Энциклопедия «Россия в Первой мировой войне. 1914–1918» – научно-справочное издание, посвященное участию России в Первой мировой войне и приуроченное к столетию одного из центральных событий российской и мировой истории ХХ в., оказавшего решающее влияние на судьбы мира.
В энциклопедии представлены свыше 1400 словарных статей, охватывающих самый широкий спектр вопросов, раскрывающих различные аспекты участия России в Первой мировой войне. В энциклопедии использованы репродукции более 1000 редких фотографий и произведений графики. Издание включает следующие материалы: биографические статьи о крупнейших представителях военного и политического руководства Российской империи, высшего командного состава российской армии и флота, наиболее видных государственных, общественных и политических деятелях; статьи о дипломатических акциях; статьи по истории военных действий на Русском фронте Первой мировой войны, о различных родах войск, крупных соединениях и объединениях и о военном искусстве российской армии в 1914–1918 гг., о вооружении и обмундировании; статьи об основных органах государственного управления и общественно-политических институтах Российской империи того периода; статьи об организации жизни и работы тыла, об экономике в целом и о военной промышленности, ее отдельных предприятиях в частности; статьи о политических партиях, партийно-политической борьбе и об основных событиях, связанных с кризисом старого режима в России, революционными событиями 1917 г., и др.
Книга года - 2014
31 авг. 2014 г.
The Man Booker Prize shortlist
Joshua Ferris, To Rise Again at a Decent Hour
"To Rise Again at a Decent Hour at times struggles to bear the weight of its conceit (digressions into the history of the Amalekites confound after a while), but at its best it is enormously impressive: profoundly and humanely engaged with the mysteries of belief and disbelief, linguistically agile and wrongfooting, and dismayingly funny in the way that only really serious books can be."
Richard Flanagan, The Narrow Road to the Deep North
"One would notice, if not swept along by the tale, that the allocation of time to characters, the certainty of the narration, the confidence to pause and then lunge on, to play with time, are all bravura accomplishments. We don't notice, though. Flanagan is too good to let us."
Karen Joy Fowler, We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves
"Many a novel has devoted itself to exploring variations of Larkin's lament about what mums and dads do to their kids. But if any other book has done it as exhilaratingly as the achingly funny, deeply serious heart-breaker that is Fowler's 10th novel, and made it ring true for the whole of mankind, I've yet to read it."
Howard Jacobson, J
"To say J is unlike any other novel Jacobson has written would be misleading: the same ferocious wit runs throughout, while the minutiae of male-female relations are as sharply portrayed as ever. Nevertheless, the comparisons that will inevitably be made with earlier dystopian visions – George Orwell, of course, and the Aldous Huxley of Brave New World, but also Yevgeny Zamyatin's We – will not be difficult to justify."
Neel Mukherjee, The Lives of Others
"The cast is huge and the reader spends time, at one point or another, with most of them. It takes a while to get to know all the men, women and children, but the story is always gripping, and there are various time-bombs that suddenly change the way we see the book's whole world."
Ali Smith, How to be both
"There is no doubt that Smith is dazzling in her daring. The sheer inventive power of her new novel pulls you through, gasping, to the final page."
"To Rise Again at a Decent Hour at times struggles to bear the weight of its conceit (digressions into the history of the Amalekites confound after a while), but at its best it is enormously impressive: profoundly and humanely engaged with the mysteries of belief and disbelief, linguistically agile and wrongfooting, and dismayingly funny in the way that only really serious books can be."
Richard Flanagan, The Narrow Road to the Deep North
"One would notice, if not swept along by the tale, that the allocation of time to characters, the certainty of the narration, the confidence to pause and then lunge on, to play with time, are all bravura accomplishments. We don't notice, though. Flanagan is too good to let us."
Karen Joy Fowler, We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves
"Many a novel has devoted itself to exploring variations of Larkin's lament about what mums and dads do to their kids. But if any other book has done it as exhilaratingly as the achingly funny, deeply serious heart-breaker that is Fowler's 10th novel, and made it ring true for the whole of mankind, I've yet to read it."
Howard Jacobson, J
"To say J is unlike any other novel Jacobson has written would be misleading: the same ferocious wit runs throughout, while the minutiae of male-female relations are as sharply portrayed as ever. Nevertheless, the comparisons that will inevitably be made with earlier dystopian visions – George Orwell, of course, and the Aldous Huxley of Brave New World, but also Yevgeny Zamyatin's We – will not be difficult to justify."
