31 янв. 2015 г.

The Sixth Extinction. Elizabeth Kolbert

The book covers past mass extinctions and demonstrates that the earth and humans are in the midst of a "sixth" mass extinction. She chronicles previous mass species extinction events, as well as specif­ic species extinguished by humans thousands of years ago, centuries ago, such as the great auk; and she includes the accelerated wide­spread extinction of many species during our present time. Kolbert also describes prehistoric and historic ecologies surrounding prior and near-present species extinguishing events.

Самый захватывающий, шокирующий и познавательный — если верить критикам — естественно-научный нон-фикшн года. Книга рассказывает о периодах массовых вымираний в истории Земли; автор сообщает, что посреди подобного периода, шестого по счету, мы с вами сейчас находимся. Автор: Научный обозревать The New Yorker. Афиша

"Fascinating."—USA Today
"[An] excellent new book…The Sixth Extinction is the kind of book that helps us recognize the actual planet we live upon." —New York Review of Books

Вошла в Top-2014: The New York Times, Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Observer, Vulture, Time