With Stranger Magic, Warner has written a nimble but daring work of criticism that draws on her work as a novelist and scholar, combining aspects of literary history, formal analysis, personal essay, and cultural forensics into topics as disparate as the “Smyrna rug” that draped Freud’s couch to the flying turtles that Danish artist Melchior Lorck sketched in the 1550s. It’s a remarkable feat of synthetic knowledge, with particularly rich forays into those whom the Arabian Nights provided both fantastic inspiration and parodic “cover”: from Voltaire, Goethe, who taught himself Persian to compose West-Eastern Divan, and William Beckford to such unexpected veins of influence as Sir Walter Scott. There are historical personages both familiar (Richard Burton, Edward W. Lane) and less so (John Wilkins, Robert Patlock) brought into an encyclopedic sweep of French, German, and British sources. Even given the thoroughness of her investigation into just how deep an impression Orientalist fantasies left on eighteenth- and nineteenth-century literature, especially after the Napoleonic invasion of Egypt, she offers an inspired reading of why it was cinema—particularly the phantasmagoric chic-of-Araby “Easterns” of the early silver screen—that offered a germane new life to Aladdin and Ali Baba.
The National Book Critics Circle Award
Sheikh Zayed Book Award
Truman Capote Award
31 мая 2013 г.
Through the Eye of a Needle: Wealth, the Fall of Rome, and the Making of Christianity in the West, 350-550 AD by Peter Brown
Jesus taught his followers that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. Yet by the fall of Rome, the church was becoming rich beyond measure. Through the Eye of a Needle is a sweeping intellectual and social history of the vexing problem of wealth in Christianity in the waning days of the Roman Empire, written by the world's foremost scholar of late antiquity.
Peter Brown examines the rise of the church through the lens of money and the challenges it posed to an institution that espoused the virtue of poverty and called avarice the root of all evil. Drawing on the writings of major Christian thinkers such as Augustine, Ambrose, and Jerome, Brown examines the controversies and changing attitudes toward money caused by the influx of new wealth into church coffers, and describes the spectacular acts of divestment by rich donors and their growing influence in an empire beset with crisis. He shows how the use of wealth for the care of the poor competed with older forms of philanthropy deeply rooted in the Roman world, and sheds light on the ordinary people who gave away their money in hopes of treasure in heaven.
Through the Eye of a Needle challenges the widely held notion that Christianity's growing wealth sapped Rome of its ability to resist the barbarian invasions, and offers a fresh perspective on the social history of the church in late antiquity.
Princeton University Press
R. R. Hawkins Award, Association of American Publishers
PROSE Award, Classics & Ancient History,
PROSE Award, Humanities
Peter Brown examines the rise of the church through the lens of money and the challenges it posed to an institution that espoused the virtue of poverty and called avarice the root of all evil. Drawing on the writings of major Christian thinkers such as Augustine, Ambrose, and Jerome, Brown examines the controversies and changing attitudes toward money caused by the influx of new wealth into church coffers, and describes the spectacular acts of divestment by rich donors and their growing influence in an empire beset with crisis. He shows how the use of wealth for the care of the poor competed with older forms of philanthropy deeply rooted in the Roman world, and sheds light on the ordinary people who gave away their money in hopes of treasure in heaven.
Through the Eye of a Needle challenges the widely held notion that Christianity's growing wealth sapped Rome of its ability to resist the barbarian invasions, and offers a fresh perspective on the social history of the church in late antiquity.
Princeton University Press
R. R. Hawkins Award, Association of American Publishers
PROSE Award, Classics & Ancient History,
PROSE Award, Humanities
Язык, общество и школа. В. В. Баранова, Т. О. Гаврилова, Е. А. Панова, К. С. Федорова
Новое литературное обозрение ISBN 978-5-4448-0004-1; 2012 г.
critic picks
Хлыст: Секты, литература и революция. Александр Эткинд.
