Orwell Award
27 янв. 2016 г.
The Educator And The Oligarch: A Teacher Challenges The Gates Foundation. Anthony Cody
Can a teacher challenge the wealthiest man in the world? Anthony Cody, who spent 24 years working in the high poverty schools of Oakland, California, has done so here. Education reform is the top domestic priority for the Gates Foundation, and this philanthropic organization has poured billions of dollars into reshaping American schools. This money has paid for research, advocacy, and a whole non-profit industry aligned with the Gates agenda. According to Cody, their chosen path of data-driven reform, centered on high stakes tests, educational technology and market-based competition between schools, threatens great harm to public education.
Orwell Award
Orwell Award
In Search of Sir Thomas Browne: The Life and Afterlife of the Seventeenth Century's Most Inquiring Mind. Hugh Aldersey-Williams
In Search of Sir Thomas Browne is more than just a biography―it is a cabinet of wonders and an argument that Browne, standing at the very gates of modern science, remains an inquiring mind for our own time. As Stephen Greenblatt has written, Browne is "unnervingly one of our most adventurous contemporaries."
“[F]ascinating…. [A] cleverly constructed and amusing book, on a subject deserving of fresh attention.” (Wall Street Journal)
“A triumph. With humour, humility and intelligent generosity, Aldersey-Williams brings Sir Thomas Browne splendidly to life, urns and all.” (Financial Times (UK))
PEN Literary Awards Longlists
“[F]ascinating…. [A] cleverly constructed and amusing book, on a subject deserving of fresh attention.” (Wall Street Journal)
“A triumph. With humour, humility and intelligent generosity, Aldersey-Williams brings Sir Thomas Browne splendidly to life, urns and all.” (Financial Times (UK))
PEN Literary Awards Longlists
Altruism: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World. Matthieu Ricard
In Happiness, Matthieu Ricard demonstrated that true happiness is not tied to fleeting moments or sensations, but is an enduring state of soul rooted in mindfulness and compassion for others. Now he turns his lens from the personal to the global, with a rousing argument that altruism--genuine concern for the well-being of others--could be the saving grace of the 21st century. It is, he believes, the vital thread that can answer the main challenges of our time: the economy in the short term, life satisfaction in the mid-term, and environment in the long term. Ricard's message has been taken up by major economists and thinkers, including Dennis Snower, Amartya Sen, Joseph Stiglitz, and George Soros.
"Ricard's book, full of good behavior on the part of humans-and other animals-is of a piece with Steven Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature in suggesting that we don't have to be rotten. Inspirational in all the right ways..."―Kirkus
"Ricard's book, full of good behavior on the part of humans-and other animals-is of a piece with Steven Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature in suggesting that we don't have to be rotten. Inspirational in all the right ways..."―Kirkus
critic picks
Культуры городов. Шарон Зукин
Политический социолог Шарон Зукин, начавшая, не без влияния работ Вальтера Беньямина, писать о городах, большую часть жизни провела в Нью-Йорке, и именно этот город является основным объектом ее исследований. Ее последняя книга «Голый город: смерть и жизнь аутентичных городских мест» рассказывает о проблеме джентрификации в шести нью-йоркских районах. В «Культурах городов», впервые вышедших почти 20 лет назад, Зукин выбирается за границы любимого города, и посвящает несколько глав феноменам Диснейленда и Беркширских музеев современного искусства, вопросам шоппинга и роли блошиных рынков, а также публичных пространств.
critic picks
The Teenage Brain. A Neuroscientist's Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and Young Adults. Frances E. Jensen, Amy Ellis Nutt
For many years, scientists believed that the adolescent brain was essentially an adult one. Over the last decade, however, neurology and neuroscience have revealed that the teen years encompass vitally important stages of brain development.
Interweaving clear summary and analysis of research data with anecdotes drawn from her years as a clinician, researcher, and public speaker, renowned neurologist Frances E. Jensen, MD, explores adolescent brain functioning and development in the context of learning and multitasking, stress and memory, sleep, addiction, and decision making.
