27 февр. 2013 г.

Augusto Pinochet Ugarte. Сочинения

  • Síntesis Geográfica de Chile, Argentina, Bolivia y Perú (1953)
  • Geografía Militar (1957)
  • Geopolítica (1968)
  • Ensayo de un Estudio Preliminar de una Geopolítica de Chile (1965)
  • La Guerra del Pacífico, Campaña de Tarapacá (1972)
  • El Día Decisivo (1979)
  • Pinochet: Patria y Democracia
  • Política, Politiquería y Demagogia (1984)
  • Transición y Consolidación Democrática 1984-1989 (1989)
  • Camino Recorrido, Memorias de un Soldado Tomo 1 (1990); Tomo 2 (1991); Tomo 3 Volumen 1 (1993); Tomo 3 Volumen 2 (1994)
  • Principales Discursos del Comandante en Jefe del Ejército (1995)

    Книги, продающиеся в Чили частными лицами
    Книги, продающиеся через интернет
  • Pinochet: La biografía. Gonzalo Vial

    Escrita por el historiador, periodista y abogado Gonzalo Vial, Pinochet. La biografía narra en dos tomos, la vida y obra de Augusto Pinochet desde los orígenes de la familia Pinochet en Chile hasta el momento actual en que se encuentra el ahora general en retiro del Ejército.Se trata de un libro audaz, de un historiador serio que se at­reve a escribir sobre el pasado reciente, que reseña situaciones y procesos, y emite juicios, aunque implícitos, sobre Pinochet por cierto, y sobre muchas otras personas aún vivas y en plena activid­ad.

    El Mercurio, 2002, 759 pages

    ISBN 9789562392341

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    The dictators shadow: life under Augusto Pinochet. Heraldo Munoz. 2008

    Horrifying but also inspiring, The Dictator’s Shadow is a unique tale of how geopolitical rivalries can profoundly affect everyday life.

    This memoir of Munoz’s life in post-Allende Chile begins on the day in 1973 when the country’s democratically elected government was viol­ently overthrown, and General Pinochet, who proved to be a ruthless dictator, assumed power. Munoz, who stayed as an anti-Pinochet re­volutionary in Chile after the coup and—years later, after Pinochet was gone—became the country’s deputy foreign minister, tells a powerful story of greed, ambition, political manipulation, and appalling mistreatment of ordinary citizens. He also examines the role of the U.S.(and other countries) in keeping Pinochet in power—a dictator, so the thinking went, was better than a Communist regime—and details some of Pinochet’s policies that were emulated by other countries (George W. Bush was inspired by Pinochet to launch a plan to privatize Social Security). Shying away from the sort of Pinochet-was-a-monster rhetoric one might expect, Munoz seems more interested in showing us the real person: a man of limited intelligence who was both puppet master and puppet, dictator and savior, villain and hero. - Booklist

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    Pinochet and me. Marc Cooper

    In this brief yet expertly crafted remembrance, veteran American journalist and Nation contributing editor Cooper traces the fate of Chile from the overthrow in 1973 of its democratically elected Marxist president, Salvador Allende, to today. Cooper is no impartial observ­er. As a young man he was Allende's translator and shared his radical visions. (He also married into a Chilean family.) But it is the underlying sadness of crushed hopes and demolished dreams, conveyed in the crisp prose of a skilled observer, that makes this tale so compelling. Cooper takes the reader through the last desperate days of Allende's rule and the "dizzying dance of chaos and blood" of his overthrow. He reports on the dreary and dangerous nature of life in Chile in the 1970s and 1980s under the dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet. On re­turning to Chile in the 1990s, Cooper finds that while democracy has been restored, the political soul of the nation has been lost to a cynic­al individualism and mindless consumerism, stirred only by the arrest of Pinochet in England for the human rights violations of his regime. He finds in Chile an unwillingness to confront the past and remarks that without doing so the country can never really leave that past be­hind. In the end, this is a eulogy for the lost utopian longings of Chile, of Cooper himself and of so many of his generation. He writes, "Chile was not the prelude to my generation's accomplishments [but] our political high water mark." Cooper offers engaged reporting at its best. (Jan.)Forecast: Cooper's pro-Allende stance will mark this as a book for readers whose hearts remain on the left; the author's readers at the Nation, for instance, will find this account simpatico. Recent head­lines regarding Pinochet will help as well.- Publishers Weekly

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    Personal aspects of the Pinochet Case. Bibliography

    This bibliography was complied between March 2003-June 2004 by IPS Pinochet Case Project director Stacie Jonas and IPS interns Tara Carr and Nalini Gupta. Special thanks to Professor David Sugarman, author of a forthcoming book entitled Pursuing Pinochet: A Global Quest for Justice, for his assistance and suggestions.

