In a work of meticulous scholarship and research, Paul Preston, the world's foremost historian of 20th-century Spain, charts how and why Franco and his supporters set out to eliminate all 'those who do not think as we do' – some 200,000 innocent men, women and children across Spain.
As the country slowly reclaims its historical memory after a long period of wilful amnesia, for the first time a full picture can be given of the escalation and aftermath of the Spanish Holocaust in all its dimensions – ranging from systematic killings and judicial murders to the abuse of women and children, imprisonment, torture and the grisly fate of Spaniards in the hands of the Gestapo.
Reflecting more than a decade of research, and telling many stories of individuals from both sides, The Spanish Holocaust seeks to reflect the intense horrors visited upon Spain by the arrogance and brutality of the officers who rose up on 17 July 1936, provoking a civil war that was unnecessary and whose consequences still reverberate bitterly in Spain today.
Samuel Johnson prize shortlisted
30 окт. 2012 г.
Run of the Red Queen. Government, Innovation, Globalization, and Economic Growth in China by Dan Breznitz and Michael Murphree
Few observers are unimpressed by the economic ambition of China or by the nation's remarkable rate of growth. But what does the future hold? This meticulously researched book closely examines the strengths and weaknesses of the Chinese economic system to discover where the nation may be headed and what the Chinese experience reveals about emerging market economies. The authors find that contrary to popular belief, cutting edge innovation is not a prerequisite for sustained economic vitality—and that China is a perfect case in point.
"Run of the Red Queen" is an important book. It should make both Chinese bureaucrats and Western pundits think twice before pronouncing on China's "innovation deficit". The Economist
"A new, illuminating book" New York Times
Highlights the hot issues from a global as well as regional dimension with very deep knowledge of China.”—Xielin Liu, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Axiom Business Awards
Susan Strange Best Book Award
"Run of the Red Queen" is an important book. It should make both Chinese bureaucrats and Western pundits think twice before pronouncing on China's "innovation deficit". The Economist
"A new, illuminating book" New York Times
Highlights the hot issues from a global as well as regional dimension with very deep knowledge of China.”—Xielin Liu, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Axiom Business Awards
Susan Strange Best Book Award
The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill: Defender of the Realm, 1940-1965 by William Manchester, Paul Reid
Spanning the years of 1940-1965, THE LAST LION picks up shortly after Winston Churchill became Prime Minister-when his tiny island nation stood alone against the overwhelming might of Nazi Germany. The Churchill conjured up by William Manchester and Paul Reid is a man of indomitable courage, lightning fast intellect, and an irresistible will to action. THE LAST LION brilliantly recounts how Churchill organized his nation's military response and defense; compelled FDR into supporting America's beleaguered cousins, and personified the "never surrender" ethos that helped the Allies win the war, while at the same time adapting himself and his country to the inevitable shift of world power from the British Empire to the United States.
More than twenty years in the making, THE LAST LION presents a revelatory and unparalleled portrait of this brilliant, flawed, and dynamic leader. This is popular history at its most stirring.
"The long-delayed majestic account of Winston Churchill's last 25 years is worth the wait....Manchester (and Reid) matches the outstanding quality of biographers such as Robert Caro and Edmund Morris, joining this elite bank of writers who devote their lives to one subject." Publishers Weekly
"Reid's got the research right, down to the day, down to the minute...As Reid chronicles Churchill's private aspects-his wittiness, sybaritic consumption of scotch and cigars, and moods bordering on depression... Manchester was one of the best Churchill biographers, and this capstone to his magnum opus ought not to be missed." Booklist
It is an exhaustively researched and detailed account of Churchill’s life during World War II. Kirkus called it “essential for Manchester collectors, W. W.II buffs and Churchill completists.” NYT
More than twenty years in the making, THE LAST LION presents a revelatory and unparalleled portrait of this brilliant, flawed, and dynamic leader. This is popular history at its most stirring.
