30 окт. 2014 г.

Samuel Johnson Prize 2014 shortlist

Roy Jenkins
by John Campbell
Roy Jenkins was probably the best Prime Minister Britain never had. But though he never reached 10 Downing Street, he left a more enduring mark on British society than most of those who did. His career spans the full half-century from Attlee to Tony Blair during which he helped transform almost every area of na­tional life and politics. His biography is the story of an exceptionally well-filled and well-rounded life.

Empire of Necessity 
by Greg Grandin
One morning in 1805, off a remote island in the South Pacific, seal hunter and abolitionist Captain Amasa Delano climbed aboard the Tryal, a distressed Span­ish slaver. He spent all day on the ship, sharing food and water, yet failed to see that the slaves, having slaughtered most of the crew, were now their own mas­ters. Later, when Delano caught on, he chased the ship down, responding with barbaric violence. Drawing on never-before-consulted records on four contin­ents, Greg Grandin follows this group of courageous slaves and their persecutor from the horrors of the Middle Passage to their explosive confrontation. Wretched Tryal is a gripping account of obsessive mania, imperial exploitation, and lost ideals, set against the epic backdrop of the Age of Revolution that was remaking the world.

Village of Secrets: Defying the Nazis in Vichy France
by Caroline Moorehead
From the author of the New York Times bestseller A Train in Winter comes the extraordinary story of a French village that helped save thousands who were pursued by the Gestapo during World War II. High up in the mountains of the southern Massif Central in France lie tiny, remote villages united by a long and particular history. During the Nazi occupation, the inhabitants of Le Cham­bon-sur-Lignon and the other villages of the Plateau Vivarais Lignon saved several thousand people from the concentration camps.

H is for Hawk
by Helen Macdonald
Destined to be a classic of nature writing, H is for Hawk is a record of a spiritual journey - an unflinchingly honest account of Macdonald's struggle with grief dur­ing the difficult process of the hawk's taming and her own untaming. At the same time, it's a kaleidoscopic biography of the brilliant and troubled novelist T. H. White, best known for The Once and Future King. It's a book about memory, nature and nation, and how it might be possible to try to reconcile death with life and love.

Common People 
by Alison Light
Family history is a massive phenomenon of our times but what are we after when we go in search of our ancestors? Beginning with her grandparents, Alis­on Light moves between the present and the past in an extraordinary series of journeys over two centuries, across Britain and beyond.  Needlemakers, sailors, servants, bricklayers - how is the historian to understand the lives of those for­bears who left few traces except the barest record: no diaries, letters, or posses­sions, and sometimes not even a grave? Or the suffering of those individuals deemed paupers, like her great-grandmother, born in the workhouse and dying in an asylum? Epic in scope and deep in feeling, Common People is a family history but also a new kind of public history, following the lives of the migrants who travelled the country looking for work.

The Iceberg: A Memoir 
by Marion Coutts
In 2008 the art critic Tom Lubbock was diagnosed with a brain tumour. The tu­mour was located in the area controlling speech and language, and would even­tually rob him of the ability to speak. He died early in 2011. Marion Coutts was his wife. In short bursts of beautiful, textured prose, Coutts describes the eight­een months leading up to her partner's death. This book is an account of a fam­ily unit, man, woman, young child, under assault, and how the three of them fought to keep it intact. Written with extraordinary narrative force and power, The Iceberg is almost shocking in its rawness. It charts the deterioration of Tom's speech even as it records the developing language of his child. Fury, selfish­ness, grief, indignity and impotence are all examined and brought to light. Yet out of this comes a rare story about belonging, an 'adventure of being and dying'.

Global Crisis. War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century. Geoffrey Parker

Revolutions, droughts, famines, invasions, wars, regicides – the calamities of the mid-seventeenth century were not only unpreceden­ted, they were agonisingly widespread.  A global crisis extended from England to Japan, and from the Russian Empire to sub-Saharan Africa. North and South America, too, suffered turbulence. The distin­guished historian Geoffrey Parker examines first-hand accounts of men and women throughout the world describing what they saw and suffered during a sequence of political, economic and social crises that stretched from 1618 to the 1680s. Parker also deploys scientific evidence concerning climate conditions of the period, and his use of ‘natural’ as well as ‘human’ archives transforms our understanding of the World Crisis. Changes in the prevailing weather patterns during the 1640s and 1650s – longer and harsher winters, and cooler and wetter summers – disrupted growing seasons, causing dearth, malnu­trition, and disease, along with more deaths and fewer births. Some contemporaries estimated that one-third of the world died, and much of the surviving historical evidence supports their pessimism.