    This bibliography is a very specific selection of books, reports, articles, and conference papers that, in some way, explicitly address legal cases brought against former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. It was compiled primarily to meet our own research needs.

    This list does not include, for example, books and articles on the history of the Chilean dictatorship or the history of human rights organizing, general information about international tribunals, etc.

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    The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and Accountability (A National Security Archive Book). Peter Kornbluh

    Published on the 30th anniversary of General Pinochet's military coup, declassified documents that reveal the startling facts behind US collusion with the notorious Chilean dictator. In the United States, as you know, we are sympathetic with what you are trying to do here....We want to help, not undermine you.—Henry Kissinger speak­ing confidentially to General Augusto Pinochet. The 1998 arrest of General Augusto Pinochet in Britain brought renewed attention to the dark days of his dictatorship and raised questions about America's role in bringing the General and his henchmen to power. As a result of the efforts of Peter Kornbluh and the National Security Archive, thou­sands of the government records that spell out US government sup­port of Pinochet have recently been declassified. The Pinochet File makes public many of the key and formerly secret records of the atro­city and complicity that are at the heart of the international campaign to hold this Chilean general legally accountable for murder, torture, and terrorism. Peter Kornbluh's investigative narrative puts the docu­ments in their historical context—exposing the efforts of Henry Kis­singer, the White House and the CIA to conceal this history—and fills in the gaps of one of the most infamous chapters in the history of American foreign policy.

    For Chileans, September 11th marks a different tragedy—the an­niversary of the 1973 coup that overthrew the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende. This timely book weaves together thirty years of declassified documents with a gripping narrative of America's involvement in the affair. At a National Security Council meeting in 1970, Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird said of Allende, "We want to do everything we can to hurt him and bring him down," and a C.I.A. memo from the same year describes efforts of a key ally "to increase the level of terrorism in Santiago." This terrorism included the assassination of René Schneider, the constitutionalist command­er-in-chief of Chile's armed forces, which was carried out with C.I.A.-provided funds and submachine guns. The evidence that Kornbluh has gathered is overwhelming. As Colin Powell recently re­marked about the United States' role in the Pinochet coup, "It is not a part of American history that we are proud of." - The New Yorker

    Introduction. pdf
    National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 110 - audiofiles

    The Pinochet Affair: State Terrorism and Global Justice. Roger Burbach. 2007

    This is the timely story of the rise and fall General Augusto Pinochet of Chile. Using interviews and intimate sketches, Roger Burbach un­ravels Pinochet's historty--from the violent military coup that brought him to power to his ouster in 1990 and eventual arrest in 1998. Burbach reveals the sociopathic, paranoid and authoritarian tenden­cies that led the dictator to murder thousands of people in the country while authorizing acts of international terrorism.

    The case of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet was among the most sensational of recent international attempts to prosecute human rights violators. Few contemporary figures have galvanized progress­ive and socialist opinion like Pinochet, and indeed his sins, the over­throw of a legally installed president and the subsequent murder of 3,000 people by most estimates, are unpardonably atrocious. Burbach's excoriation of his subject, which unfolds in biographical ma­terial about Pinochet and in a summary of the drawn-out legal pro­cess--ultimately a failure--to put him on trial, is more than justified by the historical facts. Burbach, associated with the University of Califor­nia at Berkeley, performs the organization and citation of these facts in a scholastically capable manner, which increases his work's gener­al-interest value. It is also sympathetic to Pinochet's initial political vic­tim, Salvador Allende, which affects the author's objectivity about Al­lende's policy of collectivizing the Chilean economy; however, Burbach proves a reliable guide to the activities of the opposition Pinochet provoked. Booklist

    Yo, Augusto/i, Augusto Pinochet. Ernesto Ekaizer. 2003

    This book, based on more than one thousand interviews and based on the research of thousands of secret documents recently declassi­fied, is the story of the man who continues to gain momentum in find­ing a place in the universal history of infamy. This is the life of an old, but still challenging and threatening general who encouraged the tenebrous "Caravan of Death". Ernesto Ekaizer won the journalism award "Ortega and Gasset" for his essays about the Pinochet case.

    The Condor Years: How Pinochet And His Allies Brought Terrorism To Three Continents. John Dinges. 2005

    Throughout the 1970s, six Latin American governments led by Chile formed a military alliance called Operation Condor to carry out kid­nappings, torture, and political assassinations across three contin­ents. It was an early "war on terror" initially encouraged by the CIA which later backfired on the United States.