Neel Mukherjee, The Lives of Others
"The cast is huge and the reader spends time, at one point or another, with most of them. It takes a while to get to know all the men, women and children, but the story is always gripping, and there are various time-bombs that suddenly change the way we see the book's whole world."
Ali Smith, How to be both
"There is no doubt that Smith is dazzling in her daring. The sheer inventive power of her new novel pulls you through, gasping, to the final page."
Коннектом. Как мозг делает нас тем, что мы есть. Себастьян Сеунг
Профессор физики и нейробиологии Массачусетского университета рассказывает о перспективной отрасли нейрофизиологии и о попытке полностью расшифровать коннектом человека, всю совокупность его нейронных связей. Предполагается, что достигнув успеха, мы сможем эффективно лечить шизофрению и хранить воспоминания на флеш-картах. По совместительству это одна из самых подробных книг об устройстве головного мозга.
“This is complicated stuff, and it is a testament to Dr. Seung’s remarkable clarity of exposition that the reader is swept along with his enthusiasm, as he moves from the basics of neuroscience out to the farthest regions of the hypothetical, sketching out a spectacularly illustrated giant map of the universe of man.” — New York Times
Wall Street Journal's 10 Best Nonfiction Books of the year
Amazon's Top 100 Editor's Picks of the year
Publishers Weekly Top Ten in Science
“This is complicated stuff, and it is a testament to Dr. Seung’s remarkable clarity of exposition that the reader is swept along with his enthusiasm, as he moves from the basics of neuroscience out to the farthest regions of the hypothetical, sketching out a spectacularly illustrated giant map of the universe of man.” — New York Times
Wall Street Journal's 10 Best Nonfiction Books of the year
Amazon's Top 100 Editor's Picks of the year
Publishers Weekly Top Ten in Science
critic picks
What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions. Randall Munroe
From the creator of the wildly popular webcomic xkcd, hilarious and informative answers to important questions you probably never thought to ask. Millions of people visit xkcd.com each week to read Randall Munroe’s iconic webcomic. His stick-figure drawings about science, technology, language, and love have a large and passionate following. Fans of xkcd ask Munroe a lot of strange questions. What if you tried to hit a baseball pitched at 90 percent the speed of light? How fast can you hit a speed bump while driving and live? If there was a robot apocalypse, how long would humanity last?
In pursuit of answers, Munroe runs computer simulations, pores over stacks of declassified military research memos, solves differential equations, and consults with nuclear reactor operators. His responses are masterpieces of clarity and hilarity, complemented by signature xkcd comics. They often predict the complete annihilation of humankind, or at least a really big explosion.
"With his steady regimen of math jokes, physics jokes, and antisocial optimism, xkcd creator Randall Munroe, a former NASA roboticist, scores traffic numbers in NBC.com or Oprah.com territory. One key to the strip’s success may be that it doesn’t just comment on nerd culture, it embodies nerd culture." — Wired
In pursuit of answers, Munroe runs computer simulations, pores over stacks of declassified military research memos, solves differential equations, and consults with nuclear reactor operators. His responses are masterpieces of clarity and hilarity, complemented by signature xkcd comics. They often predict the complete annihilation of humankind, or at least a really big explosion.
"With his steady regimen of math jokes, physics jokes, and antisocial optimism, xkcd creator Randall Munroe, a former NASA roboticist, scores traffic numbers in NBC.com or Oprah.com territory. One key to the strip’s success may be that it doesn’t just comment on nerd culture, it embodies nerd culture." — Wired
critic picks
Большой Кавказ двадцать лет спустя: ресурсы и стратегии политики и идентичности
Сборник статей; предисл., сост., подг. текста и коммент. Г.Ч.Гусейнов
Книга дает читателю исторический срез религиозно-культурного и социально-политического развития сложнейшего постсоветского региона — Кавказа спустя четверть века после распада СССР. На материале анализа нескольких конфликтов (Карабахский), положения религиозных конфессий (Армянская апостольская церковь, ислам), ключевых исторических эпизодов и их позднейшей рецепции (от депортаций до миграций постсоветской эпохи) международный коллектив ученых рисует новую стереоскопическую и часто противоречивую картину региона. Среди авторов сборника как известные, так и начинающие исследователи, работавшие над книгой как карамзинские стипендиаты Фонда Михаила Прохорова.