"The long-delayed majestic account of Winston Churchill's last 25 years is worth the wait....Manchester (and Reid) matches the outstanding quality of biographers such as Robert Caro and Edmund Morris, joining this elite bank of writers who devote their lives to one subject." Publishers Weekly
"Reid's got the research right, down to the day, down to the minute...As Reid chronicles Churchill's private aspects-his wittiness, sybaritic consumption of scotch and cigars, and moods bordering on depression... Manchester was one of the best Churchill biographers, and this capstone to his magnum opus ought not to be missed." Booklist
It is an exhaustively researched and detailed account of Churchill’s life during World War II. Kirkus called it “essential for Manchester collectors, W. W.II buffs and Churchill completists.” NYT
critic picks
Россия против Наполеона: борьба за Европу, 1807–1814. Д. Ливен
Подход английского историка Д.Ливена разительным образом отличается от оценок, принятых в западной историографии. В большей части трудов западных историков, посвященных борьбе России с Наполеоном, внимание авторов практически всецело сосредоточено на кампании 1812 г., на личности Наполеона, его огромной армии и русской зиме, при этом упускаются из виду действия российского руководства и проводимые им военные операции.
Главная книжная новинка месяца — это, пожалуй, долгожданный русский перевод фундаментального семисотстраничного иссле-дования «Russia Against Napoleon: Battle for Europe» историка, профессора Лондонской школы экономики Доминика Ливена. В Англии книга вышла еще три года назад. Автор утверждает, что война 1812 года была вовсе не такой, какой мы ее себе представляем. Россия победила Наполеона не благодаря везению и холодам — а благодаря военному искусству своих командиров. Парадокс в том, что русские сами недооценивают свою роль в уничтожении Наполеона и строительстве новой Европы. Ливен убедительно доказывает, что едва ли не главным «злодеем», из-за которого история этого времени подверглась колоссальным искажениям, был Лев Толстой — чья художественная интерпрета-ция событий в «Войне и мире», во-первых, стала восприниматься как научная, а во-вторых, совпала с представлениями, выгодными вовсе не русским, а другим участникам тех войн. Афиша
Главная книжная новинка месяца — это, пожалуй, долгожданный русский перевод фундаментального семисотстраничного иссле-дования «Russia Against Napoleon: Battle for Europe» историка, профессора Лондонской школы экономики Доминика Ливена. В Англии книга вышла еще три года назад. Автор утверждает, что война 1812 года была вовсе не такой, какой мы ее себе представляем. Россия победила Наполеона не благодаря везению и холодам — а благодаря военному искусству своих командиров. Парадокс в том, что русские сами недооценивают свою роль в уничтожении Наполеона и строительстве новой Европы. Ливен убедительно доказывает, что едва ли не главным «злодеем», из-за которого история этого времени подверглась колоссальным искажениям, был Лев Толстой — чья художественная интерпрета-ция событий в «Войне и мире», во-первых, стала восприниматься как научная, а во-вторых, совпала с представлениями, выгодными вовсе не русским, а другим участникам тех войн. Афиша
critic picks
In The Shadow of ohe Sword: The Battle for Global Empire and the End of the Ancient World by Tom Holland
Конек молодого британского историка («Рубикон», «Персидский огонь») — плохо изученный период между 400 и 800 годами н. э. В новой книге он пытается ответить на вопрос — как на руинах двух империй, Римской и Персидской, возникла оригинальная цивилизация — арабо-мусульманская? Каким образом связано падение Римской империи и возникновение ислама? Почему персы и римляне не смогли удержать Ближний Восток, — а у арабов это получилось, причем для завоевания потребовались не века, как у римлян, а десятилетия? Помимо чисто исторического, у книги есть и злободневный аспект — аналогия с современностью: закат Америки и набирающий силу Китай.
