30 июн. 2013 г.

Being in the World. Tao Ruspoli

We quickly move beyond the Greeks and then beyond Descartes' mentalist notion ("I think therefore I am") of reality to Martin Heideg­ger's conception: reality and meaning exist where minds interact with the world. We see humans at work and at play: juggling, doing high-precision Japanese carpentry, flamenco, and cooking gumbo. While we watch them work and struggle to introspect and talk about their art and their craft, we also hear Hubert Dreyfus and his students reflect on Heidegger and his philosophy. Our artisans confess that they can­not explain in rational terms how they do what they do. The being is in the doing. Interviews and action intertwine to make a challenging philosophy clear to the lay viewer.

Vail Film Festival Award
Brooklin International Film Festival Award