Книга известного историка культуры посвящена дискурсу о русских сектах в России рубежа веков. Сектантские увлечения культурной элиты были важным направлением радикализации русской мысли на пути к революции. Прослеживая судьбы и обычаи мистических сект (хлыстов, скопцов и др.), автор детально исследует их образы в литературе, функции в утопическом сознании, место в политической жизни эпохи. Свежие интерпретации классических текстов перемежаются с новыми архивными документами. Метод автора — археология текста: сочетание нового историзма, постструктуралистской филологии, исторической социологии, психоанализа. В этом резком свете иначе выглядят ключевые фигуры от Соловьева и Блока до Распутина и Бонч-Бруевича.
ISBN 978-5-4448-0073-7, 2013
ISBN 978-5-4448-0073-7, 2013
critic picks
Lee Kuan Yew. The Grand Master's Insights on China, the United States, and the World by Graham Allison, Robert D. Blackwill and Ali Wyne. Foreword by Henry A. Kissinger
Almost single-handedly responsible for transforming Singapore into a Western-style economic success, he offers a unique perspective on the geopolitics of East and West. American presidents from Richard Nixon to Barack Obama have welcomed him to the White House; British prime ministers from Margaret Thatcher to Tony Blair have recognized his wisdom; and business leaders from Rupert Murdoch to Rex Tillerson, CEO of Exxon Mobil, have praised his accomplishments. This book gathers key insights from interviews, speeches, and Lee’s voluminous published writings and presents them in an engaging question and answer format.
Lee offers his assessment of China’s future, asserting, among other things, that “China will want to share this century as co-equals with the U.S.” He affirms the United States’ position as the world’s sole superpower but expresses dismay at the vagaries of its political system. He offers strategic advice for dealing with China and goes on to discuss India’s future, Islamic terrorism, economic growth, geopolitics and globalization, and democracy. Lee does not pull his punches, offering his unvarnished opinions on multiculturalism, the welfare state, education, and the free market. This little book belongs on the reading list of every world leader—including the one who takes the oath of office on January 20, 2013.
“Graham Allison and Bob Blackwill have important questions to ask about China, America and the extraordinary impact of the relationship of those two countries on the rest of the world. For answers, they turned to Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s first premier and one of the world’s most formidable geopolitical thinkers and strategists. The result is a fascinating book called Lee Kuan Yew: The Grand Master’s Insights on China, the United States, and the World.” — Reuters
critic picks
Лев Троцкий и политика экономической изоляции. Дэй, Ричард Б.
Книга канадского историка Р.Дэя была опубликована в 1973 году и до сих пор остается основным исследованием экономических взглядов Л.Д.Троцкого. Дискуссии 1920-х годов о строительстве социализма рассмотрены с точки зрения экономических отношений советской России с западными странами. Основная идея автора заключается в том, что Троцкий не возражал против строительства социализма в одной стране, но считал ошибочной концепцию возможности построения социализма в стране, отдельно взятой. Исследуя взгляды Троцкого, его деятельность, борьбу с политическими противниками, соотношение концепций изоляционизма и интеграции с Западом, Дэй дает новую и весьма убедительную интерпретацию большого периода советской истории – от октябрьской революции – до 1940 года.
ИД«Дело» РАНХиГС, 2013. ISBN 978-5-7749-0766-3
ИД«Дело» РАНХиГС, 2013. ISBN 978-5-7749-0766-3
Сказать жизни "Да!". Психолог в концлагере. Виктор Франкл
Эта удивительная книга сделала ее автора одним из величайших духовных учителей человечества в XX веке. В ней философ и психолог Виктор Франкл, прошедший нацистские лагеря смерти, открыл миллионам людей всего мира путь постижения смысла жизни. В страшных, убийственных условиях концлагерей он показал необычайную силу человеческого духа. Дух упрям, вопреки слабости тела и разладу души. Человеку есть ради чего жить! Книга разошлась миллионными тиражами в десятках стран, крупнейшие философы считали ее одним из величайших произведений человечества, а миллионам простых людей она помогла изменить свою жизнь. По опросу Национальной библиотеки конгресса США, книга вошла в десятку книг, которые больше всего повлияли на жизнь людей во всем мире.