“An entertaining account of the fraught last years of the Dark Ages.”— The Wall Street Journal
“A book that really held me, in fact, obsessed me . . . Narrative history at its best.” –Ian McEwan, The Guardian, Books of the Year
“Richly resonant. ... Ancient history lives in this vivid chronicle.”—Booklist (starred review)
“An entertaining account of the fraught last years of the Dark Ages.”— The Wall Street Journal
“A book that really held me, in fact, obsessed me . . . Narrative history at its best.” –Ian McEwan, The Guardian, Books of the Year
“Richly resonant. ... Ancient history lives in this vivid chronicle.”—Booklist (starred review)
critic picks
The Big Roads: The Untold Story of the Engineers, Visionaries, and Trailblazers Who Created the American Superhighways. Earl Swift
A man-made wonder, a connective network, an economic force, a bringer of blight and sprawl and the possibility of escape—the U.S. interstate system changed the face of our country. The Big Roads charts the creation of these essential American highways. From the turn-of-the-century car racing entrepreneur who spurred the citizen-led “Good Roads” movement, to the handful of driven engineers who conceived of the interstates and how they would work—years before President Eisenhower knew the plans existed—to the protests that erupted across the nation when highways reached the cities and found people unwilling to be uprooted in the name of progress, Swift follows a winding, fascinating route through twentieth-century American life.
How did we get from dirt tracks to expressways, from main streets to off-ramps, from mud to concrete and steel, in less than a century? Through decades of politics, activism, and marvels of engineering, we recognize in our highways the wanderlust, grand scale, and conflicting notions of citizenship and progress that define America.
В разделе, посвященном современности, Свифт пишет о том, что времена неконтролируемой экономической экспансии оставили американцам в наследство инфраструктуру, содержать которую им не по средствам. Strelka Institute
How did we get from dirt tracks to expressways, from main streets to off-ramps, from mud to concrete and steel, in less than a century? Through decades of politics, activism, and marvels of engineering, we recognize in our highways the wanderlust, grand scale, and conflicting notions of citizenship and progress that define America.
В разделе, посвященном современности, Свифт пишет о том, что времена неконтролируемой экономической экспансии оставили американцам в наследство инфраструктуру, содержать которую им не по средствам. Strelka Institute
Walking Home: The Life and Lessons of a City Builder by Ken Greenberg
One of the world's foremost urban designers shares his passion and methods for rejuvenating neglected cities and argues passionately for the importance and possibilities of their renewal.
From a youth spent in the boroughs of New York City and other great cities of the world, to his beginnings as an architect in Toronto, Ken Greenberg has long recognized that cities at their best provide much of what we seek in a place to call home. Community, places of culture and business that we can walk to, mass transit and a wealth of amenities that couldn't be supported without a city's density: the mid-century drive to suburbanization deprived us of these inherent advantages of urban living. The realization of this loss, in tandem with pressing recent concerns about energy scarcity and global warming, has made us see cities with fresh eyes and a growing understanding that they can provide us with an unparalleled measure of sustainability.
Ken Greenberg has not only advocated for the renewal of downtown cores, he has for thirty years designed the very means by which that renewal can happen. Walking Home is both Ken's story and a lesson in turning the world's urban spaces back into places that can give us not only a platform to face the challenges of the future, but also a place we can call, with pride and satisfaction, home.
From a youth spent in the boroughs of New York City and other great cities of the world, to his beginnings as an architect in Toronto, Ken Greenberg has long recognized that cities at their best provide much of what we seek in a place to call home. Community, places of culture and business that we can walk to, mass transit and a wealth of amenities that couldn't be supported without a city's density: the mid-century drive to suburbanization deprived us of these inherent advantages of urban living. The realization of this loss, in tandem with pressing recent concerns about energy scarcity and global warming, has made us see cities with fresh eyes and a growing understanding that they can provide us with an unparalleled measure of sustainability.
Ken Greenberg has not only advocated for the renewal of downtown cores, he has for thirty years designed the very means by which that renewal can happen. Walking Home is both Ken's story and a lesson in turning the world's urban spaces back into places that can give us not only a platform to face the challenges of the future, but also a place we can call, with pride and satisfaction, home.