Книга дает читателю исторический срез религиозно-культурного и социально-политического развития сложнейшего постсоветского региона — Кавказа спустя четверть века после распада СССР. На материале анализа нескольких конфликтов (Карабахский), положения религиозных конфессий (Армянская апостольская церковь, ислам), ключевых исторических эпизодов и их позднейшей рецепции (от депортаций до миграций постсоветской эпохи) международный коллектив ученых рисует новую стереоскопическую и часто противоречивую картину региона. Среди авторов сборника как известные, так и начинающие исследователи, работавшие над книгой как карамзинские стипендиаты Фонда Михаила Прохорова.
Augsburg Book of Miraculous Signs. Till-Holger Borchert
The Book of Miracles that first surfaced a few years ago and recently made its way into an American private collection is one of the most spectacular new discoveries in the field of Renaissance art. The nearly complete surviving illustrated manuscript, which was created in the Swabian Imperial Free City of Augsburg around 1550, is composed of 169 pages with large-format illustrations in gouache and watercolor depicting wondrous and often eerie celestial phenomena, constellations, conflagrations, and floods as well as other catastrophes and occurrences. It deals with events ranging from the creation of the world and incidents drawn from the Old Testament, ancient tradition, and medieval chronicles to those that took place in the immediate present of the book’s author and, with the illustrations of the visionary Book of Revelation, even includes the future end of the world.
The surprisingly modern-looking, sometimes hallucinatory illustrations and the cursory descriptions of the Book of Miracles strikingly convey a unique view of the concerns and anxieties of the 16th century, of apocalyptic thinking and eschatological expectation. The present facsimile volume reproduces the Book of Miracles in its entirety for the first time and thus makes one of the most important works of the German Renaissance finally available to art lovers and scholars. The introduction puts the codex in its cultural and historical context, and an extensive description of the manuscript and its miniatures, as well as a complete transcript of the text, accompany the facsimile in an appendix
The surprisingly modern-looking, sometimes hallucinatory illustrations and the cursory descriptions of the Book of Miracles strikingly convey a unique view of the concerns and anxieties of the 16th century, of apocalyptic thinking and eschatological expectation. The present facsimile volume reproduces the Book of Miracles in its entirety for the first time and thus makes one of the most important works of the German Renaissance finally available to art lovers and scholars. The introduction puts the codex in its cultural and historical context, and an extensive description of the manuscript and its miniatures, as well as a complete transcript of the text, accompany the facsimile in an appendix
Образы образования. Западная философия образования. XX век. Огурцов А. П., Платонов В. В.
Переход от знаниевого подхода к компетентностному представляет собой радикальное изменение в понимании результатов образования, которое можно назвать революционным. История учит, что революции в образовании начинаются при осмыслении в философии идеалов образованного общества и образованного человека, складывания новых представлений о задачах школы, о содержании и целях процесса обучения и воспитания. Образы образования, сложившиеся в философии XX века, представлены в книге известных отечественных философов Александра Павловича Огурцова и Владимира Васильевича Платонова. Эта книга в нашей стране стала классической для всех специалистов в области философии образования и всех тех, кто интересуется философскими исследовательскими проектами и программами образования XX века. Прочтение книги требует подготовленного читателя, поскольку обращение к различным философским традициям анализа образования и связанным с ними именам базируется на выделении ключевых авторитетных философских платформ ХХ века: аналитической философии, герменевтике и структурализму, феноменологии и экзистенциализму, постмодернизму. Книга будет интересна и организаторам образования, поскольку авторы данной работы от концептуального уровня переходят к рассмотрению образования как социального института, описывая различные стратегии в его рассмотрении — от идей деконструкции образования до понимания инноваций.
Лермантовъ. Предисловие Т.М. Горяевой; сост. Е.В. Бронникова, Т.Л. Латыпова, Е.Ю. Филькина
Документально-художественный альбом с биографическими документами о Лермонтове и его роде, автографами стихотворений и записей, его письмами, рисунками, портретами друзей и современников.