The Teenage Brain explains how these eye-opening findings not only dispel commonly held myths about teens but also yield practical suggestions for adults and teenagers negotiating the mysterious and magical world of adolescent biology.
“It’s charming to see good science translate directly into good parenting.”—New York Times Book Review
“This well-written, accessible work...offers support and a way for parents to understand and relate to their own soon-to-be-adult offspring.”—Publishers Weekly
Interweaving clear summary and analysis of research data with anecdotes drawn from her years as a clinician, researcher, and public speaker, renowned neurologist Frances E. Jensen, MD, explores adolescent brain functioning and development in the context of learning and multitasking, stress and memory, sleep, addiction, and decision making.
The Teenage Brain explains how these eye-opening findings not only dispel commonly held myths about teens but also yield practical suggestions for adults and teenagers negotiating the mysterious and magical world of adolescent biology.
“It’s charming to see good science translate directly into good parenting.”—New York Times Book Review
“This well-written, accessible work...offers support and a way for parents to understand and relate to their own soon-to-be-adult offspring.”—Publishers Weekly
critic picks
Landskipping. Painters, Ploughmen and Places. Anna Pavord
Landskipping is a ravishing celebration of landscape, its iridescent beauty and its potential to comfort, awe and mesmerise. In spirit as Romantic as rational, Anna Pavord explores the different ways in which we have, throughout the ages, responded to the land. In the eighteenth century, artists first started to paint English scenery, and the Lakes, as well as Snowdon, began to attract a new kind of visitor, the landscape tourist. Early travel guides sought to capture the beauty and inspiration of waterfall, lake and fell. Sublime! Picturesque! they said, as they laid down rules for correctly appreciating a view.
Anna Pavord’s Landskipping (Bloomsbury), which tells the story of the emergence of landscape as an artistic, cultural and tourist phenomenon. Guardian
Anna Pavord’s Landskipping (Bloomsbury), which tells the story of the emergence of landscape as an artistic, cultural and tourist phenomenon. Guardian
critic picks
Эфиопия: христианство, ислам, иудаизм. проф. Хагай Эрлих, д-р Агар Соломон, проф. Стивен Каплан
Курс открытого Университета "Эфиопия: христианство, ислам, иудаизм" представляет собой целостное описание одной из интереснейших цивилизаций - эфиопской и роли в ее становлении и развитии трех мировых монотеистических религий - христианства, ислама и иудаизма.
Диалог о двух главнейших системах мира — птолемеевой и коперниковой. Галилео Галилей
Самая известная и значительная из астрономических работ Галилея, вышедшая в августе 1632 во Флоренции, и являющаяся результатом более чем тридцатилетних трудов и размышлений великого ученого. Именно эта книга послужила формальным поводом гонений на автора со стороны инквизиции. Содержание работы, в основном, представляет собой изложение различных аргументов как в пользу геоцентрической, так и в пользу гелиоцентрической систем, а также критику положений аристотелевой физики - именно поэтому автор выбрал для нее форму дискуссии между приверженцами обеих теорий. Книга снабжена современными примечаниями и комментариями.
Текст данной версии рукописи, которая хранится в Национальной центральной библиотеке Флоренции, близок к окончательному тексту рукописи, подготовленной к печати (полная версия текста рукописи с правками автора хранится в библиотеке Семинарии Падуи). На написание этого труда, опубликованного в 1632 году, Галилео потребовалось шесть лет; это одна из его самых значительных работ. Трактат написан в форме дискуссии между сторонником взглядов Коперника, сторонником взглядов Птолемея и Аристотеля и образованным мирянином, которого оба оппонента пытаются убедить в своей правоте.
