28 февр. 2015 г.

The Library Beyond the Book. Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Matthew Battles

While iPad-bearing soothsayers banish print books to dustbins, coau­thors Schnapp and Battles, both insightful provocateurs from Harvard University, envision dynamic and fluid architectural spaces warehousing paper as well as pixels. In a spirit of refreshing experimentation, they ask: What flexible qualities from the past can accommodate tomorrow's information consumers and, when combined, produce innovative config­urations for a digital world? These structures incorporate basic compon­ents used in libraries across centuries, such as bookshelves, card cata­logs, librarians, and reference desks. Building upon this framework, the authors imagine six plausible scenarios for serving tomorrow's diverse information consumers, situating libraries as everything from study shel­ters to civic institutions functioning as mobile libraries, reading rooms promoting social change, and/or event-driven knowledge centers…Schnapp and Battles offer plausible configurations of both book and lib­rary in the age of the Internet of Everything. Their imaginative essays demonstrate the rigorous research and design thinking customary within university settings.