31 авг. 2014 г.

Les Vents Français: French Music for Winds & 20th Century Wind Quintets

A double CD of Emmanuel Pahud and his colleagues in Les Vents Français (Emmanuel Pahud, Paul Meyer, Francois Leleux, Gil­bert Audin, Radovan Vlatkovic). Les Vents Francais celebrate French wind music at its elegant, witty best. Pahud is greatly in demand as a chamber musician and in this context has collab­orated with most of the world's top soloists. As far as Pahud is concerned, ‘it’s like having two musical lives, but one musical world.’

“If you buy just one wind-quintet recording in your life, buy this fab­ulous double album. Les Vents Français are so precise, yet full of fun, subtleties and flights of virtuosity as they tackle 19th- and 20th-century classics...Impertinent, insouciant, irresistible.” The Times

Echo Klassik Prize Instrumentalist of the Year