29 мая 2015 г.

The Upright Thinkers: The Human Journey from Living in Trees to Understanding the Cosmos. Leonard Mlodinow

Leonard Mlodinow takes us on a passionate and inspiring tour through the exciting history of human progress and the key events in the devel­opment of science. In the process, he presents a fascinating new look at the unique characteristics of our species and our society that helped pro­pel us from stone tools to written language and through the birth of chemistry, biology, and modern physics to today’s technological world.

“[A] bracing work of scientific history... Don’t worry if quantum physics and the theory of relativity leave you quaking... Mlodinow knows how to talk to the science-challenged.” —Library Journal

“Endlessly fascinating... consistently thought-provoking.... A selective, guided tour of the human accumulation of knowledge... [and] the striking characters who pioneered scientific discoveries... A breathtaking survey.” —Kirkus Reviews