30 окт. 2014 г.

Cecilia Bartoli: St Petersburg

De’ miei figli: Prologue to La clemenza di tito (Hasse)
Domenico Dall'Oglio (1699-1764), Luigi Madonis (1690-1767)
Araia: Pastore che a notte ombrosa (from Seleuco); Vado a morir (from La forza del amore e dell’ odio)
Cimarosa: Agitata in tante pene (from La vergine del sole)
Manfredini, V: Fra lacci tu mi credi (from Carlo Magno); Non turbar que' vaghi rai (from Carlo Magno); A noi vivi, donna eccelsa (from Carlo Magno)
Raupach: Razverzi pyos gortani, laja (from Altsesta); Idu na smert (from Altsesta); O placido il mare (from Siroe re di Persia); Marcia (from Altsesta)

Cecilia Bartoli returns with a majestic new album of world premiere recordings, hidden treasures of the Mariinsky.

For the very first time Bartoli explores the Baroque musical treasures of Tsarist Russia with music from the court of three 18th century Tsaristas: Anna, Elizabeth and Catherine the Great.
Music written by Italian and German composers working for the Russian court, this album sheds new light on an incredible and momentous time for Russia, shaping its politics and culture towards the enlightened West.