Текст данной версии рукописи, которая хранится в Национальной центральной библиотеке Флоренции, близок к окончательному тексту рукописи, подготовленной к печати (полная версия текста рукописи с правками автора хранится в библиотеке Семинарии Падуи). На написание этого труда, опубликованного в 1632 году, Галилео потребовалось шесть лет; это одна из его самых значительных работ. Трактат написан в форме дискуссии между сторонником взглядов Коперника, сторонником взглядов Птолемея и Аристотеля и образованным мирянином, которого оба оппонента пытаются убедить в своей правоте.
Magic in Western Culture. From Antiquity to the Enlightenment. Brian P. Copenhaver
The story of the beliefs and practices called 'magic' starts in ancient Iran, Greece, and Rome, before entering its crucial Christian phase in the Middle Ages. Centering on the Renaissance and Marsilio Ficino – whose work on magic was the most influential account written in premodern times – this groundbreaking book treats magic as a classical tradition with foundations that were distinctly philosophical. Besides Ficino, the premodern story of magic also features Plotinus, Iamblichus, Proclus, Aquinas, Agrippa, Pomponazzi, Porta, Bruno, Campanella, Descartes, Boyle, Leibniz, and Newton, to name only a few of the prominent thinkers discussed in this book. Because pictures play a key role in the story of magic, this book is richly illustrated.
Лаборатория империи: мятеж и колониальное знание в Великобритании в век Просвещения. Станислав Малкин
Это исследование — первая в российской и зарубежной историографии интеллектуальная история решения «Хайлендской проблемы» Великобритании в конце XVII — первой половине XVIII вв. В центре внимания автора — роль колониального знания в умиротворении и «цивилизации» Горной Шотландии. Географы, этнографы, политэкономы в Хайленде были еще и чиновниками, на практике подтверждая тесную связь между властью и знанием в рамках колониальной и окраинной политики европейских держав в духе века Разума и Просвещения. Они сочетали экспансию имперского порядка, новое научное знание и секулярные представления о человечестве. Раскрытие этих сюжетов помогает более глубоко понять, как формировались британская нация и Британская империя, а также значение интеллектуальной колонизации Хайленда для имперского строительства за океанами и шире — роль гуманитарного знания в век Разума, Просвещения и первых глобальных империй. С.Г. Малкин — доктор исторических наук, профессор кафедры всеобщей истории и методики обучения Поволжской государственной социально-гуманитарной академии (г. Самара), автор более 70 научных работ по истории.
Месть географии. Что могут рассказать географические карты о грядущих конфликтах и битве против неизбежного. Роберт Д. Каплан
Книга журналиста-международника Роберта Каплана о том, как, несмотря на стирание границ и расстояний в современном мире, географическое положение страны все еще имеет важное значение для ее исторической судьбы. Именно в нем автор видит причины «арабской весны» в Тунисе, войны на Балканах, медленного развития Африки и Индии и других процессов.
Trashed. Candida Brady
Jeremy Irons sets out to discover the extent and effects of the global waste problem, as he travels around the world to beautiful destinations tainted by pollution. This is a meticulous, brave investigative journey that takes Irons (and us) from skepticism to sorrow and from horror to hope.
Cannes Film Festival Nomination
Tokyo International Film Festival Award
Cannes Film Festival Nomination
Tokyo International Film Festival Award
Four Horsemen
The modern day Four Horsemen continue to ride roughshod over the people who can least afford it. Crises are converging when governments, religion and mainstream economists have stalled. 23 international thinkers come together and break their silence about how the world really works and why there is still hope in re-establishing a moral and just society. Four Horsemen is free from mainstream media propaganda, doesn't bash bankers, criticize politicians or get involved in conspiracy theories. The film ignites the debate about how we usher a new economic paradigm into the world which, globally, would dramatically improve the quality of life for billions.
critic picks,
When Europe forgot its homework: Education in crisis
Despite the wide consensus on the fact that quality education is a key element to exit the economic and social crisis, to reduce social inequalities, to increase social well-being and democratic participation in society, education systems in many European countries are deteriorating. ETUCE looked in-depth into the reality of five countries: Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Ireland, which have experienced very big cut backs in education. The ETUCE documentary 'When Europe forgot its homework: education in crisis' shows that cuts and downturns in the education systems have affected everyday people – teachers, students, parents, and societies – and made the prospects and opportunities for young people more unclear, jeopardizing the future of the younger generations. It also shows how teacher trade unions have reacted to the economic crisis, delivering alternative answers to face the effects of austerity.