Виктор Франкл (1905-1997) - знаменитый австрийский врач-психотерапевт, психолог и философ. В годы Второй мировой войны он получил страшную возможность испытать на себе собственную концепцию. Пройдя нацистские лагеря смерти, он увидел, что наибольший шанс выжить в нечеловеческих условиях имели не крепкие телом, а сильные духом.
Альпина нон-фикшн ISBN 978-5-91671-160-8, 2013 г.
Виктор Франкл (1905-1997) - знаменитый австрийский врач-психотерапевт, психолог и философ. В годы Второй мировой войны он получил страшную возможность испытать на себе собственную концепцию. Пройдя нацистские лагеря смерти, он увидел, что наибольший шанс выжить в нечеловеческих условиях имели не крепкие телом, а сильные духом.
Альпина нон-фикшн ISBN 978-5-91671-160-8, 2013 г.
Внутри истории. Эссе. Статьи. Мемуарные очерки. Ревекка Фрумкина
ISBN 5-86793-184-6; 2002 г.
Лето в Бадене и другие произведения. Леонид Цыпкин
За рубежом первое издание романа «Лето в Бадене», переведенное на английский язык, стало подлинной сенсацией. Европейские и американские критики называют его «затерянным шедевром», «самым неизвестным из гениальных произведений за последние 50 лет», «грандиозной вехой русской литературы ХХ века». Сюзан Сонтаг, известная нью-йоркская интеллектуалка, написавшая предисловие к книге, считала роман Леонида Цыпкина одним из самых возвышенных, выдающихся и оригинальных достижений времени, полного литературы и литературности.
Произведение рассказывает о путешествии Федора Михайловича Достоевского и его жены Анны Григорьевны из Петербурга в Европу, состоявшемся в 1867 году, и о поездке автора из Москвы в Ленинград в 1970-х годах. Вымысел в романе крайне сложно отличить от реальности: сцены и образы прописаны очень тонко, живо и ярко.
ISBN 5-86793-354-7; 2005 г.
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Произведение рассказывает о путешествии Федора Михайловича Достоевского и его жены Анны Григорьевны из Петербурга в Европу, состоявшемся в 1867 году, и о поездке автора из Москвы в Ленинград в 1970-х годах. Вымысел в романе крайне сложно отличить от реальности: сцены и образы прописаны очень тонко, живо и ярко.
ISBN 5-86793-354-7; 2005 г.
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Готическое общество. Морфология кошмара. Дина Хапаева
Был ли Дж.Р.Р.Толкин гуманистом или создателем готической эстетики, из которой нелюди и чудовища вытеснили человека? Повлиял ли готический роман на эстетические и моральные представления наших соотечественников, которые нашли свое выражение в культовых романах "Ночной Дозор" и "Таганский перекресток"? Как расстройство исторической памяти россиян, забвение преступлений советского прошлого сказываются на политических и социальных изменениях, идущих в современной России? И, наконец, связаны ли мрачные черты современного готического общества с тем, что объективное время науки "выходит из моды" и сменяется "темпоральностью кошмара" - представлением об обратимом, прерывном, субъективном времени?
ISBN 978-5-86793-587-0; 2008 г
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ISBN 978-5-86793-587-0; 2008 г
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Герцоги республики в эпоху переводов. Гуманитарные науки и революция понятий. Дина Хапаева
"Непредсказуемость общества", "утрата ориентиров", "кризис наук о человеке", "конец интеллектуалов", "распад гуманитарного сообщества", - так описывают современную интеллектуальную ситуацию ведущие российские и французские исследователи - герои этой книги. Науки об обществе утратили способность анализировать настоящее и предсказывать будущее. Немота интеллектуалов вызвана "забастовкой языка": базовые понятия социальных наук, такие как "реальность" и "объективность", "демократия" и "нация", стремительно утрачивают привычный смысл. Разрастающийся кризис научной рациональности угрожает не только идентичности интеллектуалов. Он ставит под вопрос основы наших представлений о мире. В чем причины происходящей на наших глазах интеллектуальной революции? Как связана она с изменением восприятия времени в европейской культуре, начавшимся в XX столетии? - таковы главные проблемы, обсуждаемые в этой книге.
