Кто готовится увидеть очередную глянцевую картинку войны с победными маршами, патриотическими настроениями и громкими подвигами - может сразу отложить эту книгу. Новый роман Даниила Гранина - это взгляд на Великую Отечественную с изнанки, не с точки зрения генералов и маршалов, спокойно отправлявших в пекло и мясорубку целые армии, а изнутри, из траншей и окопов.
На фоне тягот, ужасов и неприглядности войны автор дает возможность выговориться простому лейтенанту, одному из тех, кому мы обязаны своей победой. Тех, о чьей смерти официальные сводки Информбюро сообщали как о "незначительных потерях в боях местного значения". Тех, кто вряд ли выбрал себе такую судьбу, будь на то их собственная воля.
Этот роман ни в коем случае не автобиографичен, хотя понять, кем на самом деле приходятся друг другу автор книги и лейтенант Д. - несложно. Тем не менее на страницах романа живут каждый своей жизнью два разных человека: один - молодой, импульсивный, дерзкий, романтичный, а второй - мудрый, знающий цену жизни и научившийся противостоять обстоятельствам... у каждого из них - своя правда.
Премия «Большая книга»
30 нояб. 2012 г.
The Signal and the Noise: Why Most Predictions Fail but Some Don't. Nate Silver
Drawing on his own groundbreaking work, Silver examines the world of prediction, investigating how we can distinguish a true signal from a universe of noisy data. Most predictions fail, often at great cost to society, because most of us have a poor understanding of probability and uncertainty. Both experts and laypeople mistake more confident predictions for more accurate ones. But overconfidence is often the reason for failure. If our appreciation of uncertainty improves, our predictions can get better too. This is the “prediction paradox”: The more humility we have about our ability to make predictions, the more successful we can be in planning for the future.
In keeping with his own aim to seek truth from data, Silver visits the most successful forecasters in a range of areas, from hurricanes to baseball, from the poker table to the stock market, from Capitol Hill to the NBA. He explains and evaluates how these forecasters think and what bonds they share. What lies behind their success? Are they good—or just lucky? What patterns have they unraveled? And are their forecasts really right? He explores unanticipated commonalities and exposes unexpected juxtapositions. And sometimes, it is not so much how good a prediction is in an absolute sense that matters but how good it is relative to the competition. In other cases, prediction is still a very rudimentary—and dangerous—science.
“Mr. Silver, just 34, is an expert at finding signal in noise… Lively prose — from energetic to outraged… illustrates his dos and don’ts through a series of interesting essays that examine how predictions are made in fields including chess, baseball, weather forecasting, earthquake analysis and politics… [the] chapter on global warming is one of the most objective and honest analyses I’ve seen… even the noise makes for a good read.” — New York Times
"Mr. Silver's breezy style makes even the most difficult statistical material accessible. What is more, his arguments and examples are painstakingly researched..." —Wall Street Journal
“Laser sharp. Surprisingly, statistics in Silver’s hands is not without some fun.” — Smithsonian Magazine
In keeping with his own aim to seek truth from data, Silver visits the most successful forecasters in a range of areas, from hurricanes to baseball, from the poker table to the stock market, from Capitol Hill to the NBA. He explains and evaluates how these forecasters think and what bonds they share. What lies behind their success? Are they good—or just lucky? What patterns have they unraveled? And are their forecasts really right? He explores unanticipated commonalities and exposes unexpected juxtapositions. And sometimes, it is not so much how good a prediction is in an absolute sense that matters but how good it is relative to the competition. In other cases, prediction is still a very rudimentary—and dangerous—science.
“Mr. Silver, just 34, is an expert at finding signal in noise… Lively prose — from energetic to outraged… illustrates his dos and don’ts through a series of interesting essays that examine how predictions are made in fields including chess, baseball, weather forecasting, earthquake analysis and politics… [the] chapter on global warming is one of the most objective and honest analyses I’ve seen… even the noise makes for a good read.” — New York Times
"Mr. Silver's breezy style makes even the most difficult statistical material accessible. What is more, his arguments and examples are painstakingly researched..." —Wall Street Journal
“Laser sharp. Surprisingly, statistics in Silver’s hands is not without some fun.” — Smithsonian Magazine
critic picks
Ориенталист. Том Риис
Биографический роман американского журналиста Тома Рииса посвящен Льву Нусимбауму, бакинскому еврею, принявшему ислам, авантюристу и писателю, издававшему свои книги под псевдонимами Курбан Саид и Эсад-бей. Его главный роман «Али и Нино», бестселлер 1930-х годов, пережил второе рождение в 1970-е и был переведен на сорок языков мира. Однако до расследования Тома Рииса настоящее имя человека, который скрывался под стоящим на обложке книги псевдонимом Курбан Саид, оставалось неизвестным.