    Hailed by Foreign Affairs as "remarkable" and "a major contribution to the historical record," The Condor Years uncovers the unsettling facts about the secret U.S. relationship with the dictators who created this terrorist organization. Written by award-winning journalist John Dinges and newly updated to include recent developments in the prosecution of Pinochet, the book is a chilling but dispassionately told history of one of Latin America's darkest eras. Dinges, himself interrogated in a Chilean torture camp, interviewed participants on both sides and ex­amined thousands of previously secret documents to take the reader inside this underground world of military operatives and diplomats, right-wing spies and left-wing revolutionaries.

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    Out of the Ashes: Life, Death and Transfiguration of Democracy in Chile, 1833-1988. James R. Whelan. 1989

    Out of the Ashes is the most comprehensive defense of Pinochet; it has useful material but overall it is not to be trusted. Google yields up many more critiques than defenses.

    James R. Whelan (July 27, 1933 - December 1, 2012) was a journalist and historian who served as the first editor-in-chief of The Washington Times, holding the position from 1982 to 1984. He is also known as the author of several books, most of them on the recent political history of Latin America. He lived in Chile, serving as visiting professor at the University of Chile and writing on the nation's history.

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    Chile: The Other September 11: An Anthology of Reflections on the 1973 Coup. Ariel Dorfman

    This anthology reclaims the date of September 11 as the anniversary of the U.S.-backed coup in Chile in 1973 by General Augusto Pinochet against the popularly elected Allende government. Contrib­utors include Ariel Dorfman, Pablo Neruda, Salvador Allende, Fidel Castro.

    “A fast and powerful read, and its themes are still relevant today… and shows vividly the suffering others have endured at our hands, the same sort of suffering our government has pledged to fight… This book is the kind of true testimonial that all Americans should read.”—Clamor

    “A worthwhile compilation for libraries and bookstores seeking titles on the subject.”—Criticas

    Constitutionalism and Dictatorship: Pinochet, the Junta, and the 1980 Constitution. Robert Barros. 2009

    It is widely believed that autocratic regimes cannot limit their power through institutions of their own making. This book presents a surpris­ing challenge to this view. It demonstrates that the Chilean armed forces were constrained by institutions of their own design. Based on extensive documentation of military decision-making, much of it long classified and unavailable, this book reconstructs the politics of insti­tutions within the recent Chilean dictatorship (1973-1990).

    Cambridge Studies in the Theory of Democracy

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    Soldiers in a Narrow Land: The Pinochet Regime in Chile. Mary Helen Spooner. 1999

    Journalist Spooner presents a narrative of the Pinochet regime through profiles of the major government and opposition figures, many of whom she interviewed. Spooner, who lived in Chile during the Pinochet period (1973- 88), is at her best when discussing Chile prior to the 1973 military coup that toppled Socialist President Sal­vador Allende's government. General Augusto Pinochet comes across as a very limited provincial man entirely unsuited for any polit­ical role. The junta, and Pinochet in particular, were perennially suspi­cious of the United States and naturally quite resentful of the US arms embargo. Spooner notes the ironic fact that, under the junta, Chile was actually less militarily secure because of the embargo and Pinochet's purging of the foreign service. The junta was hurt even more by several public relations campaigns in the US that only further alienated Congress. Spooner is particularly adept at writing about the so-called «Chicago Boys», those young Chilean economists who were trained at the University of Chicago, known for its conservative free-market approach. In one amusing anecdote, Spooner tells how David Rockefeller, visiting Santiago, praised the Chicago Boys. When asked what advice he would offer workers whose earnings were devoured by inflation, the millionaire suggested they elect officials to improve the economy, "as the Americans had done in voting for Ronald Reagan." Rockefeller had put his foot in his mouth--there were no free elections in Chile. Although the Reagan administration lifted some sanctions (but not the arms embargo), relations were still more sour than sweet between Santiago and Washington during the 1980s, long before Pinochet lost a plebiscite in 1988. Spooner writes about an important subject, but her style is often repetitive. Yet the book has merit largely because it graphically details the dismemberment of the democratic process in Chile. - Kirkus Reviews

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    The General's Slow Retreat: Chile After Pinochet, Mary Helen Spooner - 2011

    Reckoning with Pinochet: The Memory Question in Democratic Chile, 1989–2006. Steve J. Stern

    Reckoning with Pinochet is the first comprehensive account of how Chile came to terms with General Augusto Pinochet’s legacy of hu­man rights atrocities. An icon among Latin America’s “dirty war” dictat­ors, Pinochet had ruled with extreme violence while building a loyal social base. Hero to some and criminal to others, the general cast a long shadow over Chile’s future. Steve J. Stern recounts the full his­tory of Chile’s democratic reckoning, from the negotiations in 1989 to chart a post-dictatorship transition; through Pinochet’s arrest in Lon­don in 1998; the thirtieth anniversary, in 2003, of the coup that over­threw President Salvador Allende; and Pinochet’s death in 2006. He shows how transnational events and networks shaped Chile’s battles over memory, and how the Chilean case contributed to shifts in the world culture of human rights

