"Scott is an ideal person to tackle this subject... Moreover, he is both a creative writer and a perceptive literary critic, who leavens his text with some mercurially brilliant turns of phrase and poetic coinages, while at the same time stiffening it up with huge dollops of literary explication and quotation… with his joyful phrase-making and sharp eye for the follies and absurdities of wired life, Scott would be the perfect investigator to report back on what it feels like to be… uploaded." Guardian
Samuel Johnson prize longlist
Winner of the Jerwood Prize
30 сент. 2015 г.
Losing the Signal: The Untold Story Behind the Extraordinary Rise and Spectacular Fall of Blackberry. Jacquie McNish and Sean Silcoff
There have been many books about the smartphone maker, but none of the authors has had the same level of access to Mr. Lazaridis and Mr. Balsillie as the duo behind Losing the Signal... you find yourself rooting for BlackBerry as the book recounts how a maker of crude teletext devices became the world's biggest smartphone manufacturer. The Financial Times
[McNish and Silcoff have] produced a tragedy worthy of Shakespeare's attention... So even as you read, with a kind of shiver of schadenfreude, about BlackBerry's vicissitudes, there's plenty of food for thought here about what this means on a much broader stage. Yahoo! Finance
Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Shortlist
[McNish and Silcoff have] produced a tragedy worthy of Shakespeare's attention... So even as you read, with a kind of shiver of schadenfreude, about BlackBerry's vicissitudes, there's plenty of food for thought here about what this means on a much broader stage. Yahoo! Finance
Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Shortlist
Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioural Economics. Richard Thaler
“A sly and somewhat subversive history of [the economics] profession…engrossing and highly relevant.” The New York Times
“Highly enjoyable…dense with fascinating examples…. It is long past time to replace Econs with Humans, both in theory and in the practice of prediction.” Wall Street Journal
“In Misbehaving, [Thaler] offers a dryly humorous history of the revolution he helped ignite, as well as a useful (if sometimes challenging) primer on its key concepts.” Chicago Tribune
Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Shortlist
“Highly enjoyable…dense with fascinating examples…. It is long past time to replace Econs with Humans, both in theory and in the practice of prediction.” Wall Street Journal
“In Misbehaving, [Thaler] offers a dryly humorous history of the revolution he helped ignite, as well as a useful (if sometimes challenging) primer on its key concepts.” Chicago Tribune
Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Shortlist
Как становятся профессорами: академические карьеры, рынки и власть в пяти странах. Соколов М., Губа К., Зименкова Т., Сафонова М., Чуйкина С.
Как устроены академические карьеры в разных странах? Что надо и чего не надо делать, чтобы успешно взойти по их ступеням? Этот вопрос волнует три разные аудитории. Прежде всего, ответ на него интересует всех, кто стоит у подножья академической лестницы и оценивает свои шансы подняться по ней. Он занимает также администраторов, которые ломают голову над тем, как правильно перестроить эту лестницу, чтобы восхождение было легким делом для достойного и трудным для недостойного и чтобы профессорами становились только те, кто внес надлежащий вклад в науку и высшее образование.
critic picks
Дунай. Река империй. Андрей Шарый
Три тысячи километров Дуная, второй по протяженности реки Старого Света, - три тысячелетия истории человечества. Речное движение от германского истока к украинско-румынскому устью через территории Австрии и Словакии, Венгрии и Хорватии, Сербии и Болгарии - это путешествие в прошлое могущественных империй и в настоящее новой Европы. Во все времена Дунай вдохновлял на подвиги и свершения полководцев и политиков, поэтов и художников, композиторов и скульпторов. Сегодняшние поездки по Дунаю подтверждают: эта река обозначает важнейшую политическую и культурную дугу Старого Света, зону соперничества и сотрудничества народов, область взаимопроникновения их языков и обычаев. Дунай был и остается для человека и человечества - путем, целью, берегом, фронтирой, мечтой.
Это хорошо темперированное путешествие мы совершаем в сопровождении идеального экскурсовода, в памяти которого то и дело всплывают люди, о которых если бы не он, мы могли бы никогда и не узнать. Эксперт
Это хорошо темперированное путешествие мы совершаем в сопровождении идеального экскурсовода, в памяти которого то и дело всплывают люди, о которых если бы не он, мы могли бы никогда и не узнать. Эксперт
critic picks
Поэтики Джойса. Умберто Эко
Многие художники оставили заметки о поэтике, описания своего творческого труда, целые эссе по вопросам эстетики. Но никто, кроме Джойса, не заставлял своих персонажей столько рассуждать о поэтике и эстетике. — Умберто Эко
Умберто Эко — всемирно известный итальянский писатель, историк культуры, философ, специалист по семиотике, член ведущих академий мира, лауреат крупнейших премий, его труды переведены на сорок языков. Автор бестселлеров "Имя розы", "Маятник Фуко" и "Остров накануне" в этой книге обращается к анализу творчества Джеймса Джойса, прослеживая весь литературный путь великого ирландца. Умберто Эко раскрывает мир Джойса, и в особенности двух его монументальных произведений: "Улисса" и "Финнеганова помина" ("Поминок по Финнегану").