The British Academy Medal
Distinguished Bok Award, Society for Military History
PROSE Awards, American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence
Heineken Prize Laureate, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences

How Asia Works: Success and Failure in the World's Most Dynamic Region. Joe Studwell

In the 1980s and 1990s many in the West came to believe in the myth of an East-Asian economic miracle. Japan was going to dominate, then China. Countries were called “tigers” or “mini-dragons,” and were seen as not just development prodigies, but as a unified bloc, cultur­ally and economically similar, and inexorably on the rise.

Joe Studwell has spent two decades as a reporter in the region, and The Financial Times said he “should be named chief myth-buster for Asian business.” In How Asia Works, Studwell distills his extensive re­search into the economies of nine countries—Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, and China—into an accessible, readable narrative that debunks Western misconceptions, shows what really happened in Asia and why, and for once makes clear why some countries have boomed while others have languished.

“Pithy, well-written and intellectually vigorous... Studwell’s thesis is bold, his arguments persuasive, and his style pugnacious. It adds up to a highly readable and important book.”— Financial Times

“Provocative… How Asia Works is a striking and enlightening book … A lively mix of scholarship, reporting and polemic.”— The Econom­ist

The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies. Erik Brynjolfsson, Andrew McAfee

A revolution is under way. In recent years, Google’s autonomous cars have logged thousands of miles on American highways and IBM’s Watson trounced the best hu­man Jeopardy! players. Digital technologies—with hardware, soft­ware, and networks at their core—will in the near future diagnose dis­eases more accurately than doctors can, apply enormous data sets to transform retailing, and accomplish many tasks once considered uniquely human.

In The Second Machine Age, MIT’s Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee—two thinkers at the forefront of their field—reveal the forces driving the reinvention of our lives and our economy. As the full im­pact of digital technologies is felt, we will realize immense bounty in the form of dazzling personal technology, advanced infrastructure, and near-boundless access to the cultural items that enrich our lives.

Медийный город. Скотт Маккуайр

Книга Маккуайра приятно выделяется на фоне мутного потока ли­тературы по медиатеории. Автор не пытается подражать Мар­шаллу Маклюэну, не делает сенсационных заявлений, не прибе­гает к дешевым риторическим приемам. Его кумир — тонкий на­блюдатель Вальтер Беньямин, точно передавший в своих эссе дух первой половины ХХ века. Маккуайр надеется проделать то же самое с нашим временем. Но оригинальность его замысла не в этом, а в удивительном проекте — археологии городской образ­ности. Например, Маккуайр прослеживает те изменения, которые вносит изобретение фотографии в городской ландшафт: фото Парижа не просто фиксируют его «османизацию», сам барон Осман — порождение духа фотографии. Другой пример: Макку­айр показывает, как утверждение «взгляда на город сверху» свя­зано с прогрессом военных технологий — после ковровых бом­бардировок Роттердама и Дрездена города перестают восприни­маться как то, что нужно занять, но исключительно как то, что нужно уничтожить. Постнаука