    “In this well-researched book, Stern covers the broad swath of history from the end of the Pinochet regime to Pinochet’s condemnation by the international community to Chile’s leadership under Bachelet. . . . [T]he book’s greatest strength is its elucidation of symbolic acknow­ledgment as a form of memory politics by both the state and local community. . . . Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates and above.”— Choice

    Duke University Press, 2010
    Pages: 584, Illustrations: 29 photographs, 2 maps

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    Другие книги Steve J. Stern: Remembering Pinochet’s Chile: On the Eve of London 1998, Battling for Hearts and Minds: Memory Struggles in Pinochet’s Chile, 1973–1988

    Pinochet's Economists. The Chicago School of Economics in Chile. Juan Gabriel Valdes. 2008

    This book tells the extraordinary story of the Pinochet regime's eco­nomists, known as the Chicago Boys. It explores the roots of their ideas and their sense of mission, following their training as econom­ists at the Department of Economics at the University of Chicago. After their return to Chile, the Chicago Boys took advantage of the op­portunity afforded them by the 1973 military coup to launch the first radical free market strategy implemented in a developing country. The ideological strength of their mission and the military authoritarianism of General Pinochet combined to transform an economy that, follow­ing the return to democracy, has stabilized and is seen as a model for Latin America. This book, written by a political scientist, examines the neo-liberal economists and their perspective on the market. It also narrates the history of the transfer of ideas from the industrialized world to a developing country, which will be of particular interest to economists.

    "Based on extensive research in the archives of the Ford and Rocke­feller Foundations and the Agency of International Development, the book shows how the transmission of sconomic ideas was encouraged and fostered..." Foreign Affairs

    Cambridge University Press, 1995, 2008
    Series: Historical Perspectives on Modern Economics
    ISBN:9780521451468, ISBN:9780521064408

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    Masters of the Universe: Hayek, Friedman, and the Birth of Neoliberal Politics. Daniel Stedman Jones

    Masters of the Universe describes neoliberalism's road to power, be­ginning in interwar Europe but shifting its center of gravity after 1945 to the United States, especially to Chicago and Virginia, where it ac­quired a simple clarity that was developed into an uncompromising political message. Neoliberalism was communicated through a transatlantic network of think tanks, businessmen, politicians, and journalists that was held together by Friedrich Hayek and Milton Fried­man. After the collapse of Bretton Woods in 1971, and the "stag­flation" that followed, their ideas finally began to take hold as Keyne­sianism appeared to self-destruct. Later, after the elections of Reagan and Thatcher, a guileless faith in free markets came to dominate polit­ics.

    Fascinating, important, and timely, this is a book for anyone who wants to understand the history behind the Anglo-American love affair with the free market, as well as the origins of the current economic crisis. Mr. Stedman Jones offers a novel and comprehensive history of neoliberalism. It is tarred neither by a reverence for the heroes, nor by caricature, for he is a fair and nuanced writer. This is a bold bio­graphy of a great idea. Economist

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    Economic Reforms in Chile: From Dictatorship to Democracy. French-Davis, Ricardo. 2010

    Articulate and provocative, Richardo French-Davis offers the most comprehensive and timely assessment available of Chilean economic reform, from the military dictatorship of Pinochet in the 1970s up to the "reforms of reforms" made by the democratic governments in the 1990s. Written in accessible and readable prose, Economic Reforms in Chile begins with an overview of the Chilean economy during the last fifty years. This historical time frame is divided into three periods of economic reform. The first period covers the Pinochet regime, dur­ing which the more orthodox neoliberalism was implemented. The second period includes the Pinochet dictatorship, during which eco­nomic policy shifted toward pragmatism, particularly in the areas of trade and finance; it also includes the crisis of 1982 and its effects. The third period begins in 1990 with the return to democratic elections and the significant reforms to prior reforms. This section also exam­ines the search for growth-with-equity, success in investment and growth performance, macroeconomic sustainability, and the reduction of poverty. French-Davis addresses several "paradoxes," or results that defy the expectations of policymakers, in order to analyze the sig­nificance of comprehensive macroeconomic equilibrium and its implica­tions for sustainable stability, growth, and equity. Ricardo French-Davis is Professor of Economics, University of Chile.