Свобода на продажу. Джон Кампфнер
"Демократия перед теми, кто к ней относится серьезно, ставит почти неразрешимые проблемы, а тем, кто ее ненавидит, открывает почти неограниченные возможности", - отмечал Вацлав Гавел. Почему столь многие из нас готовы поступиться "громкими правами" в обмен на процветание и безопасность, часто иллюзорные? И возможен ли свободный рынок без демократии, а демократия без свободы? Над этими и другими трудными вопросами предлагает задуматься известный английский журналист Джон Кампфнер, изучивший политический опыт Сингапура, Китая, России, Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов, Италии, Великобритании и США.
“A pungent thesis, argued with verve and an abundance of telling detail…. The fundamental questions of Freedom for Sale [are] often posed with a clarity that makes you wince.” The Guardian
“Crisply written and smartly argued, this global tour of civil liberties in decline from India to Italy is an unnerving, urgent, and very persuasive wake-up call.” Publishers Weekly
“A pungent thesis, argued with verve and an abundance of telling detail…. The fundamental questions of Freedom for Sale [are] often posed with a clarity that makes you wince.” The Guardian
“Crisply written and smartly argued, this global tour of civil liberties in decline from India to Italy is an unnerving, urgent, and very persuasive wake-up call.” Publishers Weekly
Оскар Уайльд. Ричард Эллман
Американский литературовед Ричард Эллман двадцать лет работал над биографией Оскара Уайльда, отмеченной National Book Critics Circle Award и Пулитцеровской премией. По книге Эллмана снят знаменитый фильм «Уайльд» (1997) со Стивеном Фраем, Ванессой Редгрейв и Джудом Лоу в главных ролях.
В этой книге — абсолютно все, что вы хотели узнать о трагичной фигуре Уайльда в интерьере своей эпохи. Эллман, работавший над биографией около двадцати лет, буквально вырастил образ Уайльда на ее страницах — от маленького мальчика, наряженного в девичьи платьица, до самого желанного гостя во всех лондонских салонах, от студента, восхищавшегося Рескиным и белыми лилиями, до погибшего в нищете изгнанника.
В этой книге — абсолютно все, что вы хотели узнать о трагичной фигуре Уайльда в интерьере своей эпохи. Эллман, работавший над биографией около двадцати лет, буквально вырастил образ Уайльда на ее страницах — от маленького мальчика, наряженного в девичьи платьица, до самого желанного гостя во всех лондонских салонах, от студента, восхищавшегося Рескиным и белыми лилиями, до погибшего в нищете изгнанника.
The Worm Hunters. Directed by Randall Wood
In a dark underworld of dirty deeds, vile slime and deadly pollution, scientists are exposing an animal that could help save our challenged planet – the humble earthworm. So what can it tell us about earth’s geographic evolution? Can it reverse the earth’s infertile hot spots? Can it really cure cancer? Is it the answer to toxic waste? In 2009/2010 The Worm Hunters go underground to find answers. Armed with spades, GPS worm locators, secret ‘worm ousting’ fluids, back-hoes and worm evacuators our somewhat oddball, but dedicated, scientists literally search ‘high and low’ for the world’s first Super Worm.
Гран-при VII Международного кинофестиваля научно-популярных фильмов «Мир знаний»
Label: Gulliver Media
Гран-при VII Международного кинофестиваля научно-популярных фильмов «Мир знаний»
Label: Gulliver Media
Les vagabonds des cendres. Directed by Bertrand Loyer
On the volcanic island of New Britain, a handful of animals have learned to live with the sporadic anger of the Earth. When ash from an eruption invades their habitat, the choice seems simple: stay and adapt, or leave.
Призер VII Международного кинофестиваля научно-популярных фильмов «Мир знаний»
Label: Saint Thomas Productions
Призер VII Международного кинофестиваля научно-популярных фильмов «Мир знаний»
Label: Saint Thomas Productions
The Boy Who Was a King. Directed by Andrey Paounov.
Explores the strange history of Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha who became Bulgaria's tsar at age 6, then was exiled during years of communism and returned to be elected Prime Minister.
