29 авг. 2015 г.

Satiesfictions - Promenades with Erik Satie

Jean Cocteau, Virgil Thomson, Anne-Kathrin Peitz, Youlian Tabakov

Always armed with wisecracks, umbrella, and a bowler hat, Erik Satie was not only on the outside one of the strangest figures in the early 20th c. French avant-garde; he was a composer, designer, church founder, PR pioneer, and master of witty remarks. In playful episodes, the documentary Satiesfictions: Promenades with Erik Satie, illuminates the overall phenomenon of Satie. His countless imaginary advertisements evolve into real commercials, and his drawings take on a life of their own as cartoons. Divas, dogs, puppets, and children, as well as pianists playing pianos stacked on top of each other are featured in scenic interludes, while performers turn into musical furniture in swimming pools, factories, or at train stations. Featured appearances by Jean Cocteau, Man Ray, Henri Sauguet, Georges Auric, Virgil Thomson and Steffen Schleiermacher, among others.