На примере одной жизни, «исполненной тайн и опасностей», Риис описывает распад Российской империи, судьбы эмиграции в Стамбуле и Берлине, становление фашизма в Германии, Великую депрессию в США, то есть, по сути, создает собственную версию истории первой половины ХХ века.
Русскому читателю книга будет интересна вдвойне, поскольку касается больной темы национальной политики Российской империи в Закавказье и дает увлекательный пример жизни русского европейца, установившего свои собственные отношения с мусульманским миром и принятого этим миром за своего
“A wondrous tale, beautifully told... mesmerizing, poignant, and almost incredible. Reiss, caught up in the spell of Essad Bey, has turned around and worked some magic of his own.” – NYT
На примере одной жизни, «исполненной тайн и опасностей», Риис описывает распад Российской империи, судьбы эмиграции в Стамбуле и Берлине, становление фашизма в Германии, Великую депрессию в США, то есть, по сути, создает собственную версию истории первой половины ХХ века.
Русскому читателю книга будет интересна вдвойне, поскольку касается больной темы национальной политики Российской империи в Закавказье и дает увлекательный пример жизни русского европейца, установившего свои собственные отношения с мусульманским миром и принятого этим миром за своего
“A wondrous tale, beautifully told... mesmerizing, poignant, and almost incredible. Reiss, caught up in the spell of Essad Bey, has turned around and worked some magic of his own.” – NYT
critic picks
Али и Нино. Курбан Саид
Этот роман был окутан завесой тайны, как, наверное, ни один другой роман ХХ века. Впервые "Али и Нино" был издан по-немецки ровно семьдесят лет тому назад. Рукопись романа бесследно исчезла, и ученые разных стран до сих пор ломают головы над вопросом, кто же скрывается под загадочным псевдонимом "Курбан Саид". Впрочем, кто бы ни был автор романа, ясно одно: перед нами блистательная и вдохновенно рассказанная романтическая история, действие которой разворачивается на Кавказе и в Иране на фоне драматических событий первой четверти прошлого века. Увидевший свет в предвоенной Германии, роман "Али и Нино" уже в наши дни стал мировым бестселлером и получил восторженные отклики читателей.
First published in Vienna in 1937, this classic story of romance and adventure has been compared to Dr. Zhivago and Romeo and Juliet. Its mysterious author was recently the subject of a feature article in the New Yorker, which has inspired a forthcoming biography. Out of print for nearly three decades until the hardcover re-release last year, Ali and Nino is Kurban Said's masterpiece. It is a captivating novel as evocative of the exotic desert landscape as it is of the passion between two people pulled apart by culture, religion, and war.
It is the eve of World War I in Baku, Azerbaijan, a city on the edge of the Caspian Sea, poised precariously between east and west. Ali Khan Shirvanshir, a Muslim schoolboy from a proud, aristocratic family, has fallen in love with the beautiful and enigmatic Nino Kipiani, a Christian girl with distinctly European sensibilities. To be together they must overcome blood feud and scandal, attempt a daring horseback re-scue, and travel from the bustling street of oil-boom Baku, through starkly beautiful deserts and remote mountain villages, to the opulent palace of Ali's uncle in neighboring Persia. Ultimately the lovers are drawn back to Baku, but when war threatens their future, Ali is forced to choose between his loyalty to the beliefs of his Asian ancestors and his profound devotion to Nino. Combining the exotic fascination of a tale told by Scheherazade with the range and magnificence of an epic, Ali and Nino is a timeless classic of love in the face of war.
First published in Vienna in 1937, this classic story of romance and adventure has been compared to Dr. Zhivago and Romeo and Juliet. Its mysterious author was recently the subject of a feature article in the New Yorker, which has inspired a forthcoming biography. Out of print for nearly three decades until the hardcover re-release last year, Ali and Nino is Kurban Said's masterpiece. It is a captivating novel as evocative of the exotic desert landscape as it is of the passion between two people pulled apart by culture, religion, and war.