Tabriz: Images from the Forgotten World. Mohammad Ehsani
An Armenian photographer's archives, whose ancestors introduced photography to the ancient city of Tabriz in 1900, could be in jeopardy. There are over thousand photographs of historic significance in his archives, which reflect the lives of the Moslem and Christian communities of Tabriz. Therefore, no child to pass it on to, the photographer needs to protect his national treasure
Bangkok International Film Festival Nomination
Moondance International Film Festival Award
Rhode Island International Film Festival Nomination
Bangkok International Film Festival Nomination
Moondance International Film Festival Award
Rhode Island International Film Festival Nomination
Bottled Life: Nestle's Business with Water. Urs Schnell
Do you know how to turn ordinary water into a billion-dollar business? In Switzerland there's a company which has developed the art to perfection - Nestlé. This company dominates the global business in bottled water. Swiss journalist Res Gehringer has investigated this money-making phenomena. Nestlé refused to cooperate, on the pretext that it was "the wrong film at the wrong time". So Gehringer went on a journey of exploration, researching the story in the USA, Nigeria and Pakistan. His journey into the world of bottled water reveals the schemes and strategies of the most powerful food and beverage company on our planet.
War & Peace 1614-1714
La Capella Reial de Catalunya & Le Concert des Nations, Jordi Savall
Lully, Handel, Charpentier, Scheidt, Biber, Schein, Cabanilles, Dumanoir, Rosenmüller, Jenkins, Cererols, Blow: this double SACD-book gathers the who’s-who of European music, to mention but a few, of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th centuries. Deeply affected by the Thirty Years War as well as the War of Spanish Succession, the finest music inspired by this turmoil is vividly performed by Jordi Savall and his ensembles. The set ends with a fantastic and complete performance of Handel’s 'Jubilate Deo'; and, as you have come to expect from Alia Vox, the booklet is lavishly documented.
International Classical Music Awards – Best collection
Lully, Handel, Charpentier, Scheidt, Biber, Schein, Cabanilles, Dumanoir, Rosenmüller, Jenkins, Cererols, Blow: this double SACD-book gathers the who’s-who of European music, to mention but a few, of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th centuries. Deeply affected by the Thirty Years War as well as the War of Spanish Succession, the finest music inspired by this turmoil is vividly performed by Jordi Savall and his ensembles. The set ends with a fantastic and complete performance of Handel’s 'Jubilate Deo'; and, as you have come to expect from Alia Vox, the booklet is lavishly documented.
International Classical Music Awards – Best collection
Piotr Tchaikovsky: Iolanta
Olesya Golovneva, Alexander Vinogradov, Andrei Bondarenko, Dmytro Popov, Vladislav Sulimsky, John Heuzenroeder, Marc-Olivier Oetterli, Dalia Schaechter, Justyna Samborska,
Choir of the Cologne Opera – Gürzenich Orchestra of Cologne
Dmitrij Kitajenko
Die Uraufführungen von Jolanthe und Der Nussknacker fanden am 18. Dezember 1892 im St. Petersburger Mariinski-Theater statt. „Die Ausführung beider“, schrieb der Komponist tags darauf an seinen Bruder Anatoly, „war großartig, und die des Balletts wohl zu großartig – der Glanz ermüdete die Augen.“ Gustav Mahler dirigierte bereits am 3. Januar 1893 in Hamburg die erste Aufführung des Operneinakters außerhalb Russlands und brachte Jolanthe am 22. März 1900 auch als Wiener Erstaufführung zu Gehör.
