28 февр. 2015 г.

Make It Stick. The Science of Successful Learning. Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, Mark A. McDaniel

If you want to read a lively and engaging book on the science of learn­ing, this is a must… Make It Stick benefits greatly from its use of stor­ies about people who have achieved mastery of complex knowledge and skills. Over the course of the book, the authors weave together stories from an array of learners—surgeons, pilots, gardeners, and school and university students—to illustrate their arguments about how successful learning takes place… This is a rich and resonant book and a pleasurable read that will leave you pondering the pro­cesses through which you, and your students, acquire new knowledge and skills.”—Times Higher Education

For a deeper dig into the science of learning, make sure to pick up Make It Stick. It’s an illuminating read.”— Business Insider