor's Choice
The recording presents two of the heights of Ravel's piano repertoire, 'Gaspard de la Nuit' and 'Miroirs', performed many times in recital before this recording.
In both works, as well as in the mysterious 'Pavane pour une infant défunte', Anna Vinnitskaya displays the whole range of her skills: intense delicacy, amazing legato and control of dynamics, supple and a strong personal style.
Anna Vinnitskaya, aged 29, is developing an intense concert career in Germany, Belgium and the UK. She won First Prize at the Queen Elizabeth Competition in 2007 and an Echo Klassik award (Germany) in 2011 for her latest recording.
“It is with a delicate, beautifully voiced account of the Pavane...that Vinnitskaya gently eases herself into this Ravel recital, indicating an affinity with the style that is immediately underlined by the glistening qualities and chararcterisation of the set of Miroirs...Vinnitskaya's taste, strength and feel for the music are never in doubt.” Daily Telegraph
Gramophone Magazine Editor's Choice
critic picks,
Serge Chaloff. Blue Serge
Quelques mois seulement avant d’être emporté par une tumeur au cerveau, le très sous-estimé sax baryton de Serge Chaloff souffle une dernière fois son chant puissant et bouleversant à la fois sur ce Blue Serge enregistré en mars 1956 pour Capitol. Entouré d’un casting impérial (Sonny Clark au piano, Philly Joe Jones à la batterie et Leroy Vinnegar à la contrebasse), l’ex-Four Brothers signe son plus beau disque.
Label: Blue Note
Label: Blue Note
critic picks,
Bloch/Bruch: Schelomo, Kol Nidrei & other works
Natalie Clein (cello) BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Ilan Volkov
A dazzling orchestral disc of music from the Jewish tradition of the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. Bruch’s Kol Nidrei is one of the most well-loved works in the cello repertoire. The descending opening phrase of the cello line is instantly recognizable: a universal, extraordinarily expressive utterance.
The main part of the disc comprises the works for cello and orchestra by Ernest Bloch, all part of his ‘Jewish cycle’. The most famous is Schelomo, a work inspired by passages from Ecclesiastes, where the cello, playing a deeply lyric and speaking line of prodigious technical difficulty, can be seen as ‘the incarnation of King Solomon’, as Bloch himself wrote. The other large-scale work for cello and orchestra, Voice in the Wilderness, is of a darker hue. Both works reveal a composer whose works should be firmly in the canon of twentieth-century symphonic writing.
The cellist here is Natalie Clein, a celebrated figure in British musical life since winning BBC Young Musician of the Year in 1995 and now a formidable artist, possessed of great musical, technical and intellectual gifts.
“[Clein's] impassioned, sensitive playing finds willing collaborators in the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and their former principal conductor.” Sunday Times
Gramophone Magazine Editor's Choice
A dazzling orchestral disc of music from the Jewish tradition of the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. Bruch’s Kol Nidrei is one of the most well-loved works in the cello repertoire. The descending opening phrase of the cello line is instantly recognizable: a universal, extraordinarily expressive utterance.
The main part of the disc comprises the works for cello and orchestra by Ernest Bloch, all part of his ‘Jewish cycle’. The most famous is Schelomo, a work inspired by passages from Ecclesiastes, where the cello, playing a deeply lyric and speaking line of prodigious technical difficulty, can be seen as ‘the incarnation of King Solomon’, as Bloch himself wrote. The other large-scale work for cello and orchestra, Voice in the Wilderness, is of a darker hue. Both works reveal a composer whose works should be firmly in the canon of twentieth-century symphonic writing.
The cellist here is Natalie Clein, a celebrated figure in British musical life since winning BBC Young Musician of the Year in 1995 and now a formidable artist, possessed of great musical, technical and intellectual gifts.
“[Clein's] impassioned, sensitive playing finds willing collaborators in the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and their former principal conductor.” Sunday Times
Gramophone Magazine Editor's Choice
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