29 мая 2015 г.

Play: Works for cello and piano

Edgar Moreau (cello) & Pierre-Yves Hodique (piano)
The French cellist Edgar Moreau, who reaches the age of 20 in 2014, can already look back on a number of ex­ceptional achievements, among them becoming the win­ner – at the age of just 17 – of the Second Prize in Rus­sia’s formidable Tchaikovsky Competition, winning the Young Soloist Prize in the 2009 Rostropovich Cello Competition in Paris, and performing with such distin­guished musicians as Valery Gergiev, Gidon Kremer, András Schiff, Yuri Bashmet, Krzysztof Penderecki, Gustavo Dudamel, Gérard Caussé and the Talich Quartet. In 2013 his huge potential was high­lighted by France’s top music awards, Les Victoires de la Musique, which named him the year’s ‘Révélation’ among young classical instrumentalists.

Edgar Moreau - 2015 Arthur Waser award