Архитектор Фёдор Шехтель. Энциклопедия творчества

Государственный музей архитектуры им. А.В. Щусева совместно с Издательским Домом «Красивые дома пресс» выпускает двух­томник «Архитектор Фёдор Шехтель. Энциклопедия творчества».Беспрецедентное издание – результат 30-летней научной работы Людмилы Владимировны Сайгиной, старшего научного сотрудника, хранителя фондов графики Музея. Книга посвящена творчеству выдающегося зодчего Федора Осиповича Шехтеля (1859–1926). Это первая столь полная и строго докумен­тированная работа биографического жанра, посвященная круп­нейшему архитектору русского модерна. Исследование представ­ляет собой каталог графического наследия, в который вошли все сохранившиеся работы архитектора: редкие архивные и совре­менные эксклюзивные фотографии объектов и предметов деко­ративно-прикладного искусства, и, кроме того, сохранившаяся на сегодняшний день журнальная, театральная и архитектурная гра­фика, письма и документы (более 1200 единиц). Материалы, опубликованные в книге, принадлежат фондам как Музея архи­тектуры, так и других крупных музеев и архивов, среди которых: Государственный центральный театральный музей имени А.А. Бахрушина, Государственный Литературный музей, Центральный государственный архив города Москвы и т.д. В книгу включены публикации историка архитектуры Е. И. Кириченко и других вид­ных российских исследователей и реставраторов.

Избранные произведения Леонардо да Винчи

Том 1: Глава «О падении тел. О трении»
Том 2: Глава «Спор живописца с поэтом, музыкантом и скульптором»

Рукописи да Винчи, посвященные самым разным областям зна­ний, дошли до наших дней в виде множества разрозненных фраг­ментов и свидетельствуют о том, как сильно Леонардо опередил свое время. Переводчики и составители сборника его литератур­ных произведений стремились в полной мере раскрыть широту интересов и отразить универсализм Леонардо-художника и Леонардо-ученого.

Первый том сборника охватывает научные и инженерные изыска­ния да Винчи. Второй том посвящен Леонардо-художнику, также в него вошли басни, фацетии и предсказания. Кроме текстов да Винчи издание содержит репродукции рисунков и чертежей из его рукописей, а также подробные комментарии переводчиков. Текст печатается по академическому двухтомнику 1935 года, выпущен­ному издательством «Академия» в серии «Искусствоведение». В первый том внесены правки переводчика Василия Павловича Зу­бова, сделанные им на полях личного экземпляра.

Китайские мегатренды. 8 столпов нового общества. Джон и Дорис Нейсбит

Автор книги Джон Нейсбит прославился, опубликовав в конце 1980-х книгу «Мегатренды», в основу которой лег глубокий ана­лиз особенностей развития американского общества конца XX века и их роли в мировой экономике. Книга обрела невероятную популярность не только в США, но и в Китае. После этого в 1996 году Цзян Цзэминь, тогда генеральный секретарь ЦК КПК, лично предложил Нейсбиту поработать над аналогичной книгой, посвя­щенной Китаю.
Нейсбит утверждает, что китайская парадигма развития принци­пиально отличается от любых других, существующих в Европе или США, и не поддается описанию с помощью имеющегося в этих странах политического словаря. Книга «Китайские мегатрен­ды. 8 столпов нового общества» путем анализа политической, экономической и социальной моделей Китая приводит к объясне­нию феномена экономического чуда.

150 лет современного искусства. Уилл Гомперц

Инструкция по эксплуатации современного искусства от бывшего директора галереи Tate и действующего арт-директора BBC, рассказанная с шутками и анекдотами. Отказавшись от серьезно­сти и нравоучительного тона, Гомперц пытается объяснить, за­чем нужно было выставлять писсуар Дюшана в музее и почему вы на самом деле никогда бы не смогли нарисовать «Чёрный квадрат» Малевича.

“[A] highly lucid, lively, and buoyantly composed history…while his tone is breezy and conversational, [Gompertz] astutely and often wittily describes the core of every movement and its key artists.” – Publishers Weekly

The End of Time. Peter Mettler

Working at the limits of what can easily be expressed, filmmaker Peter Mettler takes on the elusive subject of time, and once again turns his camera to filming the unfilmmable.

From the particle accelerator in Switzerland, where scientists seek to probe regions of time we cannot see, to lava flows in Hawaii which have overwhelmed all but one home on the south side of Big Island; from the disintegration of inner city Detroit, to a Hindu funeral rite near the place of Buddha's enlightenment, Mettler explores our perception of time. He dares to dream the movie of the future while also immersing us in the wonder of the everyday.

THE END OF TIME, at once personal, rigorous and visionary, Peter Mettler has crafted a film as compelling and magnificent as its subject.