It is the eve of World War I in Baku, Azerbaijan, a city on the edge of the Caspian Sea, poised precariously between east and west. Ali Khan Shirvanshir, a Muslim schoolboy from a proud, aristocratic family, has fallen in love with the beautiful and enigmatic Nino Kipiani, a Christian girl with distinctly European sensibilities. To be together they must overcome blood feud and scandal, attempt a daring horseback re-scue, and travel from the bustling street of oil-boom Baku, through starkly beautiful deserts and remote mountain villages, to the opulent palace of Ali's uncle in neighboring Persia. Ultimately the lovers are drawn back to Baku, but when war threatens their future, Ali is forced to choose between his loyalty to the beliefs of his Asian ancestors and his profound devotion to Nino. Combining the exotic fascination of a tale told by Scheherazade with the range and magnificence of an epic, Ali and Nino is a timeless classic of love in the face of war.
critic picks
On Saudi Arabia: Its People, Past, Religion, Fault Lines - and Future by Karen Elliott House
From the Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter who has spent the last thirty years writing about Saudi Arabia—as diplomatic correspondent, foreign editor, and then publisher of The Wall Street Journal—an important and timely book that explores all facets of life in this shrouded Kingdom: its tribal past, its complicated present, its precarious future.
In her probing and sharp-eyed portrait, we see Saudi Arabia, one of the last absolute monarchies in the world, considered to be the final bulwark against revolution in the region, as threatened by multiple fissures and forces, its levers of power controlled by a handful of elderly Al Saud princes with an average age of 77 years and an extended family of some 7,000 princes. Yet at least 60 percent of the increasingly restive population they rule is under the age of 20. The author writes that oil-rich Saudi Arabia has become a rundown welfare state. The public pays no taxes; gets free education and health care; and receives subsidized water, electricity, and energy (a gallon of gasoline is cheaper in the Kingdom than a bottle of water), with its petrodollars buying less and less loyalty. House makes clear that the royal family also uses Islam’s requirement of obedience to Allah—and by extension to earthly rulers—to perpetuate Al Saud rule.
“Drawing on thirty years of research and reporting... [House] skillfully unveils this inscrutable place for regional specialists and general readers alike.” — The New York Times Book Review
In her probing and sharp-eyed portrait, we see Saudi Arabia, one of the last absolute monarchies in the world, considered to be the final bulwark against revolution in the region, as threatened by multiple fissures and forces, its levers of power controlled by a handful of elderly Al Saud princes with an average age of 77 years and an extended family of some 7,000 princes. Yet at least 60 percent of the increasingly restive population they rule is under the age of 20. The author writes that oil-rich Saudi Arabia has become a rundown welfare state. The public pays no taxes; gets free education and health care; and receives subsidized water, electricity, and energy (a gallon of gasoline is cheaper in the Kingdom than a bottle of water), with its petrodollars buying less and less loyalty. House makes clear that the royal family also uses Islam’s requirement of obedience to Allah—and by extension to earthly rulers—to perpetuate Al Saud rule.
“Drawing on thirty years of research and reporting... [House] skillfully unveils this inscrutable place for regional specialists and general readers alike.” — The New York Times Book Review
critic picks
Искусство видеть. Джон Берджер
Джон Берджер выпустил знаменитое «Искусство видеть» в 1972 году. Это, кажется, кульминационная точка в биографии Берджера, в том же году он получает Букеровскую премию, и тогда же выходит фильм «Ways of Seeing», по мотивам которого и написан одноименный сборник эссе. Три из семи эссе — «визуальные»; это просто подборка изображений, которая должна проиллюстрировать некоторые мысли и идеи Берджера относительно человеческого зрения, особенностей восприятия визуального искусства и, наконец, самого этого искусства периода 1500–1900 годов. Оно в первую очередь связано с господством масляной живописи, которую Берджер фактически ниспровергает с престола высокого искусства. Для него рекламная эстетика капиталистической современности — прямое продолжение эстетики масляной живописи, которая «сделала с видимым миром то, что капитал сделал с социальными отношениями». Берджер уподобляет масляную картину в раме не окну, а сейфу, встроенному в шкаф, в котором хранится то, что можно увидеть. Это, пожалуй, наиболее провокационное и важное эссе в этом сборнике. Второе по важности, посвященное способу восприятия классического искусства в XX веке, написано под явным влиянием идей Беньямина, помноженных на по-витгенштейновски парадоксальные фразы типа «мы видим только то, на что смотрим».
Дэвид Рокфеллер. Воспоминания
Дэвид Рокфеллер - представитель третьего поколения знаменитой династии, ставшей олицетворением американского капитализма. В книге, написанной в возрасте 87 лет, он повествует о своем жизненном пути: годах учебы, давшей ему фундаментальное гуманитарное и экономическое образование, службе в армии во время Второй мировой войны, деятельности в "семейном" банке Чейз.