At the age of six, Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha received the first phone call of his life, informing him of his father's sudden death and his birthright to become Tsar of Bulgaria. Only three years later, the nine-year-old king was overthrown by communist dissenters and he and his family were exiled from the country. Fifty years passed before the communist regime collapsed and Simeon was allowed to return home. Crowds cheered, 'We want our King!', even though the title no longer existed. Simeon created a new political party and won a landslide majority to become the Prime Minister of Bulgaria in 2001. But it was a difficult period of transition for a country with eighty per cent unemployment. In four years, Simeon would find himself in a sort of exile again: this time from the favor of the nation that had celebrated his return.
RiverRun International Film Festival prize
At the age of six, Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha received the first phone call of his life, informing him of his father's sudden death and his birthright to become Tsar of Bulgaria. Only three years later, the nine-year-old king was overthrown by communist dissenters and he and his family were exiled from the country. Fifty years passed before the communist regime collapsed and Simeon was allowed to return home. Crowds cheered, 'We want our King!', even though the title no longer existed. Simeon created a new political party and won a landslide majority to become the Prime Minister of Bulgaria in 2001. But it was a difficult period of transition for a country with eighty per cent unemployment. In four years, Simeon would find himself in a sort of exile again: this time from the favor of the nation that had celebrated his return.
RiverRun International Film Festival prize
Elliott Erwitt: I Bark at Dogs. Directed by Douglas J. Sloan
Elliott Erwitt: "I Bark At Dogs" examines the diverse scope of Erwitt's photography, a 60+ year career that has earned him a major retrospective showcase at the International Center of Photography museum as well as recognition for Lifetime Achievement at the 2011 Infinity Awards Ceremony where the film was screened for the first time. Distinguished as both a documentary and commercial photographer, Erwitt has made some of the most memorable photographs of the twentieth century, including portraits of Marilyn Monroe, Jackie Kennedy, and Che Guevara, as well as astonishing scenes of everyday life, filled with poetry, wit, and special sense of humor. Dogs are a subject of constant fascination for Erwitt, and add yet another dimension to a wildly variant body of work. Erwitt is also known for the creation of an alter ego, a persona he has dubbed Andre S. Solidor (ASS for short), who has come to represent a sort of satirical conflation of the fads, absurdities and shortcomings of the modern art world as Erwitt sees them. Solidor graces the film with a special appearance, surreal and hilarious in equal measure. With his love of taking pictures, his personal interests, and the response to his work, Erwitt continues to be one of the leading figures in the world of photography.
critic picks,
Samsara. Ron Fricke
Filmed over nearly five years in twenty-five countries on five continents, and shot on seventy-millimetre film, Samsara transports us to the varied worlds of sacred grounds, disaster zones, industrial complexes, and natural wonders.
Expanding on the themes they developed in BARAKA (1992) and CHRONOS (1985), SAMSARA explores the wonders of our world from the mundane to the miraculous, looking into the unfathomable reaches of man’s spirituality and the human experience. Neither a traditional documentary nor a travelogue, SAMSARA takes the form of a nonverbal, guided meditation. Through powerful images, the film illuminates the links between humanity and the rest of nature, showing how our life cycle mirrors the rhythm of the planet.
The filmmakers approach non verbal filmmaking with an understanding that it must live up to the standard of great still photography, revealing the essence of a subject, not just its physical presence. SAMSARA was photographed entirely in 70mm film utilizing both standard frame rates and with a motion control time-lapse camera designed specifically for this project. This camera system allows perspective shifts to reveal extraordinary views of ordinary scenes. The images were then transferred through the highest resolution scanning process available to the new 4K digital projection format that allows for mesmerizing images of unprecedented clarity. SAMSARA will be a showpiece for the new, high-resolution 4K digital projection, the HD format, as well as standard digital and film projection.
