27 февр. 2013 г.

Masters of the Universe: Hayek, Friedman, and the Birth of Neoliberal Politics. Daniel Stedman Jones

Masters of the Universe describes neoliberalism's road to power, be­ginning in interwar Europe but shifting its center of gravity after 1945 to the United States, especially to Chicago and Virginia, where it ac­quired a simple clarity that was developed into an uncompromising political message. Neoliberalism was communicated through a transatlantic network of think tanks, businessmen, politicians, and journalists that was held together by Friedrich Hayek and Milton Fried­man. After the collapse of Bretton Woods in 1971, and the "stag­flation" that followed, their ideas finally began to take hold as Keyne­sianism appeared to self-destruct. Later, after the elections of Reagan and Thatcher, a guileless faith in free markets came to dominate polit­ics.

Fascinating, important, and timely, this is a book for anyone who wants to understand the history behind the Anglo-American love affair with the free market, as well as the origins of the current economic crisis. Mr. Stedman Jones offers a novel and comprehensive history of neoliberalism. It is tarred neither by a reverence for the heroes, nor by caricature, for he is a fair and nuanced writer. This is a bold bio­graphy of a great idea. Economist

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