30 нояб. 2012 г.

Али и Нино. Курбан Саид

Этот роман был окутан завесой тайны, как, наверное, ни один другой роман ХХ века. Впервые "Али и Нино" был издан по-не­мецки ровно семьдесят лет тому назад. Рукопись романа бес­следно исчезла, и ученые разных стран до сих пор ломают голо­вы над вопросом, кто же скрывается под загадочным псевдони­мом "Курбан Саид". Впрочем, кто бы ни был автор романа, ясно одно: перед нами блистательная и вдохновенно рассказанная ро­мантическая история, действие которой разворачивается на Кав­казе и в Иране на фоне драматических событий первой четверти прошлого века. Увидевший свет в предвоенной Германии, роман "Али и Нино" уже в наши дни стал мировым бестселлером и по­лучил восторженные отклики читателей.

First published in Vienna in 1937, this classic story of romance and adventure has been compared to Dr. Zhivago and Romeo and Juliet. Its mysterious author was recently the subject of a feature article in the New Yorker, which has inspired a forthcoming biography. Out of print for nearly three decades until the hardcover re-release last year, Ali and Nino is Kurban Said's masterpiece. It is a captivating novel as evocative of the exotic desert landscape as it is of the passion between two people pulled apart by culture, religion, and war.

It is the eve of World War I in Baku, Azerbaijan, a city on the edge of the Caspian Sea, poised precariously between east and west. Ali Khan Shirvanshir, a Muslim schoolboy from a proud, aristocratic fam­ily, has fallen in love with the beautiful and enigmatic Nino Kipiani, a Christian girl with distinctly European sensibilities. To be together they must overcome blood feud and scandal, attempt a daring horse­back re-scue, and travel from the bustling street of oil-boom Baku, through starkly beautiful deserts and remote mountain villages, to the opulent palace of Ali's uncle in neighboring Persia. Ultimately the lov­ers are drawn back to Baku, but when war threatens their future, Ali is forced to choose between his loyalty to the beliefs of his Asian an­cestors and his profound devotion to Nino. Combining the exotic fas­cination of a tale told by Scheherazade with the range and magnifi­cence of an epic, Ali and Nino is a timeless classic of love in the face of war.