International Classical Music Awards – Opera winner
Choir of the Cologne Opera – Gürzenich Orchestra of Cologne
Dmitrij Kitajenko
Die Uraufführungen von Jolanthe und Der Nussknacker fanden am 18. Dezember 1892 im St. Petersburger Mariinski-Theater statt. „Die Ausführung beider“, schrieb der Komponist tags darauf an seinen Bruder Anatoly, „war großartig, und die des Balletts wohl zu großartig – der Glanz ermüdete die Augen.“ Gustav Mahler dirigierte bereits am 3. Januar 1893 in Hamburg die erste Aufführung des Operneinakters außerhalb Russlands und brachte Jolanthe am 22. März 1900 auch als Wiener Erstaufführung zu Gehör.
International Classical Music Awards – Opera winner
Лукас Генюшас. Эмансипация Консонанса.
Фирма «Мелодия» представляет диск фортепианной музыки современных российских композиторов в исполнении лауреата XV Международного конкурса им. П.И. Чайковского Лукаса Генюшаса. Этот молодой пианист принадлежит к наиболее ярким музыкальным дарованиям современности. Ученик В. Горностаевой, он достойно продолжает великие традиции отечественного фортепианного исполнительства, идущие от Г. Нейгауза. В свои 25 лет он является обладателем множества престижных международных премий, в том числе серебряных медалей крупнейших фортепианных состязаний Европы – имени Ф. Шопена в Варшаве (2011) и имени П.И. Чайковского в Москве (2015). Критики отмечают зрелость и глубину искусства пианиста, убедительность его исполнительских трактовок музыки самых разных эпох – от Генделя до Хиндемита. Записи Генюшаса выходили на лейблах NIFC, Art Classic, DUX, Piano Classics; двойной диск с произведениями Шопена выпустил Институт Ф. Шопена в Польше, в 2013 г. Московской консерваторией была выпущена трансляционная запись концерта пианиста, посвященного юбилею Рахманинова. На этот раз Л. Генюшас представляет фортепианные циклы современных русских авторов – Леонида Десятникова, Валерия Арзуманова и Владимира Рябова. Исполняемые сочинения написаны во второй половине 1980-х гг. и выдержаны в эстетике «новой простоты». В то же время эта музыка по-своему отражает сложное время тотальной «переоценки ценностей», происходившей в эти годы в жизни и искусстве нашей страны.
critic picks,
CPO Panufnik Symphonic Works series (8 CDs)
The Andrzej Panufnik Edition is one of the major recording projects involving modern music in recent years. Panufnik’s extensive output of symphonic music is richly communicative and of potentially widespread appeal. Highly committed, first rate soloists, the excellent Konzerthausorchester Berlin and the Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra under the charismatic and expressive conductor Lukas Borowicz – the real ‘master’ of this edition, having this music definitely in his bones – are inspired protagonists.
Andrzej Panufnik stands out in the compositional landscape of the Western World. “For me music is always the expression of the deepest human feeling and genuine emotion. The spiritual and poetic content is therefore very essential and has a decided influence on the construction. In all my works I attempt to form a real balance between emotion and intellect – an equilibrium of heart and mind, of motivation and construction.” This month CPO are concluding their complete edition of Panufnik’s symphonic works with his three great concertos for violin, cello, and piano.
Andrzej Panufnik stands out in the compositional landscape of the Western World. “For me music is always the expression of the deepest human feeling and genuine emotion. The spiritual and poetic content is therefore very essential and has a decided influence on the construction. In all my works I attempt to form a real balance between emotion and intellect – an equilibrium of heart and mind, of motivation and construction.” This month CPO are concluding their complete edition of Panufnik’s symphonic works with his three great concertos for violin, cello, and piano.
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