Locarno International Film Festival Award,
7 nominations

The Missing Piece: Mona Lisa, Her Thief, the True Story. Joe Medeiros

A man steals the Mona Lisa from the Louvre in 1911. His 84-year-old daughter thought he did it for patriotic reasons. A filmmaker spends more than 30 years trying to find the truth.

Mona Lisa is Missing is the untold story of Vincenzo Peruggia, the Italian immigrant who committed the greatest little-known art theft in history. For more than 30 years, writer/director Joe Medeiros was obsessed with finding out Peruggia's true motive. So with the help of researchers, art experts and Celestina Peruggia's children Silvio and Graziella, Medeiros and his team embarked on an epic journey leading them to the Louvre, to Peruggia's hiding place in Paris, to Florence where he returned the painting, to thousands of documents in the French and Italian archives. And ultimately ...to the truth.

Austin Film Festival  Nominated
San Antonio Film Festival Award

Futaba kara tooku hanarete. Atsushi Funahashi

March 11, 2011: A huge tsunami triggered by an 8.9 magnitude earthquake hits Japan, crippling the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, releasing radiation, and turning the residents of Futaba into "nuclear refugees." The devastation experienced by the town - dead livestock left to rot, crops abandoned, homes and businesses destroyed - was infinitely worse than anything reported by the newspapers. A year later, many refugees are still unable to return to contaminated homes. The irony of this disaster occurring in a nation that experienced two nuclear bombs is not lost on the victims who poignantly question their responsibility for striking a Faustian bargain with nuclear power. Nuclear Nation examines the tragedy of Fukushima, and also whether it could one day be replicated on a grand scale - perhaps in your own backyard.

"This film will force you to reassess all the arguments for and against nuclear power." - The New York Times

Hong Kong International Film Festival Nominated

Secret Files Of The Inquisition. TV Series. David Rabinovitch, Colin King

A gripping tale of faith and fervor, torture and courage, the fight for human rights, and the quest for religious freedom told over four amazing HD hours for the very first time in this release. With never before seen extra material, this incredible production comes to life on screen. Every gruesome detail was documented by the Catholic Church in the 'Files'. In 1998, more than 700 years after the Inquisition began, the Vatican granted access to the archive. Secret Files now uncovers the truth behind the most notorious suppression in religious history. Narrated by actor Colm Feore, the 4-part docudrama portrays true stories of the tragic victims of religious intolerance and the oppression , spanning time periods and locations from medieval France, to 15th century Spain, Renaissance Italy and even into the 19th century. Secret Files is at once epic and intimate, focusing on compelling characters in the 600-year drama, from the ruthless architects of the Inquisition to its helpless victims. Each episode features first person testimonies from the files - verbatim accounts from nobles and peasants, priests, scholars, mothers and fathers defending themselves and their families against accusations of heresy, literally arguing for their lives. The series was shot in HD in Spain on historic locations including castles, monasteries and cathedrals. More than six hundred extras were engaged in the production. It includes commentary from Catholic theologian Rev. Joseph A. Di Noia, Undersecretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at the Vatican, according to The Guardian (London) ""possibly the highest ranking Vatican official ever to be interviewed publicly on the subject."" Secret Files of the Inquisition also includes insights from some of the world's foremost writers and researchers on the Inquisition. It has won many awards for Best Direction, Cinematography, Original Score, and even the Gold Medal for Docudrama from the New York Festivals, Gemini Award
Leo Award

Charlotte Bray: At The Speed Of Stillness

Lucy Schaufer (mezzo-soprano), Alexandra Wood (violin), Claire Booth (soprano), Andrew Matthews-Owen (piano), Huw Watkins (piano). Aldeburgh World Orchestra & Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, Sir Mark Elder & Oliver Knussen

Charlotte Bray graduated from Birmingham Conservatoire with First Class Honours. She has won numerous prizes, including the RPS composition prize.