Expanding on the themes they developed in BARAKA (1992) and CHRONOS (1985), SAMSARA explores the wonders of our world from the mundane to the miraculous, looking into the unfathomable reaches of man’s spirituality and the human experience. Neither a traditional documentary nor a travelogue, SAMSARA takes the form of a nonverbal, guided meditation. Through powerful images, the film illuminates the links between humanity and the rest of nature, showing how our life cycle mirrors the rhythm of the planet.
The filmmakers approach non verbal filmmaking with an understanding that it must live up to the standard of great still photography, revealing the essence of a subject, not just its physical presence. SAMSARA was photographed entirely in 70mm film utilizing both standard frame rates and with a motion control time-lapse camera designed specifically for this project. This camera system allows perspective shifts to reveal extraordinary views of ordinary scenes. The images were then transferred through the highest resolution scanning process available to the new 4K digital projection format that allows for mesmerizing images of unprecedented clarity. SAMSARA will be a showpiece for the new, high-resolution 4K digital projection, the HD format, as well as standard digital and film projection.
Leonardo Vinci: Artaserse
Philippe Jaroussky, Max Emanuel Cencic, Franco Fagioli, Valer Barna-Sabadus, Daniel Behle, Concerto Köln, Diego Fasolis
Dans l’Italie du début du XVIIIe siècle, le compositeur napolitain Leonardo Vinci était l’une des plus brillantes étoiles de l’opéra, et Artaserse est considéré comme son chef-d’œuvre absolu, que Diego Fasolis, entouré des plus belles voix de la scène baroque, ressuscite aujourd'hui. L’ouvrage, qui raconte l’histoire de l’empereur perse Artaxerxès, a été créé en 1730 au Teatro delle Dame à Rome. A cette époque, un décret pontifical interdisant aux femmes de se produire sur la scène des théâtres de la ville, les rôles féminins étaient tenus par des castrats. Cet enregistrement relève brillamment le défi, et regroupe le croate Max Emanuel Cencic, le français Philippe Jaroussky, l’argentin Franco Fagioli, le roumain Valer Barna-Sabadus et l’ukrainien Yuriy Mynenko. A découvrir de toute urgence !
3 disques - 72 pistes - Durée totale : 03:07:20
Virgin Classics
Qobuz, le choc classique du mois
Dans l’Italie du début du XVIIIe siècle, le compositeur napolitain Leonardo Vinci était l’une des plus brillantes étoiles de l’opéra, et Artaserse est considéré comme son chef-d’œuvre absolu, que Diego Fasolis, entouré des plus belles voix de la scène baroque, ressuscite aujourd'hui. L’ouvrage, qui raconte l’histoire de l’empereur perse Artaxerxès, a été créé en 1730 au Teatro delle Dame à Rome. A cette époque, un décret pontifical interdisant aux femmes de se produire sur la scène des théâtres de la ville, les rôles féminins étaient tenus par des castrats. Cet enregistrement relève brillamment le défi, et regroupe le croate Max Emanuel Cencic, le français Philippe Jaroussky, l’argentin Franco Fagioli, le roumain Valer Barna-Sabadus et l’ukrainien Yuriy Mynenko. A découvrir de toute urgence !
3 disques - 72 pistes - Durée totale : 03:07:20
Virgin Classics
Qobuz, le choc classique du mois
critic picks,
Christian Gerhaher: Ferne Geliebte (Distant Beloved)
Christian Gerhaher (baritone) & Gerold Huber (piano)
Christian Gerhaher is the outstanding Lieder singer of our time. His recordings of the art songs and song cycles by Schubert, Schumann, Brahms and Mahler possess reference status, and have been awarded many major prizes. In the UK alone his awards include the 2009 BBC Music Magazine Award for Vocal Performance, a Gramophone award in 2006, and in 2011 he won the Olivier Outstanding Achievement in Opera award.
Gerhaher now presents his first ‘concept album’, which is at the same time his first album of songs by multiple composers in 10 years.
‘Ferne Geliebte’ (Distant Beloved) juxtaposes compositions from the two great Vienna schools, Viennese Classicism on the one hand, represented by Haydn and Beethoven, and the Second Viennese School with Schönberg and Berg on the other. The connection between them all is their preoccupation with loneliness, longing and hopeless love.