В книге освещена и его "параллельная карьера" - участие в широко известных филантропических учреждениях, основанных на пожертвования Рокфеллеров и сыгравших важную роль в общественной жизни США. Это - Фонд Рокфеллера, Рокфеллеровский университет, Музей современного искусства, Генеральный совет по образованию. На протяжении многих лет Д.Рокфеллер был одной из ключевых фигур в создании и работе международных неправительственных организаций, оставивших заметный след в мировой политике: Бильдербергский клуб, Дартмутские конференции, Трехсторонняя комиссия.
В книге освещена и его "параллельная карьера" - участие в широко известных филантропических учреждениях, основанных на пожертвования Рокфеллеров и сыгравших важную роль в общественной жизни США. Это - Фонд Рокфеллера, Рокфеллеровский университет, Музей современного искусства, Генеральный совет по образованию. На протяжении многих лет Д.Рокфеллер был одной из ключевых фигур в создании и работе международных неправительственных организаций, оставивших заметный след в мировой политике: Бильдербергский клуб, Дартмутские конференции, Трехсторонняя комиссия.
Философия архитектуры: творчество Ле Корбюзье Андрей Миронов
Исследование кандидата философских наук Андрея Витальевича Миронова вышло в год 125-летия Ле Корбюзье и совпало с выставкой, которая еще открыта в Пушкинском музее. И если выставка — действительно о творчестве архитектора, его влиянии на последующее развитие архитектуры, то книга Миронова скорее о том, почему вообще этот человек смог добиться такого влияния, в чем кроется тайна его творчества.
Несмотря на предельно сухую, по-настоящему «кандидатскую» манеру изложения, Миронов чуть ли не открывает некое тайное знание, а именно то, что Корбюзье, оказывается, был — внимание — технократом. В его некоторых высказываниях технократизм звучал откровеннее, чем в работах «признанного отца технократизма» Т.Веблена. А главная особенность технократизма Ле Корбюзье, по Миронову, это его злодейство. В качестве некоторого доказательства есть специальная глава, которая посвящена реконструкции характера архитектора, названного там «полифоническим радикалом». - Афиша
Несмотря на предельно сухую, по-настоящему «кандидатскую» манеру изложения, Миронов чуть ли не открывает некое тайное знание, а именно то, что Корбюзье, оказывается, был — внимание — технократом. В его некоторых высказываниях технократизм звучал откровеннее, чем в работах «признанного отца технократизма» Т.Веблена. А главная особенность технократизма Ле Корбюзье, по Миронову, это его злодейство. В качестве некоторого доказательства есть специальная глава, которая посвящена реконструкции характера архитектора, названного там «полифоническим радикалом». - Афиша
Московский архитектор Лев Кекушев. Мария Нащокина
Книга посвящена творческой биографии московского архитектора рубежа XIX-ХХ веков Л.Н.Кекушева, автора многих замечательных построек в стиле модерн. Автор впервые раскрывает не только особенности его творческого почерка, но и старается представить его в контексте времени - наметить связи зодчего с наиболее значимыми фигурами среди предпринимателей Москвы и знаменитыми строительными инициативами эпохи.
Без обсуждения проблем московской архитектуры теперь не обходится ни одно крупное городское событие. На ярмарке non/fiction проведут круглый стол об архитекторе-модернисте Льве Кекушеве, который построил знаменитый дом на Остоженке с несохранившейся трехметровой скульптурой льва — своеобразным символом московских архитектурных потерь. - Афиша
Без обсуждения проблем московской архитектуры теперь не обходится ни одно крупное городское событие. На ярмарке non/fiction проведут круглый стол об архитекторе-модернисте Льве Кекушеве, который построил знаменитый дом на Остоженке с несохранившейся трехметровой скульптурой льва — своеобразным символом московских архитектурных потерь. - Афиша
Belzoni: The Giant Archaeologists Love to Hate by Ivor Noël Hume
The fascinating tale of the 19th-century Italian monk, a “notorious tomb robber,” who gathered archaeological treasures in Egypt while crunching bones underfoot. NYT: 100 Notable Books of 2012
The Italian son of a barber. A failed hydraulic engineer. A giant who performed feats of strength and agility in the circus. Giovanni Belzoni (1778–1824) was all of these before going on to become one of the most controversial figures in the history of Egyptian archaeology. A man of exceptional size with an ego of comparable proportions, he procured for the British Museum some of its largest and still awe-inspiring treasures. Today, however, the typical museum visitor knows nothing of Belzoni, and many modern archaeologists dismiss him as an ignorant vandal.