“These six works by a new British composer (b1982) attest a sharp ear and a vigorous imagination...Inspired by the image of hidden dynamism Bray finds in Sizewell power station and its radial treetop power lines, the music’s inventiveness and textural control are unmistakeable.” Sunday Times

British Critics’ Circle awards

Hahn, R: Ciboulette

Julie Fuchs (Ciboulette), Jean-François Lapointe (Duparquet), Julien Behr (Antonin)
Orchestre Opéra de Toulon & Accentus, Laurence Equilbey

Filmed at the Opéra Comique, February 2013

Music direction and artistic collaboration: Laurence Equilbey
Stage direction: Michel Fau

Intended to set the spice of Parisian operetta against American musical comedy, 'Ciboulette' was Reynaldo Hahn’s first light score. It features the tribulations of the pretty market gardener Ciboulette, determined to earn herself a bright future without sacrificing her feelings. Her pursuit of happiness leads her to come across a whole collection of typical characters from the Paris of the Belle Epoque, from the humblest to the most distinguished.

Julie Fuchs  - Victoires de la musique classique Award

Handel: The Triumph of Time and Truth

Sophie Bevan, Mary Bevan (sopranos), Tim Mead (countertenor), Ed Lyon (tenor), William Berger (bass).

In their third disc for Delphian, Ludus Baroque and five stellar soloists bring to life Handel’s rarely heard final oratorio, a remarkable Protestant re-casting of a work written 50 years earlier to a text by the young composer’s Roman patron Cardinal Pamphili. Compelled by Time and Truth to accept the divine order of change and decay, Beauty ultimately gives way – as with the aging composer himself – to an assertion of redemption by good works, reflected in the incorporation of choruses Handel had written for the Foundling Hospital.

Graceful singing from a fine British cast — Sophie Bevan outstanding...— reveal a work of profound beauty.”- The Times

The small orchestra playing is stylish and characterful...Excellent, spirited singing from both choir and soloists throughout – Ludus Baroque's most valuable Handel recording so far confirms that this unclassifiable, peculiar work is well worth revisiting. - Gramophone Magazine Editor's Choice

Mary Bevan- British Critics’ Circle awards

Miroir(s). Ensemble Contraste

Johann Sebastian Bach, Karol Beffa, Johan Farjot, Raphaël Imbert, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Henry Purcell, Erik Satie, William Walker

'Delicious contrasts occur when classical music and popular music rub elbows' is the motto of Ensemble Contraste, a French group founded in 2000 by some of the leading classical virtuosi of the new generation. They built their notoriety by making their own arrangements that have resulted in original programmes that range from classical music to tango, and from musicals to jazz, to premieres of contemporary works. The Ensemble Contraste has collaborated with artists from many fields. 'Miroir(s)' is a jazz recording that pays homage to some of the masterpieces of classical music. It gathers a jazz musician, a composer/improviser, a pianist who writes arrangements and a classical musician tempted by the jazz demon. Mozart s 'Lacrimosa' turns Bossa Nova...

Karol Beffa - Victoires de la musique classique Award
Qobuz Studio Masters,4 étoiles Classica 

Cecilia Bartoli: St Petersburg

De’ miei figli: Prologue to La clemenza di tito (Hasse)
Domenico Dall'Oglio (1699-1764), Luigi Madonis (1690-1767)
Araia: Pastore che a notte ombrosa (from Seleuco); Vado a morir (from La forza del amore e dell’ odio)
Cimarosa: Agitata in tante pene (from La vergine del sole)
Manfredini, V: Fra lacci tu mi credi (from Carlo Magno); Non turbar que' vaghi rai (from Carlo Magno); A noi vivi, donna eccelsa (from Carlo Magno)
Raupach: Razverzi pyos gortani, laja (from Altsesta); Idu na smert (from Altsesta); O placido il mare (from Siroe re di Persia); Marcia (from Altsesta)

Cecilia Bartoli returns with a majestic new album of world premiere recordings, hidden treasures of the Mariinsky.

For the very first time Bartoli explores the Baroque musical treasures of Tsarist Russia with music from the court of three 18th century Tsaristas: Anna, Elizabeth and Catherine the Great.
Music written by Italian and German composers working for the Russian court, this album sheds new light on an incredible and momentous time for Russia, shaping its politics and culture towards the enlightened West.