“He treats the cycles with the same care for the meaning of every word, beauty of tone, subtle emphasis and shading...Both the Schoenberg and the Berg are usually sung by a soprano or mezzo...But hearing them juxtaposed in such poised performances – Gerold Huber is Gerhaher's acutely sensitive partner – seems totally logical.” The Guardian
“a recital of rare and compelling musical intelligence and integrity of response...But as well as the intellectual satisfaction of this recital, there is also the sheer delight of Gerhaher's superbly cultivated baritone, and his outstanding artistry. If ever art concealed art, it is here” BBC Music Magazine
Sony - 88691935432
Christian Gerhaher is the outstanding Lieder singer of our time. His recordings of the art songs and song cycles by Schubert, Schumann, Brahms and Mahler possess reference status, and have been awarded many major prizes. In the UK alone his awards include the 2009 BBC Music Magazine Award for Vocal Performance, a Gramophone award in 2006, and in 2011 he won the Olivier Outstanding Achievement in Opera award.
Gerhaher now presents his first ‘concept album’, which is at the same time his first album of songs by multiple composers in 10 years.
‘Ferne Geliebte’ (Distant Beloved) juxtaposes compositions from the two great Vienna schools, Viennese Classicism on the one hand, represented by Haydn and Beethoven, and the Second Viennese School with Schönberg and Berg on the other. The connection between them all is their preoccupation with loneliness, longing and hopeless love.
“He treats the cycles with the same care for the meaning of every word, beauty of tone, subtle emphasis and shading...Both the Schoenberg and the Berg are usually sung by a soprano or mezzo...But hearing them juxtaposed in such poised performances – Gerold Huber is Gerhaher's acutely sensitive partner – seems totally logical.” The Guardian
“a recital of rare and compelling musical intelligence and integrity of response...But as well as the intellectual satisfaction of this recital, there is also the sheer delight of Gerhaher's superbly cultivated baritone, and his outstanding artistry. If ever art concealed art, it is here” BBC Music Magazine
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critic picks,
House of Legends. Courtney Pine
Drawing on the varied styles of Caribbean music, and identifying them with historical events, figures and places, Pine has created a marvellous patchwork of melodies and rhythms. From the solemn opening threnody for Stephen Lawrence to a fizzing Tico-Tico at the end, it's thoroughly absorbing. This album makes a fascinating companion piece to last year's Europa, which treated European musical traditions in a similar way. For that, Pine confined himself to playing bass clarinet. This time he sticks to soprano saxophone, supported by an impressive cast of musicians, representing several generations. Guardian
'Pine's pin-sharp soprano is a joy throughout' Roger Thomas
Destin-E 77721028867
'Pine's pin-sharp soprano is a joy throughout' Roger Thomas
Destin-E 77721028867
critic picks,
Armenian Spirit (Esprit d'Arménie)
Hespèrion XXI - Jordi Savall
This album is a tribute to Armenia and to the Armenian musicians who played alongside Jordi Savall and his wife Montserrat Figueras over the years. The repertoire consists alternately of very lively pieces and more contemplative ones, all of them beautifully played on traditional instruments, including the ‘duduk’, a flute with a deeply moving sound originating from a time before times.
Jordi Savall unveils this music with his faultless musical flair and an endless curiosity, as testified in the lavishly documented and illustrated booklet.
Alia vox SACD AVSA9892
This album is a tribute to Armenia and to the Armenian musicians who played alongside Jordi Savall and his wife Montserrat Figueras over the years. The repertoire consists alternately of very lively pieces and more contemplative ones, all of them beautifully played on traditional instruments, including the ‘duduk’, a flute with a deeply moving sound originating from a time before times.
Jordi Savall unveils this music with his faultless musical flair and an endless curiosity, as testified in the lavishly documented and illustrated booklet.
Alia vox SACD AVSA9892
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