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    Latin America's Political Economy of the Possible: Beyond Good Revolutionaries and Free-Marketeers. Javier Santiso

    Neither socialism nor free-market neoliberalism has been a very help­ful model for Latin America, writes Javier Santiso in this witty and liter­ate reading of that region's economic and political condition. Latin America must move beyond utopian schemes and rigid ideologies in­vented in other hemispheres and acknowledge its own social realities of inequality and poverty. And today some countries--notably Chile and Brazil, but also Mexico and Colombia--are doing just that: abandoning the economic "magic realism" that plots miraculous but impossible solutions and forging instead a pragmatic path of gradual reform. Many Latin American leaders are adopting an approach com­bining monetary and fiscal orthodoxies with progressive social policies. This, says Santiso, is "the silent arrival of the political eco­nomy of the possible," which offers hope to a region exhausted by economic reform programs entailing macroeconomic shocks and countershocks. Santiso describes the creation in Chile and Brazil of institutions and policies that are connected to social realities rather than to theories found in economics textbooks. Mexico too has cre­ated its own fiscal and monetary policies and institutions, and it has the additional benefit of being a party to NAFTA. Santiso outlines the development strategies unfolding in Latin America, from Chile and Brazil to Colombia and Uruguay, strategies anchored externally by treaties and trade agreements and internally by strong fiscal and monetary institutions and policies. And he charts the less successful trajectories of Argentina, Venezuela, and Bolivia, which are still in thrall to utopian but impossible miracle cures.Santiso's account of this emerging transformation describes Latin America at a crossroads. Beginning in 2006, elections in Brazil, Mexico, and elsewhere may signal whether Latin America will decisively choose the political economy of the possible over the political economy of the impossible.

    MIT Press, 2007 г.

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    The Economic Development of Latin America since Independence (Initiative for Policy). Luis Bertola, Jose Antonio Ocampo

    Latin America is attracting increasing interest due to the strong eco­nomic performance of the last decade and to the political changes that are taking place. This book gives a unique, comprehensive, and up to date view of Latin America economic development over the two centuries since Independence. It considers Latin American economies within the wider context of the international economy, and covers eco­nomic growth, international trade, capital flows, and trends in inequal­ity and human development.

    With chapters that cover different eras, it traces the major develop­ments of Latin American countries and offers a novel and coherent in­terpretation of the economic history of the region. It combines a wealth of original research, new perspectives, and empirical informa­tion to provide a synthesis of the growing literature that both comple­ments and extends previous studies.

    Oxford University Press, 2012. ISBN-13: 978-0199662142

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    Post-Soviet Social: Neoliberalism, Social Modernity, Biopolitics. Stephen J. Collier

    The Soviet Union created a unique form of urban modernity, develop­ing institutions of social provisioning for hundreds of millions of people in small and medium-sized industrial cities spread across a vast territ­ory. After the collapse of socialism these institutions were profoundly shaken--casualties, in the eyes of many observers, of market-oriented reforms associated with neoliberalism and the Washington Con­sensus. In Post-Soviet Social, Stephen Collier examines reform in Russia beyond the Washington Consensus. He turns attention from the noisy battles over stabilization and privatization during the 1990s to subsequent reforms that grapple with the mundane details of pipes, wires, bureaucratic routines, and budgetary formulas that made up the Soviet social state.

    Drawing on Michel Foucault's lectures from the late 1970s, Post-So­viet Social uses the Russian case to examine neoliberalism as a cent­ral form of political rationality in contemporary societies. The book's basic finding--that neoliberal reforms provide a justification for redistri­bution and social welfare, and may work to preserve the norms and forms of social modernity--lays the groundwork for a critical revision of conventional understandings of these topics.

    Princeton University Press, 2011. ISBN-13: 978-0691148311

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    Книги Милтона Фридмана

    Милтон Фридман (Milton Friedman) - известнейший экономист, лауреат Нобелевской премии по экономике 1976 года. Известен своими работами по макро и микроэкономике, теории денег и капитализму.

    Фридман также известен как последовательный сторонник классического либерализма. В своих книгах он доказывает нежелательность государственного вмешательства в экономику. Несмотря на огромное влияние в американской политике, из 14 пунктов, предложенных им в «Капитализме и свободе», в США реализован только один — отмена обязательного призыва.

    Взгляды Фридмана (как и вообще Чикагской школы экономики) подвергаются резкой критике марксистами (в том числе западными), левыми, антиглобалистами, особенно Наоми Кляйн, которая считает его виновным в негативных явлениях в экономике Чили во время диктатуры Пиночета и в России во время президентства Ельцина.

    По их мнению, полностью свободный рынок приводит к обнищанию огромного большинства людей, невиданному обогащению крупных корпораций; вывод из-под контроля государства системы образования приводит к превращению школы в бизнес, при котором полноценное образование становится недоступным для многих граждан, сходная ситуация наблюдается и в медицине.