Издание подготовлено к 200-летию со дня рождения М.Ю. Лермонтова. В книге представлены архивные документы и изобразительные материалы, относящиеся к жизни и творчеству поэта, в основном из фондов РГАЛИ, а также из девяти государственных архивов и музеев. Лермонтова, его письма, рисунки, биографические документы рода Лермонтовых воспроизводятся факсимильно, сопровождаются архивными описаниями и текстами, переданными в соответствии с современной орфографией
Приз "Книга года" в номинации Humanitas
Издание подготовлено к 200-летию со дня рождения М.Ю. Лермонтова. В книге представлены архивные документы и изобразительные материалы, относящиеся к жизни и творчеству поэта, в основном из фондов РГАЛИ, а также из девяти государственных архивов и музеев. Лермонтова, его письма, рисунки, биографические документы рода Лермонтовых воспроизводятся факсимильно, сопровождаются архивными описаниями и текстами, переданными в соответствии с современной орфографией
Приз "Книга года" в номинации Humanitas
Роль библиотек в формировании и развитии культуры информационной прозрачности. Социальные функции библиотечной деятельности. С. Денчев, И. Петева
Анализируется влияние информационной среды на формирование культуры информационной прозрачности. Дается характеристика информационного общества и роли в нем информации. Рассматриваются сущность электронного правительства, предпосылки и концептуальные вопросы его создания. Освещены проблемы информационной безопасности, доступности и надежности информации. Для ученых и специалистов в области библиотековедения и информационных технологий.
Болонский процесс. Интеграция России в европейское и мировое образовательное пространство. Александр Гретченко, Анатолий Гретченко
В предлагаемом издании рассмотрены цели и основные задачи процесса структурных реформ европейского высшего образования в свете реализации Болонского соглашения. Показана объективная необходимость интеграции России в европейское и мировое образовательное пространство; рассматривается система европейского и российского многоуровневого высшего образования; приводятся требования, предъявляемые к качеству подготовки выпускников высших учебных заведений, технологии и оценочные средства аттестации студентов; анализируются основополагающие материалы, посвященные задачам Болонского процесса и их реализации. Авторы опирались на мнение известных российских ученых - специалистов в области высшего образования, европейских экспертов Германии, Франции, Италии, Нидерландов и др.
Крестовые походы глазами арабов. Амин Маалуф
Основная идея этой книги проста: рассказать историю крестовых походов как они виделись, переживались и записывались «на другой стороне» - другими словами, в арабском лагере. Содержание книги основано почти исключительно на свидетельствах тогдашних арабских историков и хронистов.
Amin Maalouf is a Lebanese-born French author, received the Prix Goncourt in 1993 for his novel Le rocher de Tanios (translated into English as The Rock of Tanios). He has also been awarded the Prince of Asturias Award.
Amin Maalouf is a Lebanese-born French author, received the Prix Goncourt in 1993 for his novel Le rocher de Tanios (translated into English as The Rock of Tanios). He has also been awarded the Prince of Asturias Award.
Университет в Российской империи XVIII - первой половины XIX века. Александр Андреев
Коллективная монография является итоговой публикацией в рамках международного научного проекта, посвященного анализу процесса становления университета в Российской империи. Проект осуществлен коллективом историков из Московского, Казанского и Харьковского университетов. Его результаты позволяют осмыслить специфику трансфера и адаптации уни-верситетской идеи в XVIII - первой половине XIX в., сравнить развитие университетов Российской империи с общеевро-пейскими тенденциями, лучше оценить доставшиеся нам в наследство университетские традиции. Для историков, препода-вателей, студентов, широкого круга читателей, интересующихся историей университетов в России и за ее пределами.
At Berkeley. Frederick Wiseman
The University of California at Berkeley, the oldest and most prestigious member of a ten campus public education system, is also one of the finest research and teaching facilities in the world. The film, At Berkeley, shows the major aspects of university life, its intellectual and social mission, its obligation to the state and to larger ideas of higher education, as well as illustrates how decisions are made and implemented by the administration in collaboration with its various constituencies.
