31 авг. 2013 г.

Carl Nielsen String Quartets, vol. 1. Danish String Quartet

This admirable coupling by the Young Danish String Quar­tet of Carl Nielsen's string quartets in F minor and E flat major bolsters the notion that Danish performers are still best suited to represent Nielsen's uniquely Danish com­positional voice. Both works here are youthful composi­tions written in a style fusing those of Grieg and Brahms. The Young Danish String Quartet rips into the big theme of the F minor quartet's opening Allegro non troppo ma ener­gico with rhythmic power yet still express the following Un poco adagio's warm heart with yearning lines and lushly balanced sonorities. With lucidly articulated lines and effer­vescently buoyant rhythms, the young Danish players' in­terpretation of the E flat quartet's unique combination of a pastoral tone with learned counterpoint is wonderfully poised between the natural and the intellectual.

BBC New Generation Artists 2013