Умберто Эко — всемирно известный итальянский писатель, историк культуры, философ, специалист по семиотике, член ведущих академий мира, лауреат крупнейших премий, его труды переведены на сорок языков. Автор бестселлеров "Имя розы", "Маятник Фуко" и "Остров накануне" в этой книге обращается к анализу творчества Джеймса Джойса, прослеживая весь литературный путь великого ирландца. Умберто Эко раскрывает мир Джойса, и в особенности двух его монументальных произведений: "Улисса" и "Финнеганова помина" ("Поминок по Финнегану").
Nobel Writers on Writing. Ottar G. Draugsvold
Since its inception, the Nobel Prize for literature has given a very public voice to some of the world's greatest writers, and their responses to the honor--their acceptance speeches--have often been epochal. From the famed call to arms by William Faulkner to the multicultural song of Derek Walcott, from 1903's Bjornstjerne Bjornson to 1999's Gunter Grass, this collection of 28 speeches traces the ideals of the artists and the selection committee itself throughout the 20th century. Included are an introduction to each of the writers chosen, an abridged copy of the speech or lecture and a bibliography of works in English.
Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan. Herbert P. Bix
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize
In this groundbreaking biography of the Japanese emperor Hirohito, Herbert P. Bix offers the first complete, unvarnished look at the enigmatic leader whose sixty-three-year reign ushered Japan into the modern world. Never before has the full life of this controversial figure been revealed with such clarity and vividness. Bix shows what it was like to be trained from birth for a lone position at the apex of the nation's political hierarchy and as a revered symbol of divine status. Influenced by an unusual combination of the Japanese imperial tradition and a modern scientific worldview, the young emperor gradually evolves into his preeminent role, aligning himself with the growing ultranationalist movement, perpetuating a cult of religious emperor worship, resisting attempts to curb his power, and all the while burnishing his image as a reluctant, passive monarch. Here we see Hirohito as he truly was: a man of strong will and real authority.
In this groundbreaking biography of the Japanese emperor Hirohito, Herbert P. Bix offers the first complete, unvarnished look at the enigmatic leader whose sixty-three-year reign ushered Japan into the modern world. Never before has the full life of this controversial figure been revealed with such clarity and vividness. Bix shows what it was like to be trained from birth for a lone position at the apex of the nation's political hierarchy and as a revered symbol of divine status. Influenced by an unusual combination of the Japanese imperial tradition and a modern scientific worldview, the young emperor gradually evolves into his preeminent role, aligning himself with the growing ultranationalist movement, perpetuating a cult of religious emperor worship, resisting attempts to curb his power, and all the while burnishing his image as a reluctant, passive monarch. Here we see Hirohito as he truly was: a man of strong will and real authority.
Вино мертвецов. Ромен Гари
Сенсационная публикация потерянного романа: рукопись, подаренная автором подруге юности, обнаружилась спустя полвека на аукционе. ""Вино мертвецов" — книга, пронизанная отчаянным сарказмом и мощнейшей энергией, рассвет творческой жизни со всеми его обещаниями" (Le Monde). "Вино мертвецов" — юношеский роман самого популярного французского классика ХХ столетия. Ромен Гари, летчик, дипломат, герой Второй мировой войны, блестящий романист и великий мистификатор, был дважды награжден знаменитой Гонкуровской премией: первый раз в 1956 году как Гари, второй — в 1975-м как Эмиль Ажар. У этого романа, единственного, подписанного его настоящим именем — Роман Кацев, — удивительная судьба. Рукопись, подаренная автором подруге юности, считалась навсегда утраченной. Однако спустя полвека она обнаружилась на аукционе, и к столетию писателя книга наконец увидела свет.
Great Museum. Johannes Holzhausen
Featuring unprecedented access to an influential and multi-faceted institution, The Great Museum reveals the inner workings of Vienna s Kunsthistorisches Museum, one of the most important art institutions in the world. Widely known as the art palace that houses paintings by Rembrandt, Diego Velazquez, Pieter Brueghel, Peter Paul Rubens and Caravaggio, among many other canonical works, the museum also features a remarkable and magnetic group of dedicated employees. As the camera follows the spacious rooms hosting some of the world s most valuable art works, director Johannes Holzhausen reveals a dynamic, reflective and fast-moving institution that s both adapting to the marketing and funding realities of the 21st century while remaining faithful to its core mission.
