31 янв. 2015 г.

Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe: Access, Retention and Employability. European Commission thematic report

The development of quality mass higher education systems is high on the policy agendas at both national and European levels. An increasing number of European citizens require high level knowledge, skills and competences to expand the knowledge-base and foster innovation and progress. Thus, higher education systems in Europe should be designed to respond and adapt to the needs of our increasingly knowledge-based economy and societies. To support evidence-based policy making, this Eurydice report sheds light on current national and institutional policies and practices aimed at increasing and widening access, reducing student dropout, and improving the employability of higher education graduates in Europe. The report covers 36 European countries and education systems and consolidates information from three different sources: Eurydice national units, national quality assurance agencies and site visits to higher education institutions.

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