In this captivating new biography, Ivor Noël Hume re-creates an early nineteenth century in which there was no established archaeological profession, only enormous opportunity. Belzoni landed in Egypt, where he was unsuccessful in selling a hydraulic machine of his own invention, and came under the patronage of diplomat Henry Salt, who convinced him to travel to Thebes in search of artifacts. Among the many treasures Belzoni would bring back was the seven-ton stone head of Ramesses II, the "Young Memnon." The book includes gripping accounts of Belzoni’s wildly productive, and physically brutal, expeditions, as well as an unforgettable portrait of his wife, Sarah, who suffered the hardships of the Egyptian deserts and later bore the brunt of the disillusionment that came with the declining popular perception of her husband. Including numerous illustrations, this volume brings one of archeology’s most fascinating figures vividly to life.
The Italian son of a barber. A failed hydraulic engineer. A giant who performed feats of strength and agility in the circus. Giovanni Belzoni (1778–1824) was all of these before going on to become one of the most controversial figures in the history of Egyptian archaeology. A man of exceptional size with an ego of comparable proportions, he procured for the British Museum some of its largest and still awe-inspiring treasures. Today, however, the typical museum visitor knows nothing of Belzoni, and many modern archaeologists dismiss him as an ignorant vandal.
In this captivating new biography, Ivor Noël Hume re-creates an early nineteenth century in which there was no established archaeological profession, only enormous opportunity. Belzoni landed in Egypt, where he was unsuccessful in selling a hydraulic machine of his own invention, and came under the patronage of diplomat Henry Salt, who convinced him to travel to Thebes in search of artifacts. Among the many treasures Belzoni would bring back was the seven-ton stone head of Ramesses II, the "Young Memnon." The book includes gripping accounts of Belzoni’s wildly productive, and physically brutal, expeditions, as well as an unforgettable portrait of his wife, Sarah, who suffered the hardships of the Egyptian deserts and later bore the brunt of the disillusionment that came with the declining popular perception of her husband. Including numerous illustrations, this volume brings one of archeology’s most fascinating figures vividly to life.
Des hommes et des dieux. Xavier Beauvois
Under threat by fundamentalist terrorists, a group of Trappist monks stationed with an impoverished Algerian community must decide whether to leave or stay.
In 1996, in Algeria, eight French monks of The Monastery Notre-Dame de l'Atlas of Tibhirine have a simple life serving the poor community that was raised around the monastery. During the Algerian Civil War, they are threatened by terrorist but they decide to stay in the country and not return to France. One night, they extremists break in the monastery and abduct seven monks. A couple of months later, they are found dead in controversial circumstances.
Cannes Grand Prize of the Jury, Palme d'Or Nominated
12 wins & 24 nominations
In 1996, in Algeria, eight French monks of The Monastery Notre-Dame de l'Atlas of Tibhirine have a simple life serving the poor community that was raised around the monastery. During the Algerian Civil War, they are threatened by terrorist but they decide to stay in the country and not return to France. One night, they extremists break in the monastery and abduct seven monks. A couple of months later, they are found dead in controversial circumstances.
Cannes Grand Prize of the Jury, Palme d'Or Nominated
12 wins & 24 nominations
Shtikat Haarchion. Yael Hersonski
Во время войны нацисты сняли фильм о варшавском гетто. Материалы этой картины, так и оставшейся незаконченной, были обнаружены уже после войны и привлекли внимание ученых-историков, искавших достоверные свидетельства о жизни в гетто. Несмотря на явно пропагандистский характер фильма, долгое время он считался документальным, пока не была найдена недостающая часть, проливающая свет на истинную его сущность: благополучная "повседневная жизнь" обитателей гетто, показанная на экране, была тщательно срежиссирована съемочной группой. С помощью живых свидетелей — одного из операторов того фильма и оставшихся в живых обитателей гетто — режиссеру Яэль Херсонски удалось воссоздать историю создания знаменитой фальшивки.
