27 февр. 2013 г.

Pinochet's Economists. The Chicago School of Economics in Chile. Juan Gabriel Valdes. 2008

This book tells the extraordinary story of the Pinochet regime's eco­nomists, known as the Chicago Boys. It explores the roots of their ideas and their sense of mission, following their training as econom­ists at the Department of Economics at the University of Chicago. After their return to Chile, the Chicago Boys took advantage of the op­portunity afforded them by the 1973 military coup to launch the first radical free market strategy implemented in a developing country. The ideological strength of their mission and the military authoritarianism of General Pinochet combined to transform an economy that, follow­ing the return to democracy, has stabilized and is seen as a model for Latin America. This book, written by a political scientist, examines the neo-liberal economists and their perspective on the market. It also narrates the history of the transfer of ideas from the industrialized world to a developing country, which will be of particular interest to economists.

"Based on extensive research in the archives of the Ford and Rocke­feller Foundations and the Agency of International Development, the book shows how the transmission of sconomic ideas was encouraged and fostered..." Foreign Affairs

Cambridge University Press, 1995, 2008
Series: Historical Perspectives on Modern Economics
ISBN:9780521451468, ISBN:9780521064408

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