ISBN 5-86793-407-1; 2005 г.
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ISBN 5-86793-407-1; 2005 г.
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High Tech, Low Life. Stephen T. Maing
HIGH TECH, LOW LIFE follows the journey of two of China’s first citizen reporters as they travel the country – chronicling underreported news and social issues stories. Armed with laptops, cell phones, and digital cameras they develop skills as independent one-man news stations while learning to navigate China’s evolving censorship regulations and avoiding the risk of political persecution.
The film follows 57-year-old “Tiger Temple,” who earns the title of China’s first citizen reporter after he impulsively documents an unfolding murder and 27-year-old “Zola” who recognizes the opportunity to increase his fame and future prospects by reporting on sensitive news throughout China.
From the perspective of vastly different generations, Zola and Tiger Temple must both reconcile an evolving sense of individualism, social responsibility and personal sacrifice. The juxtaposition of Zola’s coming-of-age journey from produce vendor to internet celebrity, and Tiger Temple’s commitment to understanding China’s tumultuous past provides an alternate portrait of China and of news-gathering in the 21st century.
Tribeca Film Festival Nominated
Woods Hole Film Festival Award
EBS International Documentary Festival Award
From the perspective of vastly different generations, Zola and Tiger Temple must both reconcile an evolving sense of individualism, social responsibility and personal sacrifice. The juxtaposition of Zola’s coming-of-age journey from produce vendor to internet celebrity, and Tiger Temple’s commitment to understanding China’s tumultuous past provides an alternate portrait of China and of news-gathering in the 21st century.
Tribeca Film Festival Nominated
Woods Hole Film Festival Award
EBS International Documentary Festival Award
Google and the World Brain. Ben Lewis
Sundance Film Festival Nominated
How to Start a Revolution. Ruaridh Arrow
HOW TO START A REVOLUTION is the remarkable untold story of Nobel Peace Prize nominee Gene Sharp, the world's leading expert on non-violent revolution. This new film (from first time director Ruaridh Arrow) reveals how Gene's work has given a new generation of revolutionary leaders the weapons needed to overthrow dictators. It shows how his 198 steps to non-violent regime change have inspired uprisings from Serbia to Ukraine and from Egypt to Syria and how his work has spread across the globe in an unstoppable wave of profound democratic change. How To Start A Revolution is the story of the power of people to change their world, the modern revolution and the man behind it all.
Raindance Best Documentary Win
Boston Film Festival prize
Raindance Best Documentary Win
Boston Film Festival prize
Мост над бездной
Казимир Малевич, Герника Пабло Пикассо, Винсент Ван Гог, Рембрандт ван Рейн. Возвращение блудного сына, Альбрехт Дюрер. Меланхолия, Иероним Босх. Корабль дураков, Леонардо да Винчи. Святая Анна с Младенцем Христом, Микеланджело. Гробница Медичи, Диего Веласкес. Менины, Сандро Боттичелли. Весна, Андрей Рублев. Троица, Джотто. Поцелуй Иуды
только онлайн на TV Культура
critic picks,
Salvador Allende. Patricio Guzmán
Alison Balsom: Alison Balsom
Alison Balsom has cemented an international reputation as one of classical music's great ambassadors and is ranked among the most distinctive and ground-breaking musicians on the international circuit today. Having headlined The Last Night of the BBC Proms, which reached its biggest ever global television audience of an estimated 200 million, to making her US television debut with the Orchestra of St Luke's on The Late Show with David Letterman, a platform few classical artists have gained access to, Alison’s highly distinctive sound has earned her much recognition and she is regarded as one of the world's leading trumpeters and musicians. She was twice crowned 'Female Artist of the Year' at the Classic BRITs and has also been honoured with numerous awards by Gramophone, Classic FM and ECHO Klassik.