3 wins & 5 nominations
London Film Festival Nominated
Venice Film Festival CICT-UNESCO Enrico Fulchignoni Award
3 wins & 5 nominations
London Film Festival Nominated
Venice Film Festival CICT-UNESCO Enrico Fulchignoni Award
Berlioz: Les Troyens
Les Troyens is a tour de force that ranges from fiery military marches to intense choruses, passionate soliloquies and the lyrical love duets of Dido and Aeneas. For Hector Berlioz, librettist and composer, the opera became the work of decades and the passion of a lifetime, the culmination of his literary love affair with Virgil's Aeneid and with two tragic heroines, Cassandra and Dido. David McVicar's staging is on an enormous scale, assembling one of the largest casts ever seen at Covent Garden. The sweeping theme of the rise and fall of empires runs throughout Les Troyens, along with moving meditations on love and honour
Recorded live at the Royal Opera House, June 2012
BBC Music Magazine DVD Choice
Gramophone Awards Long-list
Opus Arte: OA1097D
Recorded live at the Royal Opera House, June 2012
BBC Music Magazine DVD Choice
Gramophone Awards Long-list
Opus Arte: OA1097D
Ballets Russes. Daniel Geller, Dayna Goldfine
Unearthing a treasure trove of archival footage, filmmakers Dan Geller and Dayna Goldfine have fashioned a dazzlingly entrancing ode to the revolutionary twentieth-century dance troupe known as the Ballets Russes. What began as a group of Russian refugees who never danced in Russia became not one but two rival dance troupes who fought the infamous “ballet battles” that consumed London society before World War II.
BALLETS RUSSES maps the company’s Diaghilev-era beginnings in turn-of-the-century Paris--when artists such as Nijinsky, Balanchine, Picasso, Miró, Matisse, and Stravinsky united in an unparalleled collaboration--to its halcyon days of the 1930s and ’40s, when the Ballets Russes toured America, astonishing audiences schooled in vaudeville with artistry never before seen, to its demise in the 1950s and ’60s when rising costs, rocketing egos, outside competition, and internal mismanagement ultimately brought this revered company to its knees.
3 wins & 1 nomination
BALLETS RUSSES maps the company’s Diaghilev-era beginnings in turn-of-the-century Paris--when artists such as Nijinsky, Balanchine, Picasso, Miró, Matisse, and Stravinsky united in an unparalleled collaboration--to its halcyon days of the 1930s and ’40s, when the Ballets Russes toured America, astonishing audiences schooled in vaudeville with artistry never before seen, to its demise in the 1950s and ’60s when rising costs, rocketing egos, outside competition, and internal mismanagement ultimately brought this revered company to its knees.
3 wins & 1 nomination
La danse. Frederick Wiseman
Besides aiming to reveal "how the company functions as an organic whole", the film follows the production of seven ballets by the Paris Opera Ballet. The ballets featured are: Genus (Wayne McGregor); La maison de Bernarda (Mats Ek); Le songe de Médée (Angelin Preljocaj); Paquita (Pierre Lacotte, after Joseph Mazilier and Marius Petipa); Orpheus und Eurydike (Pina Bausch); Roméo et Juliette (Berlioz) (Sasha Waltz); The Nutcracker (Rudolf Nureyev version)
The film proceeds without commentary, and there are no voiceovers
César Awards Nominated
The film proceeds without commentary, and there are no voiceovers
César Awards Nominated
Les Vents Français: French Music for Winds & 20th Century Wind Quintets
A double CD of Emmanuel Pahud and his colleagues in Les Vents Français (Emmanuel Pahud, Paul Meyer, Francois Leleux, Gilbert Audin, Radovan Vlatkovic). Les Vents Francais celebrate French wind music at its elegant, witty best. Pahud is greatly in demand as a chamber musician and in this context has collaborated with most of the world's top soloists. As far as Pahud is concerned, ‘it’s like having two musical lives, but one musical world.’
“If you buy just one wind-quintet recording in your life, buy this fabulous double album. Les Vents Français are so precise, yet full of fun, subtleties and flights of virtuosity as they tackle 19th- and 20th-century classics...Impertinent, insouciant, irresistible.” The Times
Echo Klassik Prize Instrumentalist of the Year
“If you buy just one wind-quintet recording in your life, buy this fabulous double album. Les Vents Français are so precise, yet full of fun, subtleties and flights of virtuosity as they tackle 19th- and 20th-century classics...Impertinent, insouciant, irresistible.” The Times
Echo Klassik Prize Instrumentalist of the Year
Shostakovich: Preludes for piano
dogma chamber orchestra/ Mikhail Gurewitsch
Dmitri Shostakovich committed his twenty-four preludes to paper with great ease. The master of wit, irony, satire, and deeper meaning required precisely two months to write them down. The dogma chamber orchestra now for the first time has recorded these precious gems, originally composed for piano, in a version for string orchestra lending new dimensions to the profound humor of the original.