Sundance Film Festival World Cinema Documentary Film Editing Award, Grand Jury Prize Nominated. 3 wins & 4 nominations
Sundance Film Festival World Cinema Documentary Film Editing Award, Grand Jury Prize Nominated. 3 wins & 4 nominations
El general. Natalia Almada
Past and present collide as award-winning filmmaker Natalia Almada brings to life audio recordings she inherited from her grandmother, Alicia, daughter of Plutarco Elías Calles, a revolutionary general who became Mexico’s president in 1924. In his time, Calles was called El Jefe Maximo (Foremost Chief). Today he is remembered as El Quema-Curas (Priest Burner) and as a dictator who ruled through puppet presidents until his exile in 1936. Airing during the centennial of the Mexican Revolution, El General moves between a daughter’s memories of her father as she grapples with history’s portrayal of him and the weight of that same man’s legacy on Mexico today.
A former primary school teacher and general of the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920), Calles ruled Mexico as president from 1924 to 1928. He left a seemingly contradictory legacy. Though he employed a dictatorial style, he also created the political apparatus that made it possible to resolve differences within an institutional framework rather than through violence; laid the groundwork for Mexico’s modern political system; and created a political party that would hold power for over 70 years. For their part, Alicia’s audiotapes offer an intimate portrait of the public figure. In El General, Almada plunges into the gap between personal memories and national history and between the promises of the revolution and the realities of the society that resulted from that revolution a century later.
Sundance Film Festival Directing Award. 2 wins & 2 nominations
A former primary school teacher and general of the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920), Calles ruled Mexico as president from 1924 to 1928. He left a seemingly contradictory legacy. Though he employed a dictatorial style, he also created the political apparatus that made it possible to resolve differences within an institutional framework rather than through violence; laid the groundwork for Mexico’s modern political system; and created a political party that would hold power for over 70 years. For their part, Alicia’s audiotapes offer an intimate portrait of the public figure. In El General, Almada plunges into the gap between personal memories and national history and between the promises of the revolution and the realities of the society that resulted from that revolution a century later.
Sundance Film Festival Directing Award. 2 wins & 2 nominations
critic picks,
How the Universe Works. Mike Rowe (Discovery)
Michio Kaku: "It is often stated that of all the theories proposed in this century, the silliest is the quantum theory. In fact, some say that the only thing that quantum theory has going for it is that it is unquestionably correct."
Engineering the Universe shows you how the cosmos is designed, built, and actually works. From the beginning of time, Stars, Galaxies, Planets, Solar Systems, and more have been working individually and together to produce all that is and all that we see. See as never before the inner workings of our world, and explore black holes, supernovae, neutron stars, dark energy, and all the titanic forces that make us who we are. With a dynamic cast of experts and a new generation of CGI, Engineering the Universe looks under the celestial hood to reveal the inner workings of outer space: the story of how it's made and how it runs. This is your ultimate Cosmos Operator's Manual.
Engineering the Universe shows you how the cosmos is designed, built, and actually works. From the beginning of time, Stars, Galaxies, Planets, Solar Systems, and more have been working individually and together to produce all that is and all that we see. See as never before the inner workings of our world, and explore black holes, supernovae, neutron stars, dark energy, and all the titanic forces that make us who we are. With a dynamic cast of experts and a new generation of CGI, Engineering the Universe looks under the celestial hood to reveal the inner workings of outer space: the story of how it's made and how it runs. This is your ultimate Cosmos Operator's Manual.
Bhutto. Duane Baughman, Johnny O'Hara
A riveting documentary of the recently assassinated Benazir Bhutto, a polarizing figure in the Muslim world. Following in her father's footsteps as a pillar for democracy, Bhutto was expected to dominate Pakistan's 2008 elections but the assassination sent Pakistan politics into turmoil. This major event sent shock waves throughout the world and transformed her from political messiah into a martyr for the common man
Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize Nominated
Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize Nominated
Berg: Wozzeck
Georg Nigl (Wozzeck), Mardi Byers (Marie), Maxim Paster (Captain), Pyotr Migunov (Doctor) & Roman Muravitsky (Drum-major). Orchestra & Chorus of the Bolshoi Theatre, Teodor Currentzis. Stage direction and set design: Dmitri Tcherniakov
In 2010, for the first time in its history, the Bolshoi Opera presented Alban Berg’s masterpiece 'Wozzeck'. Dmitri Tcherniakov’s truly historic production is now available in this DVD. The Russian director’s aim with this bold, sensitive transposition was “to highlight the hidden sorrows of a late 20th-century man dwelling in a megalopolis.” The redoubtably complex title role was entrusted to Austrian baritone Georg Nigl. Nigl studied with Kammersängerin Hilde Zadek. Over the last few years he has worked with, among others, Thomas Hengelbrock and his Baltasar Neumann Ensemble, Jordi Savall and his Hesperion XXI Ensemble, and Giovanni Antonini and Luca Pianca and their Il Giardino Armonico.