    Капитализм и свобода. (Capitalism and Freedom, 1962)
    Книга лауреата Нобелевской премии по экономике 1976 года и одного из самых известных экономистов послевоенной эпохи — «Капитализм и свобода» Милтона Фридмана — относится к числу наиболее значительных политэкономических трудов XX века. Высказанные в ней идеи ограничения вмешательства государства в экономику и взаимосвязи экономической и политической свободы, гибкого валютного курса и плоской шкалы подоходного налога, разгосударствления образования и системы социального обеспечения, создания контрактной армии и многие другие стали фундаментом для большей части либеральных реформ, осуществляемых в последние десятилетия в самых разных странах мира. Книга вышла в «Новом издательстве» в серии Фонда «Либеральная Миссия». Cкачать pdf

    Свобода выбирать. (Free to Choose, 1980).
    Книга одного из самых влиятельных современных экономистов Милтона Фридмана и его жены Роуз Фридман «Свобода выби­рать» относится к числу наиболее известных произведений либе­ральной мысли второй половины XX века. Отстаивая ценности индивидуальной, экономической и политической свободы, авто­ры приводят убедительные доказательства неэффективности бюрократии и избыточности ее вмешательства в жизнь общества на примере государственных систем соцобеспечения, образова­ния, финансового регулирования, лицензирования раз­личных то­варов и видов деятельности и т.п. Книга вышла в «Но­вом изда­тельстве» в серии Фонда «Либеральная Миссия». Cкачать pdf

    О свободе
    В сборник включены фрагменты произведений двух выдающихся экономистов ХХ века, лауреатов Нобелевской премии по экономике Фридриха Хайека и Милтона Фридмана, убедительно показывающие, что политическая свобода не может существовать без частной собственности и экономической свободы. Статья Хайека «Либерализм», написанная для итальянской Enciclopedia del Novicento, является лучшим кратким изложением истории классического либерализма как доктрины и политического движения. Cкачать pdf

    Letters of correspondence between Friedman and dictator Pinochet

    The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Naomi Klein

    In this groundbreaking alternative history of the most dominant ideo­logy of our time, Milton Friedman's free-market economic revolution, Naomi Klein challenges the popular myth of this movement's peaceful global victory. From Chile in 1973 to Iraq today, Klein shows how Friedman and his followers have repeatedly harnessed terrible shocks and violence to implement their radical policies. As John Gray wrote in The Guardian, "There are very few books that really help us under­stand the present. The Shock Doctrine is one of those books."

    The Shock Doctrine follows the application of these ideas through our contemporary history, showing in riveting detail how well-known events of the recent past have been deliberate, active theatres for the shock doctrine, among them: Pinochet’s coup in Chile in 1973, the Falklands War in 1982, the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Asian Financial crisis in 1997 and Hurricane Mitch in 1998.

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    На сайте Наоми Кляйн опубликован файл «Letters of correspond­ence between Friedman and dictator Pinochet»

    Friedman also met with military dictator President Augusto Pinochet during his visit. He never served as an adviser to the Chilean govern­ment, but did write a letter to Pinochet outlining what Friedman con­sidered the two key economic problems of Chile. The letter listed a series of monetary and fiscal measures deemed a "shock program" to end hyperinflation and promote a market economy.[66] His letter sug­gested (among other, more specific prescriptions) that a brief period of cutting government spending would reduce its fiscal deficit and thus reduce the rate of increase of the quantity of money in the country that was driving inflation. The economist did however admit his know­ledge of Chile was "too limited to enable [him] to be precise or com­prehensive" and that the measures he outlined were "to be taken as illustrative." Friedman felt that there might be a brief period ("meas­ured in months") of higher unemployment, followed by recovery once inflation was tamed. His letter also suggested that cutting spending to reduce the fiscal deficit would result in less transitional unemployment than raising taxes to do so. Later, Friedman said he believed that market reforms would undermine Pinochet.

    Hopes and Prospects. Noam Chomsky, 2010

    In this urgent new book, Noam Chomsky surveys the dangers and prospects of our early twenty-first century. Exploring challenges such as the growing gap between North and South, American exceptional­ism (including under President Barack Obama), the fiascos of Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S.-Israeli assault on Gaza, and the recent fin­ancial bailouts, he also sees hope for the future and a way to move forward—in the democratic wave in Latin America and in the global solidarity movements that suggest "real progress toward freedom and justice."

    Hopes and Prospects is essential reading for anyone who is con­cerned about the primary challenges still facing the human race.