There are broadly flowing string passages like those in the third prelude, which Shostakovich composed on New Year’s Eve 1932, or waltzes that within a few seconds are transformed into highly virtuosic chaos (No. 2). A grotesque march (No. 16) is followed by an idyllic and kitschy violin solo taking aim at salon-style virtuosity.
Echo Klassik Prize Concert Recording of the Year
Dmitri Shostakovich committed his twenty-four preludes to paper with great ease. The master of wit, irony, satire, and deeper meaning required precisely two months to write them down. The dogma chamber orchestra now for the first time has recorded these precious gems, originally composed for piano, in a version for string orchestra lending new dimensions to the profound humor of the original.
There are broadly flowing string passages like those in the third prelude, which Shostakovich composed on New Year’s Eve 1932, or waltzes that within a few seconds are transformed into highly virtuosic chaos (No. 2). A grotesque march (No. 16) is followed by an idyllic and kitschy violin solo taking aim at salon-style virtuosity.
Echo Klassik Prize Concert Recording of the Year
Zender: Logos - Fragmente
SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart & SWR Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden und Freiburg, Emilio Pomàrico (direction)
The texts on which Hans Zender's 'Logos-Fragmente' are based can be dated primarily to the first and second centuries AD and have been taken from the New Testament, early Gnostic writings, as well as from apocryphal sources among others. Some of these texts are fragments from larger works, others have been passed down to us in aphoristic form.
Despite their differences of language and tone they share a similar spiritual and religious atmosphere. They deal with central human themes from the perspective of religious belief: the origins of humanity, its life force, its suffering and fate, the life of the individual, the connection between body and spirit, as well as the relationships of human beings to one another. When composing his 'Logos-Fragmente', however, Zender pursued the development of as many different musical units as possible, analogous to the text material compiled from so many different sources, the character, formal qualities, and durations of the pieces should be as different as possible. As to the relationship of the various pieces to each other, common material – in the form of recurring motifs, melodies, or harmonies – was deliberately avoided. Furthermore the individual pieces were not intended to be part of a cycle
Echo Klassik Prize Newcomer of the Year
The texts on which Hans Zender's 'Logos-Fragmente' are based can be dated primarily to the first and second centuries AD and have been taken from the New Testament, early Gnostic writings, as well as from apocryphal sources among others. Some of these texts are fragments from larger works, others have been passed down to us in aphoristic form.
Despite their differences of language and tone they share a similar spiritual and religious atmosphere. They deal with central human themes from the perspective of religious belief: the origins of humanity, its life force, its suffering and fate, the life of the individual, the connection between body and spirit, as well as the relationships of human beings to one another. When composing his 'Logos-Fragmente', however, Zender pursued the development of as many different musical units as possible, analogous to the text material compiled from so many different sources, the character, formal qualities, and durations of the pieces should be as different as possible. As to the relationship of the various pieces to each other, common material – in the form of recurring motifs, melodies, or harmonies – was deliberately avoided. Furthermore the individual pieces were not intended to be part of a cycle
Echo Klassik Prize Newcomer of the Year
Shostakovich: Symphonies Nos. 4, 5, 6. Mariinsky Orchestra, Valery Gergiev
Valery Gergiev continues his acclaimed Shostakovich symphony cycle with his sixth release, a 2-SACD set of consecutive symphonies 4, 5 & 6.
“This studio recording by Gergiev and the Mariinsky Orchestra of St Petersburg makes as strong a case for the music’s unwieldy sprawl as you will hear today...Gergiev’s ongoing Shostakovich cycle should, on this reckoning, end up among the greats.” Financial Times
“on compelling form … worthy of anyone’s attention.” International Record Review
Choc de Classica, Qobuz
“This studio recording by Gergiev and the Mariinsky Orchestra of St Petersburg makes as strong a case for the music’s unwieldy sprawl as you will hear today...Gergiev’s ongoing Shostakovich cycle should, on this reckoning, end up among the greats.” Financial Times
“on compelling form … worthy of anyone’s attention.” International Record Review
Choc de Classica, Qobuz
critic picks,
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