American soprano Mardi Byers plays Marie. A native of Colorado, she made her international debut as 'Tosca' in Lübeck and Elisabetta in 'Don Carlos' in Wiesbaden and Basel. She has also sung Donna Anna and Suor Angelica at the New York City Opera, as well as Elisabeth in 'Tannhäuser' and Ariadne. The Proms audience saw her in Mahler 8 in 2010 with Jiri Belohlavek.
Greek conductor Teodor Currentzis directs the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra and Chorus. Artistic director of the Perm Opera and founder and musical director of the Musica Aeterna ensemble, Currentzis is now to be seen in the world’s leading venues: the Opéra de Paris, Opernhaus Zurich, Bayerische Staatsoper Munich, the Royal Opera House Covent Garden and the Teatro Real in Madrid.
“Wozzeck on DVD is an extraordinary experience when one encounters well-directed singers who respond to the camera with the ease of film actors… Georg Nigl’s attractively light-timbred voice deals with this music so easily...[Byers] owns a youthfully lovely spinto instrument that can ‘float’ and let loose with equal ease … All in all a magnificent release” International Record Review
Gramophone Magazine DVD of the Month
Choc de Classica
Bel Air Classiques - BAC068
In 2010, for the first time in its history, the Bolshoi Opera presented Alban Berg’s masterpiece 'Wozzeck'. Dmitri Tcherniakov’s truly historic production is now available in this DVD. The Russian director’s aim with this bold, sensitive transposition was “to highlight the hidden sorrows of a late 20th-century man dwelling in a megalopolis.” The redoubtably complex title role was entrusted to Austrian baritone Georg Nigl. Nigl studied with Kammersängerin Hilde Zadek. Over the last few years he has worked with, among others, Thomas Hengelbrock and his Baltasar Neumann Ensemble, Jordi Savall and his Hesperion XXI Ensemble, and Giovanni Antonini and Luca Pianca and their Il Giardino Armonico.
American soprano Mardi Byers plays Marie. A native of Colorado, she made her international debut as 'Tosca' in Lübeck and Elisabetta in 'Don Carlos' in Wiesbaden and Basel. She has also sung Donna Anna and Suor Angelica at the New York City Opera, as well as Elisabeth in 'Tannhäuser' and Ariadne. The Proms audience saw her in Mahler 8 in 2010 with Jiri Belohlavek.
Greek conductor Teodor Currentzis directs the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra and Chorus. Artistic director of the Perm Opera and founder and musical director of the Musica Aeterna ensemble, Currentzis is now to be seen in the world’s leading venues: the Opéra de Paris, Opernhaus Zurich, Bayerische Staatsoper Munich, the Royal Opera House Covent Garden and the Teatro Real in Madrid.
“Wozzeck on DVD is an extraordinary experience when one encounters well-directed singers who respond to the camera with the ease of film actors… Georg Nigl’s attractively light-timbred voice deals with this music so easily...[Byers] owns a youthfully lovely spinto instrument that can ‘float’ and let loose with equal ease … All in all a magnificent release” International Record Review
Gramophone Magazine DVD of the Month
Choc de Classica
Bel Air Classiques - BAC068
critic picks,
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Ildebrando D'Arcangelo (Don Giovanni), Luca Pisaroni (Leporello), Diana Damrau (Donna Anna), Joyce DiDonato (Donna Elvira), Rolando Villazón (Don Ottavio), Mojca Erdmann (Zerlina), Konstantin Wolff (Masetto), Vitalij Kowaljow (Il Commendatore)
Mahler Chamber Orchestra, Yannick Nézet-Séguin
This thrilling recording around concert performances at the Baden-Baden Festspielhaus is set to be a milestone in at least two ways:- It marks the beginning of an extended Deutsche Grammophon collaboration with rising star Yannick Nézet-Séguin – the young French-Canadian maestro - “surely the most exciting talent of his generation” (The Independent, January, 2011) who has already been celebrated from the Metropolitan Opera House New York to Royal Opera House Covent Garden, La Scala Milan and the Salzburg Festival.
It is the first of a new Deutsche Grammophon cycle of Mozart’s seven main operas in collaboration with Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, Universal Music Arts & Entertainment, with the generous and kind support of Rolex and an enthusiastic advocate – Rolando Villazón - in love with Mozart!