    "This is a classic Chomsky work: a bonfire of myths and lies, sophis­tries and delusions. Noam Chomsky is an enduring inspiration all over the world—to millions, I suspect—for the simple reason that he is a truth-teller on an epic scale. I salute him." — John Pilger

    "In dissecting the rhetoric and logic of American empire and class domination, at home and abroad, Chomsky continues a longstanding and crucial work of elucidation and activism...the writing remains un­swervingly rational and principled throughout, and lends bracing im­petus to the real alternatives before us." — Publisher's Weekly

    ISBN: 978-1931859967

    Profit Over People: Neoliberalism & Global Order. Noam Chomsky

    The culprit in all cases is neoliberal ideology—the belief in the su­premacy of "free" markets to drive and govern human affairs. And in the years since the initial publication of Noam Chomsky's Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order, the bitter vines of neoliberal­ism have only twisted themselves further into the world economy, ob­literating the public’s voice in public affairs and substituting the bottom line in place of people’s basic obligation to care for one another as ends in themselves. In Profit Over People, Chomsky reveals the roots of the present crisis, tracing the history of neoliberalism through an in­cisive analysis of free trade agreements of the 1990s, the World Trade Organization, and the International Monetary Fund—and de­scribes the movements of resistance to the increasing interference by the private sector in global affairs.

    In the years since the initial publication of Profit Over People, the stakes have only risen. Now more than ever, Profit Over People is one of the key texts explaining how the crisis facing us operates—and how, through Chomsky’s analysis of resistance, we may find an es­cape from the closing net.

    Фрагменты первого издание "Прибыль на людях", 1999. рус.

    Опасные приключения Мигеля Литтина в Чили. Габриэль Маркес

    В Европе и США эта книга произвела эффект разорвавшейся бомбы, - а в Чили ее первый тираж был уничтожен по личному приказу Аугусто Пиночета.

    ...В 1985 году высланный из Чили режиссер Мигель Литгин неле-гально вернулся, чтобы снять фильм о том, во что превратили страну двенадцать лет военной диктатуры. Невзирая на смер­тельную опасность, пользуясь скрытой камерой, он создал уни­кальный фильм "Всеобщая декларация Чили", удостоенный при­за на Венецианском кинофестивале. Документальный роман Маркеса - не просто захватывающая история приключений Литти­на на многострадальной родине, это великолепная стилиза­ция в духе авантюрной испанской прозы XVI - XVII веков.

    купить в электронном виде на litres

    My Invented Country: A Memoir. Isabel Allende

    Isabel Allende evokes the magnificent landscapes of her country; a charming, idiosyncratic Chilean people with a violent history and an indomitable spirit, and the politics, religion, myth, and magic of her homeland that she carries with her even today.

    The book circles around two life-changing moments. The assassina­tion of her uncle Salvador Allende Gossens on September 11, 1973, sent her into exile and transformed her into a literary writer. And the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, on her adopted homeland, the United States, brought forth an overdue acknowledgment that Al­lende had indeed left home. My Invented Country, mimicking the workings of memory itself, ranges back and forth across that distance between past and present lives. It speaks compellingly to immigrants and to all of us who try to retain a coherent inner life in a world full of contradictions.

    The Battle Of Chile, Patricio Guzman, 1972-1979

    The Battle of Chile is a documentary film in 3 parts, directed by the Chilean Patricio Guzman: The Insurrection of the Bourgeoisie (1975), The Coup d'état (1976), Popular Power (1979). It is a chronicle of the political tension in Chile in 1973 and of the violent counter revolution against the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende. It won the Grand Prix in 1975 and 1976 at the Grenoble International Film Festival. In 1996, Chile, Obstinate Memory was released and fol­lowed Patricio Guzmán back to Chile as he screened the 3-part docu­mentary to Chileans who had never seen it before

    The Guardian
    : "The film becomes, in part, a study of conservatism and what happens when it is threatened. [-]Pinochet's slyness is well illustrated by a glimpse of him a few months before the coup, sunglasses on, helmet pulled down, dressed like an ordinary soldier as he saunters amicably along with some other officers, who are still loyal to the government and have just put down a premature army re­bellion. Meanwhile, the difference between Allende's "Chilean road to socialism" and more authoritarian, Soviet-inspired versions - a differ­ence denied to this day by Pinochet's supporters - is made disarm­ingly clear by a confrontation between Allende and a crowd of left-wingers, who are chanting for him to close down parliament. He re­fuses, and the protesting whistles are fierce for a time. Then the crowd goes quiet and listens."

    Pinochet's Last Stand, Richard Curson Smith

    In 1973, General Augusto Pinochet overtook Chile in a violent military coup. During his 17-year rule, he ruthlessly repressed all opposition to his regime, leading to the deaths of 3,000 civilians and the torture of another 30,000. HBO Films presents the fascinating true story of the former dictator's surprise 1998 arrest for crimes against humanity while undergoing back surgery during a vacation in London. Caught in international conflict, Pinochet's (Emmy Award winner Derek Jacobi) time in London forever changed his life - and the prospects for dictat­ors across the globe.