PPL Classical Award
PPL Classical Award
Mariss Jansons conducts Lutoslawski, Szymanowsky & Tchaikovsky
Maris Jansons leads the Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks in this album of three unique orchestral works from the 20th and 21st centuries. Though they are composed as particular structures or forms, for the listener the experience is not to analyze their forms in depth, but rather to enjoy the various colors, moods, and experimentations by the composers.
Lutoslawski's Concerto for orchestra is a three-movement work that is an exercise in contrasts. Szymanowski's Symphony No. 3 is indeed a nocturnal work. There is a lyrical, mysterious line in the strings with tenor Rafal Bartminski singing at a fairly high register above, with sparkling timbres in the celesta and flute. Alexander Tchaikovsky (who bears no relation to Piotr Ilyich) concludes the album with his Symphony No. 4 for orchestra and choir. It is perhaps best described as a musical pastiche where the composer plays with emotions, timbres, textures, moods, and colors.
Naturally, some people might find this a bit difficult to listen to if they prefer more structured or tonal music. However, for those who are willing to take a musical adventure, this album is driven by highly skilled musicians and is quite a ride.
2013 Ernst von Siemens Prize
Lutoslawski's Concerto for orchestra is a three-movement work that is an exercise in contrasts. Szymanowski's Symphony No. 3 is indeed a nocturnal work. There is a lyrical, mysterious line in the strings with tenor Rafal Bartminski singing at a fairly high register above, with sparkling timbres in the celesta and flute. Alexander Tchaikovsky (who bears no relation to Piotr Ilyich) concludes the album with his Symphony No. 4 for orchestra and choir. It is perhaps best described as a musical pastiche where the composer plays with emotions, timbres, textures, moods, and colors.
Naturally, some people might find this a bit difficult to listen to if they prefer more structured or tonal music. However, for those who are willing to take a musical adventure, this album is driven by highly skilled musicians and is quite a ride.
2013 Ernst von Siemens Prize
In a Time Lapse. Ludovico Einaudi
Classic fM review distinguished, "Italian composer strikes gold once more with a haunting combination of dreamlike piano tunes and busy orchestral soundscapes. ' The CD Critic put forth that In a Time Lapse is "gorgeously ambient." The Independent was mesmerized by the "trancelike wave motion of tracks like 'Corale' and 'Run'"; while also commenting on Einaudi's talent saying that "there's a deeply satisfying emotional logic to his piano-based progressions that makes him as much the inheritor of Chopin and Satie as minimalists such as Glass and Reich
critic picks,
Radio Rewrite. Steve Reich
The premiere gained substantial media attention in the UK. Radio Rewrite was generally well received by classical music critics, with the concert receiving four out of five stars in reviews by the Financial Times, The Guardian and The Telegraph, and three stars from The Independent and The Times. Laura Battle, writing in the Financial Times, describes the piece as "rich and impressive," and comments on its atmospheric writing and "sense of wistfulness." The Telegraph's Ivan Hewett calls it "a fine display of compositional mastery." Stephen Pritchard, reviewing for The Observer, describes the piece as "instantly accessible, instantly enjoyable," and draws attention to the "pearlescent luminosity" of the vibraphones.
From a rock perspective, Peter Culshaw at theartsdesk.com describes the Radiohead references as "a bit peek-a-boo and Spot That Tune," and is unconvinced by the work as a whole, writing that the slow sections show "flashes of real beauty, over enjoyably dissonant chords, but as a whole isn't entirely satisfying. ... The slow parts at times left a queasy impression – like someone painting a strange coloured rose on top of a Mondrian or a Bridget Riley."
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