Berlinale Caligari Award
Berlinale Caligari Award
Milton Glaser: To Inform and Delight
Profiles Milton Glaser (1929- ), America's foremost graphic designer: designer of the iconic "I [heart] N.Y." logo, teacher, and humanitarian. Interviews with Glaser are arranged to take him through a rough chronology of his life: study at New York High School of Music and Art and at Cooper Union, a seminal stay in Italy, his marriage, and his various partnerships - founding Push Pin Studios and "New York" magazine, designing Grand Union supermarkets, and working with "The Nation." Interspersed are examples of his work. Glaser is, throughout, charming in manner, memorable in his observations, and generous of spirit.
Chicago International Film Festival Nominated
Chicago International Film Festival Nominated
Music to Madness - the Story of Komitas
The film, Music to Madness – the story of Komitas, examines the Armenian Genocide from the perspective of Komitas, an Armenian music composer and priest that experienced a life filled with the passion of dreams pursued. Tragically, Komitas also witnessed the devastation of that dream during the calamity of the Armenian Genocide in the years 1915 – 1923. Through the life and tragedy of Komitas, genocide is considered not only as a demographic description of mass killing, but also as the murder of individual persons and the implications of these murders on those surrounding.
Bruckner: Symphony No. 9 in D Minor. Lucerne Festival Orchestra, Claudio Abbado
In January 2014, music lovers worldwide were saddened to learn that Claudio Abbado had passed away. Deutsche Grammophon feels immensely blessed and proud to be releasing together with Accentus Music Bruckner’s Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, which was recorded as part of Abbado’s final concert
The concert was recorded by Accentus Music during the 75th Lucerne Festival in 2013 with the Lucerne Festival Orchestra.
Gramophone Awards - Record of the Year, Winner - Orchestral
BBC Music Magazine Orchestral Award Winner
The concert was recorded by Accentus Music during the 75th Lucerne Festival in 2013 with the Lucerne Festival Orchestra.
Gramophone Awards - Record of the Year, Winner - Orchestral
BBC Music Magazine Orchestral Award Winner
29 сент. 2015 г.
Rameau: Pièces de clavecin. Mahan Esfahani (harpsichord)
This is a masterclass for the instrument, confirming this young artist as a truly great player: in the words of International Record Review ‘his technique is beyond criticism and his inherent musicianship goes far deeper than mere surface understanding … it is difficult not to warm to such a musician’.
This double album comprises the whole of Rameau’s output of keyboard suites, and Esfahani rejoices in its wealth of genius, its excitement and drama. Rameau is a composer whose revival is ongoing, and his unique combination of the witty and the cerebral, the light and the curmudgeonly, abounds throughout his harpsichord music.
New York Times Best Classical Recordings of the Year
Gramophone Awards Winner - Baroque Instrumental
This double album comprises the whole of Rameau’s output of keyboard suites, and Esfahani rejoices in its wealth of genius, its excitement and drama. Rameau is a composer whose revival is ongoing, and his unique combination of the witty and the cerebral, the light and the curmudgeonly, abounds throughout his harpsichord music.
New York Times Best Classical Recordings of the Year
Gramophone Awards Winner - Baroque Instrumental
Glenn Gould: The Complete Album Collection 1 & 8
In 1955 Glenn Gould signed an exclusive contract with Columbia Masterworks, and remained with the label until his untimely death in 1982. The Complete Album Collection refurbishes Gould’s complete approved studio recordings - from his legendary 1955 Goldberg Variations to his last recording in 1982 - using state-of-the-art Direct Stream Digital® (DSD) mastering technology in an x81 CDs limited edition; each album presented with its original LP sleeves and labels. The deluxe box packaging includes a 416 pages book, featuring the complete original liner notes (many penned by Gould himself), a wealth of facsimile documents, rare photographs, full discographical information, and a newly commissioned introductory essay by Gould scholar and biographer Kevin Bazzana. Few pianists are so easily identifiable as Gould, whose rhythmic acuity, breathtakingly clean articulation and scintillating technical aplomb still leave a formidable individual imprint, from his brashly controversial Mozart Sonata cycle and spacious Brahms Intermezzi to his fiercely committed 20th-century music interpretations and his bracing, joyous & highly influential Bach.
Sony: 88875032222
Sony: 88875032222
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