    Missing, Costa-Gavras, 1982

    It is based on the true story of American journalist Charles Horman, who disappeared in the bloody aftermath of the US-backed Chilean coup of 1973 that deposed the democratically elected socialist Presid­ent Salvador Allende. The film was banned in Chile during Pinochet's dictatorship, even though neither Chile nor Pinochet are ever men­tioned by name (although the Chilean cities of Viña del Mar and Santi­ago are). The film opens with Costa-Gavras' statement that the events of the film are true. Set largely during the days and weeks fol­lowing Horman's disappearance, the movie depicts his father and wife searching to determine his fate. It is based on a book that was first published under the title “The Execution of Charles Horman: An American Sacrifice” (1978) by Thomas Hauser

    Won 1 Oscar. Another 9 wins & 15 nominations.

    Я люблю Пиночета (I Love Pinochet), Марсела Сэд, 2001

    Фильм о современных сторонниках Пиночета в Чили, которые отдают себе отчёт в том, что диктатура жестоко нарушала права человека, но тем не менее с энтузиазмом высказываются «за» политику «сильной руки» той власти.

    Remarkable and profound 2001 documentary I LOVE PINOCHET (Chile, 2002, 52 min.), which presents a little discussed minority of Chileans who supported dictator Augusto Pinochet and his return to power. Constructed of a series of portraits that reveal the breadth and complexity of Pinochetism in Chile, I LOVE PINOCHET offers a unique look at the social and political legacy of Augusto Pinochet, as seen from his follower's point of view.

    Acta General de Chile, Miguel Littin, 1986

    En 1985 Miguel Littin regresa de manera clandestina a Chile y realiza este documental dividido en tres partes sobre la realidad política del país. Titulados como Miguel Littin: clandestino en Chile, Norte de Chile: Cuando fui para la Pampa y De la frontera al interior de Chile: la llama encendida; incluye testimonios de García Márquez, Fidel Castro y Hortensia Bussi. Igualmente se muestra el Chile de Augusto Pinochet y el de Salvador Allende. Cuando regresó a España y ter­minó su trabajo, Gabriel García Márquez le propuso escribir la histor­ia de su película, publicada con el título Las aventuras de Miguel Lit­tín clandestino en Chile, que se transformó rápidamente en un best seller.

    Venice Film Festival FIPRESCI Prize, Authors Prize

    The Judge and the General. Elizabeth Farnsworth, Patricio Lanfranco Leverton, 2008

    When in 1998 Chilean judge Juan Guzmán was assigned the first criminal cases against the country's ex-dictator, General Augusto Pinochet, no one expected much. Guzmán had supported Pinochet's 1973 coup against the democratically elected president, Salvador Al­lende, and had worked as a judge during Pinochet's dictatorship. The filmmakers trace Guzmán descent into what he calls "the abyss," where he uncovers the past - including his own role in the tragedy.

    1 win & 3 nominations

    Nostalgia de la luz, Patricio Guzmán, 2010

    Nostalgia for the Light (Spanish: Nostalgia de la Luz) is a document­ary released in 2010 by Patricio Guzmán to address the lasting im­pacts of Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship.[1] Guzmán focuses on the similarities between astronomers researching humanity’s past, in an astronomical sense, and the struggle of many Chilean women who still search, after decades, for the remnants of their relatives executed during the dictatorship. Patricio Guzmán narrates the documentary himself and the documentary includes interviews and commentary from those affected and from astronomers and archeologists.

    As a filmmaker Patricio Guzmán's filmography has focused mostly on the political and social issues that have plagued Chile. He explored Chile under Salvador Allende and his government (Salvador Allende, 2004), and Pinochet’s dictatorship and his human rights abuses (See Batalla de Chile [The Battle of Chile trilogy, 1975-1979], Le cas Pinochet [The Pinochet Case], 2001) and others. The latter film deals more so with the aftermath of those human rights abuses.

    6 wins & 4 nominations

    Нет (No), Пабло Ларрейн, 2012

    «Нет» — это один из двух вариантов ответа на вопрос «Должен ли Аугусто Пиночет остаться у власти?». Уверенный в поддержке большинства населения, диктатор назначает дату референдума на 5 октября 1988 года. Но международное давление вынуждает отдать хотя бы какое-то эфирное время оппозиции. 15 минут ночного эфира — за это время сразу нескольким политическим партиям нужно консолидированно объяснить населению, почему нужно проголосовать против. Для этого они приглашают Рене Савейду — успешного рекламщика, много времени прожившего за границей и понимающего современные рекламные технологии.

    Nominated for 1 Oscar. Another 4 wins & 4 nominations.