A truly remarkable cast of world opera stars comes together for a breath-taking concert performance of Mozart’s Don Giovanni, with Mahler Chamber Orchestra under the baton of Yannick Nézet-Séguin.
"Nezet-Seguin proves himself to be a superb Mozartian...his pacing can't be faulted...Erdmann confirms the promise of her recital disc...As for Joyce DiDonato, you would have to go a long way to hear such superb breath control in 'Mi tradi'...Villazon was not an obvious choice for Don Ottavio: full-on Latin passion rather than sculptured, north European elegance...Pisaroni really acts with his voice without sacrificing beauty of tone.” Gramophone Magazine
Gramophone Magazine Editor's Choice
OperaNews Editor's Choice
DG - 4779878
Mahler Chamber Orchestra, Yannick Nézet-Séguin
This thrilling recording around concert performances at the Baden-Baden Festspielhaus is set to be a milestone in at least two ways:- It marks the beginning of an extended Deutsche Grammophon collaboration with rising star Yannick Nézet-Séguin – the young French-Canadian maestro - “surely the most exciting talent of his generation” (The Independent, January, 2011) who has already been celebrated from the Metropolitan Opera House New York to Royal Opera House Covent Garden, La Scala Milan and the Salzburg Festival.
It is the first of a new Deutsche Grammophon cycle of Mozart’s seven main operas in collaboration with Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, Universal Music Arts & Entertainment, with the generous and kind support of Rolex and an enthusiastic advocate – Rolando Villazón - in love with Mozart!
A truly remarkable cast of world opera stars comes together for a breath-taking concert performance of Mozart’s Don Giovanni, with Mahler Chamber Orchestra under the baton of Yannick Nézet-Séguin.
"Nezet-Seguin proves himself to be a superb Mozartian...his pacing can't be faulted...Erdmann confirms the promise of her recital disc...As for Joyce DiDonato, you would have to go a long way to hear such superb breath control in 'Mi tradi'...Villazon was not an obvious choice for Don Ottavio: full-on Latin passion rather than sculptured, north European elegance...Pisaroni really acts with his voice without sacrificing beauty of tone.” Gramophone Magazine
Gramophone Magazine Editor's Choice
OperaNews Editor's Choice
DG - 4779878
critic picks,
Cecilia Bartoli: "Mission"
Après ses excitantes aventures Vivaldi, Gluck, Salieri, ainsi que ses feux d'artifices "Opera Proibita" et "Sacrificium", la chanteuse italienne, accompagnée par l'excellent I Barocchisti de Diego Fasolis, nous plonge à nouveau en territoires inconnus, en nous proposant ce voyage inat-tendu au sein de l'œuvre d'Agostino Steffani (1654-1728)
“Among the opera arias Ms. Bartoli dug up in the archives are some treasures, hypnotic, slow numbers in which voice and accompanying strings circle each other like spinning planets and jubilant vehicles for her rapid-fire coloratura singing. Mr. Fasolis stokes the fire with an impetuous period-instrument ensemble.” New York Times
Cecilia Bartoli’s disc of music by Agostino Steffani is a highly impressive act of excavation — and an ideal vehicle for her gifts. OperaNews
Gramophone Magazine Editor's Choice
OperaNews Editor's Choice
Diapason d'or / Arte, Choc de Classica
“Among the opera arias Ms. Bartoli dug up in the archives are some treasures, hypnotic, slow numbers in which voice and accompanying strings circle each other like spinning planets and jubilant vehicles for her rapid-fire coloratura singing. Mr. Fasolis stokes the fire with an impetuous period-instrument ensemble.” New York Times
Cecilia Bartoli’s disc of music by Agostino Steffani is a highly impressive act of excavation — and an ideal vehicle for her gifts. OperaNews
Gramophone Magazine Editor's Choice
OperaNews Editor's Choice
Diapason d'or / Arte, Choc de Classica
critic picks,
Missa Dictes moy toutes voz pensées. Jean Mouton
Après avoir de reçus de multiples récompenses (Diapason d'Or, Choc de Classica), Les Tallis Scholars reviennent chez Gimell ! L'ensemble vocal dirigé par Peter Phillips présente la Messe Dictes moy toutes voz pensées, une oeuvre qui respire le calme et la sérénité. L'art de Mouton, parfois comparé à Josquin, n'a d'égal en fait que les retables de Giovanni Bellini et Hans Memling.
Choc de Classica
Label: Gimell
Choc de Classica
Label: Gimell
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