Gramophone Magazine “Never one to follow a conventional path, Anderszewski makes Schumann entirely his own while at the same time highlighting the composer's essentially schizophrenic nature. Everything is seen through a novel perspective or prism with a rare ability to read between the lines...Virgin's sound captures all of Anderszewski's drama and crystalline brilliance.”
BBC Music Magazine “he combines a superlative pianistic tonal palette with an immensely sophisticated rhythmic vocabulary, a rare capacity to illuminate Schumann's polyphonic textures, and a gift for thematic conversation fit to make most performers, not excepting conductors, look to their laurels...None excels Anderszewski...Bewitchingly compelling.”
International Record Review “the fierce integrity of Anderszewski's musicality combines with his exquisitely refined pianism to make a listening experience that is never less than pleasurable and occasionally revelatory...Anderszewski's transcriptions are skilfully wrought...he approaches [Gesänge der Frühe] with
enormous sincerity and discernment, resulting in performances that are beautifully atmospheric”
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